Din sökning på "*" gav 530877 sökträffar
Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production Based on Steam Pretreatment and SSF: Process Development through Experiments and Simulations
Lignocellulosic materials, such as wood, waste products from the forestry industry, agricultural residues and herbaceous crops, serve as an abundant and comparatively cheap feedstock with the potential to be used for large-scale ethanol production. However, the complex structure of lignocellulosic materials, the presence of various hexose and pentose sugars in hemicellulose, and the presence of va
When Do Rights Matter? A Case Study of the Right to Equal Treatment in Sweden
The discussions in this chapter should be viewed as a limited contribution to the debate on how to introduce the right to equal treatment through legislation. In the coming pages, I shall use a case study to demonstrate the differences between rights which emerge organically from below and work bottom up and rights which are introduce through political pressure from above and work top down. This s
Vad säger ekonomerna? En forskningsöversikt
High-Chromaticity Optics for the MAX IV 3 GeV Storage Ring
The ultralow emittance lattice of the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring has a large negative natural chromaticity. This has to be corrected to positive values to prevent head-tail instabilities. On the other hand, high linear chromaticity can lead to a large tune footprint which limits Touschek lifetime. Therefore, the linear chromaticity is corrected to +1.0 in both planes with sextupoles while octupoles
Reanalysis of Qualitative Data
Tillgänglighet, närhet och synlighet – gemensamma utmaningar för LUB-nätverket för att möta forskares behov av stöd vid Lunds universitet
This report presents a project at Lund University Libraries (LUB) during the fall of 2012, with the object to identify areas where the present research support services ought to be developed and strengthened. The project is three folded and contains a) a literature review focusing on definitions and examples of research support services as well as researchers’ needs and experiences of support serv
Europeanization of the Judiciary in Southeast Europe
A note on distinguishing attacks
A new distinguishing attack scenario for stream ciphers, allowing a resynchronization collision attack, is presented. The attack can succeed if the part of the state that depends on both the key and the IV is smaller than twice the key size. It is shown that the attack is applicable to block ciphers in OFB mode. For OFB mode, the attack is more powerful than the previously known generic distinguis
Att utbilda för utvärdering : en nationell kartläggning
Abstract not available
Coherent Triads: Observed Successful Collaboration in Youth Care
Earlier research on collaboration shows that cooperation comprises problems and conflicts. The purpose of this study is to describe successful collaboration even if it unfolds during shorter interaction frequencies. In the article, interactive patterns involved in the construction of these phenomena will be analyzed. Forming the empirical basis for this study are 119 field observations of organize
Design considerations of a floating-point ADC with embedded S/H
This paper presents the implementation and test results of a 10+5 bit 50 MS/s floating-point ADC, along with the design considerations. The combination of resistive weighting with identical chopped gain stages proved successful in gain, delay and offset matching. It demonstrated that the input referred thermal noise of the gain stages needs to aim for 15 bits, while the rest of the requirements su
Håkan Sandgrens doktorsavhandling Landskap på jorden och i drömmen. Studier i Folke Isakssons lyrik
Finite element analyses of fracture in wood and wood products
Diversity of development paths and structural transformation in historical perspective—An introduction
The chapter introduces the overriding question of the volume—whether poor countries can catch up—by providing an overview of theories and approaches that have contributed to this discussion. It argues for the importance of introducing to the analysis the role of structural transformation and to acknowledge that the conditions for economic development vary from case to case. Instead of clinging on
Yves den monokrome berättar om tomheten
Prediction of stored energy in polycrystalline materials during cyclic loading
The effect of initial texture on the stored energy is investigated. Uniaxially loaded polycrystalline materials with initial textures based on the Goss component and the Brass component are analyzed. For reference purposes a single crystal and an initial isotropic crystal orientation distribution are also analyzed. Special attention is directed at the thermomechanical behavior of polycrystalline m