

Din sökning på "*" gav 534512 sökträffar

Antibody Testing for use in Immunohistochemistry and the Investigation of Precociously Induced Maturation of the Gastrointestinal Tract in Young Nude Rats

Sambandet mellan mognaden av immunsystemet och mag- tarmkanalen Mognaden av mag-tarmkanalen tros vara sammankopplad med mognaden av immunförsvaret efter födseln. Nyligen gjorda studier indikerar att immunceller, framförallt T-celler, kan ha en roll i detta eftersom behandling med immunhämmande mediciner kan fördröja mognadsprocessen hos unga råttor. Råttor föds med en omogen tarm anpassad för uppBackground: Rat pups are born with an immature intestine adapted for the effective uptake of milk nutrients and with high permeability for bioactive molecules from the maternal milk until weaning. During weaning the immune system is activated after stimulation with e.g. dietary antigens, leading to an inflammatory response in the gut. This response is believed to be important for progress of gut m

Symbolic Violence in Contemporary Japanese Children’s Literature : Case study of a Japanese folktale in its twenty-first century picture books renditions

This paper questions the relation between narrative and symbolic violence in a Japanese context. It stresses the importance of children’s literature for socialization into a specific sociocultural reality and it especially focuses on the role played by folktales and picture books with their representations of narrative violence. By assuming a structural perspective on the sociology of childhood, t

Den kulturella betydelsen av ett digitalt pedagogiskt dokumentationsverkyg : en etnografisk studie av Pluttra

This study will show what particular elements, by using a digital tool such as Pluttra, in the practice of conducting pedagogical documentation in the Swedish preschools are profound. By conducting an ethnographic fieldwork and participant observation among the preschool teachers at one preschool, and in-depth interviews with two preschool teachers at another preschool, within the same town. The e

Critical Success Factors for Social Media Campaigns in Austrian NGOs

This thesis examines social media campaigns in the Austrian NGO sector, focusing on fundraising, awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns. Building knowledge on existing literature on social media and the theory of social marketing, as well as through conducting practitioner interviews success factors of social media campaigns of Austrian NGOs are identified. The main limitation of this study is,

The economic effects of EU sanctions imposed on Myanmar

The EU imposed targeted sanctions on Myanmar in 1996, which were later lifted in 2013. The sanctions were adopted because of the violation of human rights and the absence of democracy in the country. This study aims to examine the effects on Myanmar’s exports, due to the sanctions. The paper takes two approaches. First, it applies a gravity model to distinguish if the sanctions had an impact on th

Proactive mnemonic control to reduce memory interference

With behavioural and electrophysiological data from 24 participants, the goal of the present study was to advance the understanding of memory interference and how it is resolved by cognitive control of memory. Previous work has shown that a retrieval cue can be processed in a goal-directed manner and that beforehand knowing what to expect further can facilitate the processing and thereby reduce in

Motion-emotion metaphors in Estonian: A cross-linguistic comparison with Finnish, English and Swedish

The present thesis investigates motion-emotion metaphors in Estonian and compares them cross-linguistically with Finnish, English and Swedish. Motion-emotion metaphors (e.g. I fell into depression) are expression types that denote affective responses, which imply conspicuous bodily changes, using motion verbs and other linguistic expressions that typically express actual motion. Metaphor has been

The Effect of Different but Isoenergetic Breakfasts on Satiety

Hungrig redan två timmar efter frukost? En kalori är inte en kalori. Frukostar med olika komposition påverkar hungerkänslor på olika vis, trots att de innehåller samma mängd energi. Det är inte heller den frukost som du först känner dig mest mätt av som sedan gör att du äter minst till lunch. Denna studie har undersökt fyra frukostar, Ägg & bröd, Ägg & frukt, Yoghurt & müsli och SyThis master thesis aims to examine the effect of isoenergetic but different composed breakfasts on satiety and satiation in a Swedish context. Four isoenergetic breakfasts were composed: egg & bread, egg & fruits, yoghurt & müsli and jam & bread. The breakfasts were composed pairwise where the first two consisted of the same distribution of glycemic carbohydrates, fiber, protein an

Nej + Pengar = Ja?

The aim of this study was to examine the Swedish prostitution law that makes it illegal to buy sexual services but legal to sell them. More specifically the aim was to find out the perceptions and attitudes of social workers in regards to the Sex Purchase Act which was enacted in 1999 and was first of its kind in the world. We carried out qualitative interviews in three larger Swedish municipaliti

Idrottskvinnor i tv : en komparativ undersökning mellan dam- och herrsport i Sveriges och Italiens public service-tv

Denna uppsats behandlar idrottskvinnor i nyhetssändningar i svensk respektive italiensk public service-tv. Undersökningen redogör för hur kvinnliga idrottare skildras i jämförelse med manliga i nyhetssändningarna som granskats. För att skapa en internationell uppfattning vad gäller representationen av damidrotten i tv valdes en komparativ undersökning mellan Italiens och Sveriges public service-ka

En professionell medmänniska- En intervjustudie om vård- och omsorgsarbetares psykosociala arbetsmiljö

I den här studien har kvinnor som arbetar inom vård och omsorg intervjuats angående deras upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön. Sjukfrånvaron bland vård- och omsorgsyrken står för flest sjukfall i Sverige, och den psykiska ohälsan är som mest utbredd generellt i Sverige. Ohälsotalet kan således tolkas som organisatoriska brister inom den utsatta yrkeskategorin. Syftet med studien har varit

Thank God It's Black Friday

All studied motivators had a positive effect on Attitude towards consumption events. The perception of Social interaction was stronger for offline shopping, whereas Usefulness, Convenience and Value expression were stronger for online shopping. For offline shopping a combination of Cost saving, Enjoyment and Value expression is optimal and Cost saving, Usefulness and Enjoyment for online. Hence, i

An Assessment of the implementation of Affirmative Action in education in Malaysia

Malaysia, in order to achieve its objective and aspiration in Vision 2020 of being a developed country by 2020 and transforming the economy into a knowledge-based one, considers the human resource development as an important strategy. Despite of Malaysian government’s high investment in education, relative to GDP, the quality and competitiveness of labour force in Malaysia is debatable. The implem

Orson Welles:en kung utan krona

Syftet med denna text är dels att kunna beskriva och förklara anledningen till förändringen i Welles estetik från debutfilmen Citizen Kane (1941) till hans återkomst till USA med Touch of Evil (1958) dels att redogöra för hur den berättarstruktur som utmärkte hans debutfilm förekom i flera av hans produktioner. Jag skall särskilt behandla uppkomsten av filmen Mr. Arkadin/-Confidential Report; och

Python Simulation of Linear and Non-Linear Accelerator Elements

I mitt exjobb har jag programmerat en partikelsimulator vid forskningsanläggningen ESS. Partikelsimulatorn håller reda på var partiklarna är och vart de är på väg i partikelacceleratorn.For this thesis I have programmed and tested a particle simulator. It was coded in the Python programming language. In this simulator, both linear and non-linear elements can be used. The design philosophy was to make the program object-oriented for easy addition of new element types with a modular result. The Python language allowed for a smooth implementation and kept the code clear. In order to

Understanding and assessing the societal impact of sustainability research: From state of the art to a process-oriented assessment plan

Sustainability research builds upon its mutual relationship with the society to find futureoriented solutions to deal with societal challenges. In other words, it is a matter of research to produce societal impact. Furthermore, funders and researchers themselves increasingly desire for accountability, to show if societal impact is achieved. To deal with that, two adaptive questions have to be answ

Att arbeta med samhällets mest utsatta barn och unga - ingen prioritering för socionomer? En kvalitativ studie om socionomers skäl till att inte arbeta med myndighetsutövning med barn och unga.

The aim of this qualitative study is to investigate why Swedish social workers, who has taken the advanced course “Social work with children and youths”, choose not to work with the exercise of public authority with children and youths within Social Services. Our findings show us that the eight social workers we have interviewed choose not to work with the exercise of public authority with childre

A new materialist approach to transmasculinity: Bodies, acts, and objects.

This study explores a transmasculine embodiment through bodies, acts, and objects, from a new materialist perspective. The study is situated within the field of transgender studies, and the research question, ‘how can transmasculine embodiment through the materialities of the body and everyday acts and objects be understood through new materialism’, is answered through an autoethnography. Key find