Reply to: Family history of CVD: the mother-son link revisited.
Letter to the editor. Abstract is not available
Letter to the editor. Abstract is not available
The advent of effective agents for the treatment of osteoporosis has led to the view that placebo-controlled trials to test new agents for efficacy are no longer appropriate since proven treatments are available. In this review we argue that, if new agents are to be developed, there is still a place for the placebo-controlled trial. A move to studies of equivalence or non-inferiority raises more p
The burden of caregivers of patients suffering from of Alzheimer type dementia (DAT) and vascular dementia (VD) was analysed at the critical time, the “breaking-point”, when home care becomes insufficient and/or inadequate and the caregiver burden has probably reached its upper limit. Primary family caregivers of 39 DAT and 40 VD patients who were being considered for relocation into group-living
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease of unknown aetiology. Twin studies indicate the importance of genetic as well as environmental factors. 1 In terms of environmental factors, few risk factors are well established, and, in practice, rheumatoid arthritis cannot be attributed to any specific exposure. 2 Descriptive studies imply a birth cohort effect in the incidence of rheumatoid arthritis. 3 4 We a
The sole coat protein VP2 of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) was isolated and purified from intact virions, propagated in CHSE-214 cells. Likewise was the full-length VP2 protein isolated and purified upon cloning and expression of the corresponding complete gene in E. coli. The two purified proteins of different synthetic origins carrying identical primary structures were utilized in
Abstract in UndeterminedThe indigenous psychologies (mostly, Non-Western approaches to scientific research in psychology) occur in different varieties but they all aim to be culturally and pragmatically relevant to the researcher’s own society. In these psychologies Western mainstream psychology has been argued to be too affected by liberal, individualistic and secular values. Some examples of suc
Paroxysmalt förmaksflimmer initieras av extraslag som ofta uppstår i lungvenerna. Kateterablation av impulsledning från lungvenerna kan bota paroxysmalt förmaksflimmer. Även andra impulsursprung kan elimineras genom kateterablation, förutsatt att lokalisationen kartläggs elektroanatomiskt.
The study evaluates the factor structure and predictive validity of the symptom questionnaire EUROQUEST (EQ) that had been developed with the goal of simplifying the evaluation of health effects associated with long-term solvent exposure. The EQ was added to the normal evaluation procedures for 118 male patients with suspected solvent-induced toxic encephalopathy (TE) referred to seven Swedish cli
Background: Working memory is considered to influence a range of linguistic skills, i.e. vocabulary acquisition, sentence comprehension and reading. Several studies have pointed to limitations of working memory in children with specific language impairment. Few studies, however, have explored the role of working memory for language deficits in children with hearing impairment. Aims: The first aim
The light response of a BGO crystal has been measured for particles Z = 1-8, A = 1-16 in the energy range similar to2-60 A MeV. The reaction products are identified by a DeltaE(Si) - E(Sci/PD) telescope, The position of the jump in the value of the signal from the PD at the punch-through points is used to calibrate both the DeltaE(Si) and E(Sci/PD) scales in MeV. The dependence of the light output
In apparently monogamous or polygynous birds, sperm from several males may compete to fertilize the eggs laid by one female. In this study we evaluate sperm competition in the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) by means of a mate-switching experiment. Already-mated males were removed between 1-7 d before their mates started egg-laying, resulting in the female remating with a new male. The origin
The aqueous gallium(III)-acetate system was studied in 0.6 M Na(Cl) at 25 degreesC using a multi-technique approach, including potentiometry, IR spectroscopy, EXAFS spectroscopy and molecular orbital calculations. The potentiometric data were satisfactorily explained by a model which includes one mononuclear and one binuclear complex. The corresponding equilibrium constants defined according to th
Protein C (PC), a 62 kDa multi-modular zymogen, is activated to an anticoagulant serine protease (activated PC or APC) by thrombin bound to thrombomodulin on the surface of endothelial cells. PC/APC interacts with many proteins and the characterisation of these interactions is not trivial. However, molecular modelling methods help to study these complex biological processes and provide basis for r
Background. Gynecologic examination is a common measure in reproductive health care. Many women experience the examination as a more or less negative event, with shortcomings in the examiner's behavior. The aim of the study was to describe, in terms of critical incidences, women's experiences concerning the personnel's behavior in the situation of gynecologic examination. Methods. The informants w