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Matching Practices for Elementary Schools - Sweden
A Towering Presence, Bent Like Grass
Nådens olika färger
Effects of Oral Contraceptive Use on Exercise Capacity in Female Elite Soccer Players
The purpose of this project was to assess the effects of oral contraceptives (OC) on exercise capacity in female elite soccer players. Fourteen subjects (N=7 oral contraceptives users (OCU) + 7 non-OCU (N-OCU)) were recruited. An assessment of body composition was determined by Dual energy X ray absorptiometry and endogenous ovarian hormone concentrations in serum measured. A maximal treadmill tes
Lamb Wave Phase Velocity Imaging of Concrete Plates with 2D Arrays
In the nondestructive evaluation of concrete structures, ultrasonic techniques are considered to be more capable than low-frequency techniques such as the impact-echo method. This is especially true with the recent development of ultrasonictransducers, synthetic apertures, and results in an image form, and because low-frequency techniques are usually limited intheir evaluation to the frequency of
Energy availability in female endurance athletes – impact on energy and bone metabolism as well as, health and performance.
A biomechanical analysis of the effect of pedal width thigh muscle activity during a cyclist’s pedalling motion.
Rummets återkomst
Gästredaktör för temanummer "Rummets återkomst"
Immunological Serum Protein Profiles for Noninvasive Detection of Acute Cellular Rejection After Heart Transplantation
Smartphones and the reconfiguration of retailscapes: Stores, shopping, and digitalization
The aim of this paper is to examine and conceptualize how the integration of smartphones is reconfiguring the retailscapes of stores and the implications that this has for retailers and consumers. Departing from an understandingof retailscapes as socio-material assemblages and drawing on an ethnographic study of mobile shopping, this paper shows how the integration of smartphones into the activiti
Viktiga frågor för framtidens rapportering
Många utmaningar kvarstår för en fullt ut integrerad modell när det gäller företagens tänkande och rapportering av både finansiell och icke-finansiell information. Amanda Sonnerfeldt och Caroline A. Pontoppidan uppmanar till en bredare diskussion om framtidens redovisning.
Nu! Strategisk improvisation för effektiv kommunikation
Strategisk kommunikation är en avgörande framgångsfaktor för många organisationer, men tiden har sprungit förbi de traditionella, linjära kommunikationsmodellerna. I en värld i ständig förändring, där det handlar om att agera nu och situationsanpassat, krävs något annat. I den här boken introduceras strategisk improvisation som ett nytt sätt att tänka och agera kommunikativt. Den är skriven för di
Review of Peter Baumann's Epistemic Contextualism : A Defense, Oxford University Press, 2016
Adopting a platform approach in servitization : Leveraging the value of digitalization
This study explores how a platform approach facilitates the implementation of advanced service offerings in manufacturing firms. Understanding servitization through a platform approach is important because many manufacturing firms fail to manage the service paradox, that is, the challenge of simultaneously enriching the value proposition by adding services while maintaining cost levels. This study
Folklore. A Controversy with Works from the Collection,
Streptococcus pneumoniae Modulates Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Dispersion and the Transition from Colonization to Invasive Disease.
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus are ubiquitous upper respiratory opportunistic pathogens. Individually, these Gram-positive microbes are two of the most common causative agents of secondary bacterial pneumonia following influenza A virus infection, and they constitute a significant source of morbidity and mortality. Since the introduction of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, r
Assessment of 222radon progeny loss in long tubing based on static filter measurements in the laboratory and in the field
Aerosol loss in air intake systems potentially hampers the application of one-filter systems for progeny-based atmospheric 222radon (222Rn) measurements. The artefacts are significant when air has to be collected via long sampling lines, e.g. from elevated heights at tall tower observatories. Here we present results from a study, determining 222Rn progeny loss from ambient air sampled via 8.2 mm i