

Din sökning på "*" gav 527095 sökträffar

Ökad inflyttning av barn med cerebral pares - Likvärdig behandling har getts till utrikes och inrikes födda

Cerebral palsy (CP) is present in about 200 children per birth-year cohort in Sweden. From 2001 to 2016, the annual number of immigrants to Sweden with CP enrolled at the (re)habilitation services increased from less than ten to 40-90 individuals per year; about 70 % came to Sweden as refugees. At a group level, children with CP born abroad had greater functional impairment than children born in S

Lunglavens mikroklimat i Jasmund Nationalpark på Rügen

Vi har tidigare tagit del av av flera olika inventeringar av lunglaven i södra Sverige. Nu har projektet gått in i en ny fas och man vill försöka förstå mikroklimatet vid förekomster av lunglaven. Läs mer om hur man vill gå tillväga.

International Monetary Interdependence in the New Century

Even though each country is trying to follow its own monetary policy, it is affecting other countries which have, trade and capital flow links with each other. hence, the monetary policy of each individual country has an impact at the global level. The study analyses this interdependence. More specifically, this book discusses the emerging international financial structure, the liquidity crises, f

Metoden ByggF-PST : Tillämpning av ByggaF på tillverkning av prefabricerade småhus i trä. Version 1.0

Metoden som presenteras i detta dokument är en tillämpning av ByggaF påprefabricerad småhustillverkning av hus med träbaserad stomme kallad:”ByggaF för Prefabricerade småhus med trästomme”, hädanefter omnämnd somByggaF-PST. ByggaF-PST är en metod som säkerställer, dokumenterar ochkommunicerar fuktsäkerheten i hela byggprocessen, från planering tillbruksskede. Metoden innebär ett arbetssätt för att

Single-Cell Approaches for Understanding Morphogenesis Using Computational Morphodynamics

In multicellular organisms cells grow, divide and adopt different fates, resulting in tissues and organs with specific functions. In recent years, a number of studies have brought quantitative knowledge about how these processes are orchestrated, shedding new light on cells as active and central players in morphogenesis. We explore recent advances in understanding plant morphogenesis from a quanti

Water surface temperature characteristics and thermal bar evolution during spring in Lake Ladoga

The present article is a study of the surface temperature distribution and its evolution during spring in Lake Ladoga, using NOAA-AVHRR Channel 4/Channel 5 (CH4/CH5) data, with special focus on a thermohydrodynamic phenomenon, called thermal bar. The split-window technique, where both constant and atmospheric-mass-dependent retrieval coefficients are tested, is used for calculating the atmospheric

Full-scale studies of improving energy performance by renovating historic Swedish timber buildings with hemp-lime

With an increased focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy saving is of great importance in all sectors of society. EU directives set targets for member states to reduce energy use in buildings. Energy saving in historic buildings requires special measures, balancing energy-saving renovations against the preservation of heritage values. Traditional constructions are open to vapor diffusi

Utility of G protein-coupled receptor 35 expression for predicting outcome in colon cancer

The utility of mRNA and protein determinations of G protein-coupled receptor 35, that is, GPR35a (GPR35 V1) and GPR35b (GPR35 V2/3), as indicators of outcome for colon cancer patients after curative surgery was investigated. Expression levels of V1 and V2/3 GPR35, carcinoembryonic antigen and CXCL17 mRNAs were assessed in primary tumours and regional lymph nodes of 121 colon cancer patients (stage

FCC-hh: The Hadron Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 3

In response to the 2013 Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics (EPPSU), the Future Circular Collider (FCC) study was launched as a world-wide international collaboration hosted by CERN. The FCC study covered an energy-frontier hadron collider (FCC-hh), a highest-luminosity high-energy lepton collider (FCC-ee), the corresponding 100 km tunnel infrastructure, as well as the physics opp

Application of high-sensitivity troponin in suspected myocardial infarction

BACKGROUND: Data regarding high-sensitivity troponin concentrations in patients presenting to the emergency department with symptoms suggestive of myocardial infarction may be useful in determining the probability of myocardial infarction and subsequent 30-day outcomes. METHODS: In 15 international cohorts of patients presenting to the emergency department with symptoms suggestive of myocardial in