Din sökning på "*" gav 535587 sökträffar
Mammographic density in relation to breast cancer recurrence and survival in women receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy
Objective: The association between mammographic density (MD) and breast cancer (BC) recurrence and survival remains unclear. Patients receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) are in a vulnerable situation with the tumor within the breast during treatment. This study evaluated the association between MD and recurrence/survival in BC patients treated with NACT. Methods: Patients with BC treated wit
Fackskolan för trä- och metallarbeten och dess mönstersamling
Motion management optimization in radiotherapy : From the most common to the most uncommon patient
In radiotherapy (RT), the treatment is thoroughly planned and optimized to fulfil the goal of delivering a high dose to the target, while sparing as much normal tissue as possible. This implies that the patient position and anatomy should be the same as they were during the planning image acquisition. To achieve this, it is important to have motion management methods for predicting, monitoring, an
A Policy Analysis on Command Agriculture: An Attempt to Revamp Agricultural Production in Zimbabwe
Once the breadbasket of Southern Africa, Zimbabwe has undergone a radical transformation. Agriculture provides employment and income for the majority of the population in Zimbabwe. After the Fast Track Land Reform and its negative effects on the agricultural sector the government of Zimbabwe has employed a significant number of strategies to modernize its agriculture sector and again become the br
Reasoning Through the Application of Crystallized and Fluid Intelligence in a Causal Inference Task
The aim of the study was to find out how well individuals perform when solving hypothetical causally related problems, and further understand what intelligence factors interact with this. This was done via a survey that consisted of hypothetical, linear relation, causal scenarios. Two experiments were conducted to ensure that no validity issues confounded the results. Experiment 1 consisted of 77
Immigrants from more tolerant cultures integrate deeper into destination countries
We highlight a new factor behind integration: tolerance in the immigrants’ background culture. We hypothesize that it is easier to partake of economic, civic-political and social life in a new country for a person stemming from a culture that embodies tolerance towards people who are different. We test this by applying the epidemiological method, using a tolerance index based on two indicators fro
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The overarching goal of ENVRI-FAIR is for all participating ENVRIs to improve their FAIRness and prepare the connection of their data repositories and services to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). With the development of FAIR implementations from the participating RIs and integrated services among the environmental subdomains, these data and services will be brought together at a higher leve
Axisymmetric capillary water waves on cylindrical fluid jets
Inom fysiken och vissa delar av matematiken siktar man på att beskriva så mycket av naturen som möjligt. Det gör man genom att hitta modeller som passar bäst till varje situation. Naturligtvis är vissa system mycket svårare än andra att förstå matematiskt och vattenvågor är ett exempel på ett sådant system. Under 1800-talet formulerades Euler-ekvationerna, som beskriver rörelsen av ideala fluider,In their paper, Vanden-Broeck, Miloh and Spivack (Wave Motion 27, 1998) describe two limiting behaviours of irrotational, axisymmetric capillary water waves using numerical methods. They found a two-parameter family of nontrivial solutions. Some solutions of small amplitude approach a uniform stream, while others approach a static configuration. Our main interest is with the branch of static confi
Automated Low-Cost Soil Moisture Sensors: Trade-Off Between Cost and Accuracy
analys av konstnären Luca Freis konstnärskapText in publication on the occasion of the Luca Frei exhibitions The Fifth Business (Bonner Kunstverein, 2012) and Thursday followed… (Kunsthaus Glarus, 2013)
Rethinking ethics in city branding: from competition to vulnerability
In this chapter we propose a novel ethical approach to city branding based on a relational understanding of vulnerability. We rethink the prevailing ethics of competition and competitiveness in the field by demonstrating its limitations for contributing positively to urban sustainable development. An ethics of vulnerability approach is outlined based on principles of performativity, interdependenc
Railway maintenance windows : Discrepancies between planning and practice in Sweden
Efficient and timely maintenance is essential for the robust operation of infrastructure across all types of transport. In the railway sector, track maintenance presents unique challenges. Specifically, some maintenance tasks require track closures, which can disrupt train schedules. Coordinating these closures with regular train operations makes the scheduling process complicated. To ensure suffi
Optimal Intervention in Non-Binary Super-Modular Games
We study intervention design problems for general finite non-binary super-modular games. The considered interventions consist in constraining or incentivizing the players to play actions above designed lower bounds, with a cost for the system planner that is a separable increasing function of such bounds. We study the intervention of minimum cost for which a best response learning algorithm leads
M. P. T. Acharya : The Forgotten Indian Anarchist In Europe Who Fought For True Freedom
Time-Adaptive Determination of Drug Efficacy in Mathematical Model of HIV Infection
The paper considers a time-adaptive finite element method for determination of drug efficacy in a parameter identification problem (PIP) for a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE) that describes dynamics of the primary human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection with drug therapy. Tikhonov’s regularization method, optimization approach and finite element method to solve this problem ar
Vad är knittel? : Fyrtaktig poesi kontra rimmad prosa
The medieval Swedish knittelvers has traditionally been analysed as consisting of end-rhymed verses of four beats, each divided into half-lines by a cæsura. While the rhymes are obvious, the four beats and the cæsura are not. Notwithstanding this uncertainty, the traditional analysis has persisted, and has recently been reinforced by Wåhlin (1989, 1999) who stresses the regularity of the four-beat
En global ideologihistoria : Från Konfucius till historiens slut
Den politiska idéhistorien har traditionellt skildrats ur ett västligt perspektiv. Platon och Aristoteles är välkända gestalter, liksom Locke och Marx. Betydligt mindre kända är däremot Chanakya, Zhu Xi, Kang Youwei och Mulla Sadra, för att ta några exempel. Denna bok vidgar perspektivet och jämför den västerländska traditionen med den politiska idéutvecklingen i andra delar av världen, främst Ind
Characterization of Bi-incorporated InSb(111)A/B Surfaces : An STM and XPS Study
In recent years, III-V semiconductor materials have received increasing attention due to their admirable electronic properties like direct tunable bandgaps and high charge carrier mobility. Indium Antimonide (InSb) possesses the largest electron mobility among III-V materials and is promising for infrared detectors, high-speed field effect transistors, and spintronics. Incorporation of bismuth (Bi