

Din sökning på "*" gav 533479 sökträffar

Transporthistoriska underlag till nytta för infrastruktur och forskning : en förstudie

Rapporten är resultatet av ett tvåårigt samarbetsprojekt mellan Centrum för Näringslivshistoria och Statens maritima och transporthistoriska museer, finansierat av Trafikverkets FoI-medel. Förstudien syftar till att undersöka de väg-, civilflygs- och järnvägshistoriska samlingarnas potential som källa till historisk och annan forskning och som resurs i Trafikverkets planering och verksamhet. Målsä

Hur rösten räknas : Om valsystemet

Sverige har ett proportionellt valsystem, med en faktor som kan göra valresultatet mindre representativt - riksdagsspärren på fyra procent. Hur påverkar spärren väljares och partiers strategiska beteende? Vilka förändringar har genomförts i systemet de senaste femtio åren och hur kan det komma att utformas i framtiden?

Religion in the European Refugee Crisis

This book explores the roles of religion in the current refugee crisis of Europe. Combining sociological, philosophical, and theological accounts of what is commonly considered a crisis, renowned scholars from across Europe examine how religion has been employed to call either for eliminating or for enforcing the walls around “Fortress Europe”. Religion, they argue, is radically ambiguous, simulta

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China's technological growth in recent years has been explosive. Nowadays, Beijing based much of its socio-economic growth on improved technological performance in many areas. What are the main reasons that have enabled China to become a real IT giant? What are the geo-strategic implications of such growth in technology? To what extent can Chinese technical engineering improvements influence the c

Scrutinising commodity hype in imaginaries of the Swedish green steel transition

The technological push for hydrogen-based steel production has become a flagship project of the Swedish state for advancing its global environmental leadership and becoming the world's first fossil free welfare state. The new production process has the potential to drastically cut emissions in a heavy polluting industry. The plans also entail a drastic upscale in steel production, energy and iron

Den mångetniska äldreomsorgen ur hemtjänstanvändares perspektiv

Den som använder äldreomsorg möter ofta personal som är utlandsfödd eller har en annan etnicitet än den svenska. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka äldre hemtjänstanvändares uppfattningar om ”utländsk” personal. Studien baseras på 34 intervjuer med äldre som använder hemtjänst. Resultaten visade att språkproblem var vanliga, men att den övervägande bilden av personalen var positiv, vilke

Exploring the development of heterogeneous contracting capabilities : the role of organizational design

Previous research on learning to contract and contracting capabilities suggests that firms in interorganizational relationships adopt contractual designs that economize on transaction costs, and over time learn to govern their relationships in a more efficient manner by incrementally aligning contractual terms with transaction attributes based on new experiences made in their relationships. We aug

Learning barriers in contracting : an empirical exploration of learning to contract in buyer-supplier relationships

Under what conditions do firms in buyer-supplier relationships learn to contract? The development of contracting capabilities is typically understood as a function of experiential learning from past contracts. However, learning to contract is also likely affected by the organizational and institutional conditions under which contracts are entered. Based on five inductive case studies of buyer-supp

Learning to contract in public procurement : an empirical exploration of the role of organizational design in the public procurement process

How do organizations learn to contract in public procurement? Previous research on learning to contract highlights the importance of contracting capabilities for successfully managing buyer-supplier relationships. According to this research, the design of supplier contracts should be aligned with the attributes of the transaction, which require specialized knowledge that is typically dispersed acr

Spatial Renewal and Lost Voices

The deliberation that precedes or runs alongside the remaking of cities, buildings and landscapes seem almost by default to generate situations with unsatisfied stakehold-ers, neglected citizen groups or completely ignored voices. What does it mean to find, listen and respond to those concerned by alteration of built environments? Here, in this paper, citizen participation, its ideological and pol

Protecting the Environment with Shield and Sword: Need for Coordinated Interaction Between Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law

Making money at the expense of planet Earth is an unfortunate practice that has strengthened over the years with dire consequences for the environment and human rights.Although several initiatives have been taken at different levels to counter this phenomenon, environmentally unfriendly activities continue to be among the most serious crimes and human rights violations, while the need to prevent t

RECO: Resilient Communities by Sustainable Welfare Transformation

Marcus Knutagård, Arne Kristiansen & Cecilia HeuleRECO: Resilient Communities by Sustainable Welfare TransformationHomelessness is an extensive societal problem in Sweden which poses major challenges for the social services in developing sustainable and effective methods that can meet the service user’s needs. The RECO project is based on practice research and has mutual learning at its core. 17th European Research Conference on HomelessnessLeuven, September 14th and 15th, 2023Marcus Knutagård, Arne Kristiansen & Cecilia HeuleRECO: Resilient Communities by Sustainable Welfare TransformationHomelessness is an extensive societal problem in Sweden which poses major challenges for the social services in developing sustainable and effective methods that can meet the service user’s needs

Cognitive Therapy for PTSD in Children and Adolescents

Children and adolescents exposed to traumatic events are at high risk of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). With the rare exception of very young children, their PTSD presentations at the symptom level are similar to those of trauma-exposed adults, as are their patterns of psychiatric comorbidity, particularly for adolescents. Untreated, at least a significant proportion will carry o

The Effect of Nucleo-Olivary Stimulation on Climbing Fiber EPSPs in Purkinje Cells

Climbing fibers, connecting the inferior olive and Purkinje cells, form the nervous system's strongest neural connection. These fibers activate after critical events like motor errors or anticipation of rewards, leading to bursts of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in Purkinje cells. The number of EPSPs is a crucial variable when the brain is learning a new motor skill. Yet, we do not kn