Din sökning på "*" gav 530072 sökträffar
Development and Characterization of a Global Brain Ischemia Model in the Mouse -A Genetic and Pharmacological Approach
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hjärnskador som uppstår till följd av otillräckligt blodflöde (ischemi) drabbar årligen ett stort antal människor i Sverige och leder antingen till död eller invaliditet och åsamkar stort lidande för den drabbade och dennes anhöriga. Den vanligaste orsaken till hjärnischemi är stroke (slaganfall), som beror på en propp i ett blodkärl eller en hjärnblödning, till en begrBrain ischemia is a major cause of death and morbidity in the industrialized countries. It is mainly caused by stroke, but may also be the consequence of successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation in victims of cardiac arrest, known as transient global ischemia. Although extensive effort in the field of brain research using experimental rodent models, no neuroprotective treatments are at present ava
Pilot Study - Public Participation as a Means to Sustainable Forest Management
Dynamic Postural Control in Subjects with an Acoustic Neurinoma
Risk & Risici
Denna volym tar upp ett flertal aktuella frågor och problem inom samtida risk- och beslutsforskning. Frågor och problem som inte endast har med en enskild riskfråga att göra utan som är av mer allmän natur. De måste hanteras och diskuteras oavsett om man primärt är intresserad av nanoteknologi, genmodifiering eller klimatfrågor. Det finns många sätt att ordna bidragen i en antologi på, till exempe
No title
Greenland and the Faroe Islands 1866-1988: Atlantic sexualities
On the block size of trellis quantizers
Summary form only given. In this paper, we examine the effect of block size on the performance of trellis based quantization. In particular, the Viterbi and tailbiting BCJR algorithms are compared. It is shown that for short blocks of data, the T-BCJR algorithm achieves a superior performance over the Viterbi algorithm (VA). One approach is to use the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP) heurist
Fair scheduling of uplink traffic in HiperAccess
In HiperAccess, the scheduling problem takes two forms; firstly, the base station reserves capacity on the uplink for the different terminals, and secondly, the terminals schedule their respective traffic in its assigned share of the channel capacity. Further, the base station generally has less and older information than the terminals, hence, the base station and the terminals may act differently
Inkomstfördelning och fördelningspolitik
En modernist på Operan
Direct horizontal effect in EU law after Lisbon – The impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on private parties
Arbetsrehabilitering och myndighetssamverkan - Utvärdering av Samordningsförbundet i Svedala
Ett i den politiska debatten centralt område är arbetsrehabilitering. Inom detta område går det att se en ökad politisk aktivitet som många gånger mynnar ut i begreppet "samverkan". Ropet på samverkan beror möjligen på att det blir allt svårare för enskilda myndigheter att såväl överblicka som hantera sitt verksamhetsfält i takt med att omvärlden ter sig allt mer komplex. Föreliggande rapport byg
Using Alliances to Increase ICT Capabilities
Popular Abstract in English Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is perhaps the most important, emblematic and ubiquitous technology of contemporary society. ICT is used increasingly in new product areas and help resolve problems and challenges to mankind; it has even gotten to a point where life without ICT is hard to imagine. For many incumbent firms, the infusion of ICT into their inInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) is perhaps the most important, emblematic and ubiquitous technology of contemporary society. ICT is used increasingly in new product areas and help resolve problems and challenges to mankind; it has even gotten to a point where life without ICT is hard to imagine. Over the last decades ICT has become a core technology within the music, literature an
On The Origins of Risk-Taking in Financial Markets
Risk-taking in financial markets is highly correlated between parents and their children; however, little is known about the extent to which these relationships are genetic or determined by environmental factors. We use data on stock market participation of Swedish adoptees and relate this to the investment behavior of both their biological and adoptive parents. We find that stock market participa
Jolly good and terribly nice
Ascending evacuation - Walking speed in stairs as a function of height
During ascending evacuation in long stairs, there is reason to believe that factors such as fatigue, and change in human behaviour will influence the possibility of satisfactory evacuation and affect the ascending walking speed. Based on these assumption, a 2-year research project was initiated at Lund University. This paper gives a brief description of the project and highlight some initial findi