

Din sökning på "*" gav 526500 sökträffar

Straffansvar vid atypiska sinnestillstånd

This doctoral thesis examines the attribution of criminal responsibility in Swedish law in cases where the defendant committed an act during an atypical mental state, e.g. psychosis. In nearly all criminal justice systems, a severe mental disorder can activate special rules that excuse or exempt the defendant. Accountability, or the capacity to be responsible, is a fundamental requirement for crim

Tillfällig sinnesförvirring i Högsta domstolen?

Ska en person som är tillfälligt sinnesförvirrad frias från ansvar för brott? Frågan återkommer i förarbeten, litteratur och praxis under brottsbalkens tillämpningstid, men har sedan ikraftträdandet 1965 i princip stått obesvarad. Högsta domstolen har nu meddelat dom i ett fall där den tilltalade var åtalad för att ha misshandlat sin mor under ett kortvarigt psykostillstånd, i tron att modern var

Wave asymmetry and particle orbits in irregular wave models

Water particle orbits are key elements in the Lagrange wave formulation. The stochasticMiche implementation of the Lagrange model is a linear Gaussian 2D or 3D space-time model which exhibit typical non-linear wave characteristics when transformed to Eulerian coordinates. This paper investigates the statistical relation between the degree of front-back asymmetry of individual waves and the orbit oWater particle orbits are key elements in the Lagrange wave formulation. The stochastic Miche implementation of the Lagrange model is a linear Gaussian two-dimensional or three-dimensional space–time model which exhibits typical nonlinear wave characteristics when transformed to Eulerian coordinates. This paper investigates the statistical relation between the degree of front–back asymmetry of ind

The Design Science Paradigm as a Frame for Empirical Software Engineering

Software engineering research aims to help improve real-world practice. With the adoption of empirical software engineering research methods, the understanding of real-world needs and validation of solution proposals have evolved. However, the philosophical perspective on what constitutes theoretical knowledge and research contributions in software engineering is less discussed in the community. I

Assessing Capacity to Decide on Medical Treatment: On Human Rights and the Use of Medical Knowledge in the Laws of England, Russia and Sweden

To provide a valid consent to – or refusal of – medical intervention, a patient must be legally capable to decide. This dissertation evaluates and compares when the assessment of mental abilities to refuse – or consent to – somatic medical intervention is required in England, Russia and Sweden, and what criteria must be applied to assess the ability to decide about somatic medical interventions in

Association of Maternal Regulatory Single Nucleotide Polymorphic CD99 Genotype with Preeclampsia in Pregnancies Carrying Male Fetuses in Ethiopian Women

Preeclampsia (PE) is a human specific syndrome with unknown etiology causing maternal and fetal morbidities and mortalities. In PE, maternal inflammatory responses are more exaggerated if the fetus is male than female. Other pregnancy complications such as spontaneous abortions are also more common if the fetus is male. Recent transcriptome findings showed an increased expression of CD99 in erythr

Creative activities as intervention in mental health. Exploring the concept and the occupational value of creative activities as intervention

This thesis focuses on describing the concept of creative activities as intervention (CaI) and the occupational values experienced in doing CaI. Creative activities are frequently used as interventions in occupational therapy and are associated with subjective health and wellbeing. There is a lack of clarity in the definitions of the concept and there is no research presented regarding the experie

Stadskärnan utan butiker - normaltillståndets återkomst?

När fotografier från två epoker i en stadskärna jämförs kan det konstateras att perioden med mycket detaljhandel (1960-2000) kanske var en parantes. På bilder från perioden 1900-1930 visar det sig närmligen att stadskärnans skyltar domineras av caféer, verkstäder, livsmedel, skrädderier, skomakare mm. Så om vi nu är på väg in i ett stadskärna som präglas av närproducerat, reparationer, möten, co-c

Linking Vegetation-Climate-Fire Relationships in Sub-Saharan Africa to Key Ecological Processes in Two Dynamic Global Vegetation Models

Africa is largely influenced by fires, which play an important ecological role influencing the distribution and structure of grassland, savanna and forest biomes. Here vegetation strongly interacts with climate and other environmental factors, such as herbivory and humans. Fire-enabled Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) display high uncertainty in predicting the distribution of current tropi

Oxytocin prolongs the gastric emptying time in patients with diabetes mellitus and gastroparesis, but does not affect satiety or volume intake in patients with functional dyspepsia

Background: Oxytocin is released in response to a fatty meal. Blockage of the oxytocin receptor led to slower gastric emptying whereas stimulation resulted in less satiety in healthy volunteers. Patients with diabetes mellitus and gastroparesis lack oxytocin elevation, and dyspepsia is partly caused by reduced fundus accommodation causing early satiety and related symptoms. The aim of this study w