

Din sökning på "*" gav 526785 sökträffar

Evaluating the Impact of Altered Electricity Systems

Detta examensarbete ämnar att undersöka om och hur man skulle bygga en modell för att kunna beräkna utsläppen av växthusgaser vid förändringar av transmissionskapacitet. Arbetet avhandlar hur det nuvarande elsystemet är uppbyggt och påverkan på utsläppen av växthusgaser ifrån ökad produktion av förnyelsebar elproduktion och ökad transmission av elektricitet. Utifrån att studera vind- och lastdataIn the light of the importance of climate change and the emissions that have induced it, the ability to calculate the effect on emissions by changing transmission capacity is vital. A model to perform such indicative calculations is developed in this thesis. After researching how the current electricity system is organised, the effects on GHG emissions that are expected from increased renewable el

TIPTOEING IN THE OFFICE: a closer look at the emotional dimension of employee identification in intercultural organisational communication

The aim of this study is to understand how the emotional aspect of employee identification evolves through daily interaction in multicultural organizations. Applying a process model of individual identification, this research aims to offer an employee perspective, to uncover the communication challenges employees face and how they make sense of the interaction at work relating to the feeling of be

Resource Dependence and Economic Growth: Distinguishing between Renewable and Non-Renewable Commodities

Sustained economic growth is essential for developing countries in order to develop. Resource dependent countries face difficulties creating sustained growth as most suffer from a resource curse. Building on previous literature, this research aims at exploring the resource curse literature, with a focus on the time period 1995-2016, which includes the commodity boom, for countries located in Sub-S

How does blockchain affect the established sharing economy services (SES)?

In the last two decades, dominant business models in the economy have turned to aggregating the resources of people to provide services to consumers through a platform. Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon are a few examples in sharing economy services (SES) business employing this model. Blockchain is set to disrupt these giants by facilitating direct access between users and service providers in a secure an

Offer och anmälningsbenägenhet: en fallstudie av sexuellt ofredande i Malmö de senaste åren

The aim of this study is to see how big the estimated number of unrecorded cases in Sweden are when it comes to reporting sexual molestation and to see if the court sees the victim as an ideal victim. If so, it is in our interest to investigate if the ideal victim can be associated with the number of unrecorded cases. The cases from the court in Malmö has been coded, placed into charts and analyse

Belonging or independence – a case study of identity in M&As

The purpose of this study is to explore identity dynamics in mergers and acquisitions. As Clark, Gioia, Ketchen and Thomas (2010) point out, traditional economic perspectives are often not sufficient in explaining merger outcomes. Extant research on identity largely take a functionalist approach and frequently use quantitative methods, not taking the individual seriously. In contrast, we want to b

Stereotypundersökning om barnfria, - ett socialpsykologiskt experiment.

Barnfria, alltså de som frivilligt väljer att inte skaffa egna barn, är en grupp som avviker från sociala normer. Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka stereotypinnehåll för barnfria i Sverige och se hur den barnfrias kön påverkar stereotypen. Tidigare internationell forskning har visat att barnfria uppfattas som mindre varma än föräldrar. Både deltagarnas och de barnfrias kön har också visTo be childfree, i.e., to voluntarily not have children, deviates from the social norm. The aim of this study was to investigate the stereotype content for childfree in Sweden, and how their gender, and factors of the participants, affects the stereotype. Previous research has shown that childfree are perceived as less warm than parents. In stereotype research, women are generally perceived as mor

"Är jag normal?" En tematisk analys av professionella sexologers arbete med ungdomar/unga vuxna i frågor om pornografi

Pornografiskt material är idag mer etablerat och tillgängligt än någonsin. Hur den ökade förekomsten, spridningen och konsumtionen av pornografi påverkar ungdomar präglas av såväl olika åsikter som forskningsresultat. Med frågeställningen “Hur arbetar sexologer i sin profession med ungdomar/unga vuxna i frågor som rör pornografi?” var syftet med den här uppsatsen att utforska hur professionella up

Paleomagnetisk undersökning av vulkanen Rangitoto, Nya Zeeland, för att bestämma dess utbrottshistoria

Rangitoto är en vulkanö som ligger nordost om Auckland, Nya Zeeland, och tillhör Aucklands vulkaniska fält (AVF) som består av ca 50 utdöda monogenetiska vulkaner. Eftersom Rangitoto har egenskaper som skiljer sig från de andra vulkanerna i området tror man att området genomgått en förändring och gått in i en ny fas. Det var ca 500 år sedan Rangitoto senast hade utbrott och eftersom storstadsområdRangitoto is a volcanic island, located northeast of Auckland, New Zealand, and belongs to Auckland Volcanic field (AVF), which consists of c. 50 extinct monogenetic volcanoes. Since Rangitoto has characteristics that makes it different from the other volcanoes in the area, it is believed that the volcanic field has undergone a change and entered a new phase. Rangitoto had its latest eruption abou

Kundsamverkan vid agil utveckling

Agil systemutveckling är idag en utvecklingsmetod som appliceras till hög grad. Studier påvisar att det är svårt att leva upp till de agila principerna och att en av de faktorer som har inverkan på detta är samarbetet mellan kund och leverantör. Därför undersöker vi i studien hur olika faktorer inom kundsamverkan påverkar resultatet av agila projekt. I studien lyfts huvudområdet kundsamarbete fram

Man känner ju att där är något som inte stämmer - En kvalitativ studie utifrån förskollärares perspektiv på orosanmälningar

The aim of this study was to get an understanding of preschool teacher’s approach when they suspect maltreatment of a child. We wanted to know which factors affects if the preschool teachers report their concern to the social services or not and what routines preschools have for these situations. To do this we held semi structured interviews with six preschool teachers operative in both public and

Crowd evacuation in high-density scenarios

Nowadays, is becoming increasingly frequent holding events in outdoor environments, involving a large number of people, even though these spaces were not designed from a safe prospective, in the way that safety is defined today. In such events, high density conditions is an ongoing issue, as the evacuation becomes very complex, due to the space design and the interaction among the pedestrians. It

Uncomfortable facts and trends: The economic and demographic impacts of humanitarian immigration in Finland and Sweden the years 1990-2018

Humanitarian immigration has with the recent European immigration crisis in 2015-2016 become a hotly debated subject, not least in Finland and Sweden. While there are many discussions being had surrounding this topic, few economic or demographic studies or analyses have been done. This study aims to combine the data, literature and studies done so far on humanitarian immigration in both countries

Comparison of two methods in deriving aquatic predicted no-effect concentration (PNEC) for α-Amylcinnamaldehyde, 1-Tridecanol and Paracetamol

This study is evaluating two methods in order to calculate predicted no effect concentrations (PNECs) used in environmental risk assessment for three chemicals (α-Amylcinnamaldehyde, 1-tridecanol and paracetamol). The methods used are Species Sensitivity Distributions (SSD) and the guideline from European Chemicals Agency (ECHA): “Guidance on information requirements and chemical safety assessment

Predicting Bank Insolvency with Random Forest Classification

The aim of this paper is to evaluate a machine learning technique, Random Forest, to predict default rates for banks in the United States. This study extends the findings of a Random Forest model first introduced by Petropoulos et al. (2017) by extending their model by evaluating a longer sample period and adding macroeconomic variables to analyze how current market conditions impact the predictio

En liten röst som säger ”vad fan vet du om det”. En kvalitativ studie om unga kvinnliga psykologers perspektiv på makt i psykologisk behandling

Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån en transformativ och kritisk realistisk ansats bidra till kunskap om hur en kan tänka kring makt i psykologiskt behandlingsarbete genom att undersöka unga kvinnliga psykologers tankar kring, och sätt att hantera, makt i sitt arbete med patienter. Data genererades via nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med psykologer med erfarenhet av psykologisk behandling av vuxThe purpose of the study was to, from a transformative and critical realistic approach, generate knowledge about perspectives of power in psychological treatment. This was examined through interviews with young female psychologists and their thoughts on and how to deal with power in their therapeutic work. Data was collected through nine semi-structured interviews with psychologists based on their

Sustainable Urban Development and the Urban Waterfront: A Case study of Western Harbor, Malmö

Increasing urbanization and the commodification of housing have contributed to limited availability of affordable housing in many cities worldwide. Marked-based rent regulations and the redevelop-ment of post-industrial harbor districts have given rise to the emergence of new-build gentrification in many cities. Sweden, formerly known for its social democratic and welfare state policies, has under

The mediating role of organizational capabilities between environmental regulations and environmental innovation

Title: The mediating role of Organizational Capabilities between Environmental Regulations and Environmental Innovation. Keywords: Environmental Innovation, Organizational Capabilities, Environmental Regulations. Research question: How do environmental regulations impact environmental innovation through organizational capabilities? Methodology: This research has been conducted through a singl


Plastic is harming life below the water surface as well as land-living animals, including ourselves. It is now a part of our food chain and it’s in our drinking water. Instead of saying: ”The Blue Planet” we will soon be saying: ”The Plastic Planet”. In this project you will see my artistic interpretation of the problems with plastic pollution. The inspiration and understanding of the worl