

Din sökning på "*" gav 534555 sökträffar

New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS) : Deliverable D3.1 Description of polycentric settings in the partner countries

This deliverable maps the prevailing polycentric settings of six studied countries. The studied countries are the partner countries for the NEWCOMERS project, i.e. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In this report, the countries' polycentric settings will be described in relation to the polycentric framework developed in WP 2, with specific focus on the techn

”Morgan Johanssons magkänsla ska inte styra”

Morgan Johansson vägrar utreda narkotikapolitiken och anser den svenska modellen överlägsen. Men problemet är alldeles för allvarligt för att ministerns förutfattade meningar ska få styra, skriver flera debattörer.

Resonant X-ray Raman scattering involving avoided crossings in the final-state potential-energy curves

The effect of avoided crossings on the spectral profiles of resonant X-ray Raman scattering was investigated. The theory was also applied to nitrogen molecule in the core-excited level to analyze the electron decay process. The dependence of internuclear distance on electron transition amplitude was considered important with respect to the breakdown process of the transition. The correlation betwe

Medical Degree students' use of information : From writing and citing to evidence assessment

Objective: The aim of this study was to assess information literacy performance of students doing their master thesis at 5th year the Medical Degree Programme, Lund University, Sweden. The study investigates if there is a difference in performance between library class participants and non-participants. Method: A case-control approach with rubrics assessment was used to assess students’ informatio

The concept of hyperenculturation : An example from a Swedish research school

The aim of this paper is to discuss how research schools with a structured programme and targeted profile may make it difficult for doctoral students to expand the academic role. Our paper is based on material collected in a questionnaire given to doctoral students enrolled at a Swedish research school in architecture. In this questionnaire we found three areas – openness to other disciplines and

Forskningsetik : Vägval i samhällsvetenskapliga studier

”Och så måste du ha ett avsnitt om etik också …” Forskningsetiken blir alltför ofta en pliktskyldig och standardiserad deklaration om att man följer regler. Studenten som skriver uppsats intygar om sin moraliska förträfflighet, och forskaren som söker anslag eller prövar sin forskning i en etisk nämnd gör likadant. Etiken i forskningspraktiken, det vill säga alla de etiska dilemman som uppkommer n

Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging: New horizons for the study of spray dynamics, thermometry and droplet sizing

Thefirst reported applications of laser sheet imaging for the study of atomizing sprays date from the mid 1980th.Since those early tries, blurring effects from the light being scattered multiple times by the surrounding dropletswere already observed and reported. While s trategies in suppressing part of this multiple light scatteringcontribution, were known for transmission imaging (e. spatial Fou

Towards Sustainability in Groundwater Use : An Exploration of Key Drivers Motivating the Adoption and Implementation of Policy and Regulation

Groundwater resources have come under increasing pressure from overuse and pollution leading to declines in both quantity and quality. As a renewable resource, the continued availability of sufficient and clean groundwater depends on its sustainable use. However, groundwater use has often been unsustainable, and in many countries-both developing and developed-legal and policy frameworks for its su

Sweden's Constitution Decides Its Covid-19 Exceptionalism

The Swedish policy response to covid-19 stands out as exceptional in international comparisons. The approach adopted is fundamentally determined by the Swedish constitution. Three articles of the constitution are central for this explanation. The first one guarantees the freedom of movement for Swedish citizens, thus ruling out the use of nation-wide lockdowns as an instrument in peacetime. The se

Impact of Drinking Water Treatment and Pipe Biofilms on Bacterial Dynamics in the Distribution System

This thesis addresses drinking water quality and microbiology in full-scale drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs). It examines how UV irradiation and slow sand filters (SSFs) alter the water bacteriome, and how the biofilm in the DWDS affects the drinking water quality.In addition, the effects of installing a combined ultra­filtration and coagulation treatment stage on the pipe biofilm com­m

Mobility and Marginalization : Arne Sucksdorff’s Documentary Authorship in India and Brazil

Swedish filmmaker Arne Sucksdorff was recognized as an innovative documentary filmmaker in the 1940s and 1950s, but once his production moved internationally - first to India and then to Brazil - the authorial discourse on his production changed dramatically. This chapter maps the transnational production and circulation of his feature length documentaries The Flute and the Arrow (En djungelsaga,

Multiple scattering by a collection of randomly located obstacles distributed in a dielectric slab

Multiple scattering of electromagnetic waves by a discrete collection of scatterers is a well-studied subject, and many excellent treatments are found in the literature. The deterministic analysis of the scattering problem in this chapter is an extension of the problems treated previosly. Moreover, the present analysis generalizes the established results in two previous papers to a geometry with a

Impact of temporal precipitation variability on ecosystem productivity

Projected increases in temporal precipitation variability, including intra-annual and interannual variability, will likely have important impacts on terrestrial ecosystem productivity. The direction and magnitude of these impacts and how they vary across biomes, however, remain largely uncertain. Here, we review published literature that investigated the effect of different characteristics of temp

Två tillstånd som inte bara psykiatrer bör känna till : Malignt neuroleptikasyndrom och serotonergt syndrom är två tillstånd som det är viktigt att även andra läkare än psykiatrer tänker på och känner igen

Malignt neuroleptikasyndrom och serotonergt syndrom är två tillstånd som det är viktigt att även andra läkare än psykiatrer tänker på och känner igen. Petra Truedsson och medförfattare beskriver helt riktigt i en översikt i Läkartidningen [1] att det skulle behövas bättre kvalitet i det vetenskapliga underlaget för behandling av dessa tillstånd, i synnerhet för malignt neuroleptikasyndrom som är f


Background: Up to one third of adults have been estimated to have rotator cuff tendon (RCT) tears. Larger RCT tears are associated with poorer scores and function, and are more likely to re-rupture after surgical repairs, hence there is a need for earlier identification and treatment. The aim of this study was to identify biomarkers of RCT tear pathologies to aid accurate identification and monito


BackgroundRotator cuff tears pose a huge socioeconomic burden. Our study uses Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) as it is a quick, non-manipulative and non-destructive test, which can identify a wide range of chemical targets from small intraoperatively obtained specimens. The aim of this study was (i) to characterise the chemical and structural composition of rotator cuff tendons and