

Din sökning på "*" gav 531345 sökträffar

Optimizing Glucuronic Acid Synthesis in Kombucha Production: A Comprehensive Study on Process Parameters

Kombucha, a traditional fermented tea beverage, is gaining popularity for its health benefits due to its bioactive compounds, especially glucuronic acid, known for detoxifying and hepatoprotective properties. Despite its significance, factors influencing glucuronic acid levels are not well understood. This study investigated the impact of initial sugar concentrations (4%, 6%, 8%) and tea types (bl

En metod i förändring - En kvalitativ studie om IPS-metoden och dess möjlighet till anpassning gentemot en ny målgrupp i en ny kontext

The aim of this study was to explore how professionals working with the evidence-based method Individual Placement and Support (IPS) reason regarding its utilization for a broader target audience than the method originally intended. Additionally, we sought to enhance the understanding of how and why an evidence-based method is modified and adapted when applied in a new setting and for a different

Production and Characterization of Amelogenin-ELP Fusion Proteins

This study aimed to engineer and characterize a series of Amelogenin-ELP fusion proteins to explore their potential as biomaterials with enhanced properties. Eleven constructs (176-186) were designed and expressed in E. coli BL21(DE3) cells, with successful purification confirmed by SDS-PAGE. Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) revealed that constructs 181, 185, and 186 formed nanospheres similar to fu

Kvinnligt missbruk i samhällspeglar- En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnliga missbrukare framställs på Flashback

The aim of this study is to identify perceptions, gender stereotypes and stigmatization surrounding female substance abusers on the internet forum Flashback. Sweden is often lauded as one of the most gender-equal countries in the world. Despite this, there are gender equality issues that can be traced to how men and women are treated differently in society. This also applies to perceptions of subs

Baryon number violating neutron decays to dark matter via the emission of a π 0 meson, η meson or photon

The existence of a baryon number violating process is one of Shakarov's conditions to explain the observed baryon asymmetry in the universe. The Standard Model is nearly symmetric with respect to the baryon number, and hence we are motivated to look for physics beyond the Standard Model. In this thesis, we consider an effective field theory operator that couples the neutron to a proposed dark

Attitudes of political-administrative decision makers towards the implementation of nature-based solutions in water management–a case study on a hypothetical constructed wetland in the Tárcoles River basin

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions that help communities address social-ecological challenges such as flooding and polluted groundwater. Nevertheless, research shows that in practice, NBS confront several barriers in planning and implementation, many of which are related to the different attitudes of political and administrative actors. There is knowledge missing on their viewpoints on NBS.

Risk of infective endocarditis and complicated infection in Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia – a retrospective cohort study on the role of bacteriuria

Purpose: S. aureus bacteremia (SAB) is a common and severe infection with high mortality and morbidity. The clinical relevance of the finding of concurrent S. aureus bacteriuria (SABU) is debated. The goal of this study was to analyze whether a concurrent SABU is associated with complicated SAB, infective endocarditis (IE) and mortality. Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study, reviewin

Tensions and Unity in the Struggle for Citizenship: Swedish Disability Rights Activists Claim ‘Full Participation! Now!

This article analyses the claims of contemporary disabilityrights activists mobilising in a context where de facto second-class citizenship co-exists with legal and political declarationsabout the rights of disabled people. As an empirical case,it focuses on the blog ‘Full Participation.Now’, which wasinitiated by disability rights activists in Sweden. Drawing uponcitizenship research, the article

From Talk to Tech: Employee Perspectives on Generative AI Adoption in Corporate Communication

Generative AI (Gen AI) is rapidly transforming communication within organizations. While existing research delves into the ethical considerations and productivity impacts of Gen AI, a critical gap remains: how communication specialists, who play a vital role in organizational sensemaking, experience this change. This study addresses this gap by investigating how communication specialists from medi

“1. Okunskap, 2. Vart börjar vi?” – En intervjustudie om det polisiära arbetet mot våld i nära relation i Helsingborg

Våld i nära relation, och i synnerhet mäns våld mot kvinnor, är ett angeläget samhälls- och folkhälsoproblem. Det förebyggande arbetet mot denna brottstyp har tidigare riktats mot den våldsutsatta, snarare än våldsutövaren, vilket kan leda till offerbeskyllande tendenser. Samverkansmetoden “Intimate Partner Violence Intervention” (IPVI) har därför vuxit fram, där våldsutövarna ställs i myndigheter

Effektivisering av detaljplaneprocess

Sammanfattning: -Titel: Effektivisering av detaljplaneprocess -Författare: Maryam Abo Taha & Soundos Harba -Handledare: Radhlinah Aulin, Universitetslektor, Docent, Avdelningen för Byggproduktion. -Examinator: Anne Landin, Professor, Avdelningen för byggproduktion, Profilområdesmedlem, Lunds Tekniska Högskola profilområde: Cirkulär byggindustri. -Syfte & mål: Syftet med detta examensarb

Geomorfologisk studie av Jezerokraterns kant (Mars)

Over the last 30 years scientists have studied the morphological and mineralogical proofs of past aqueous activity on Mars. NASA’s latest flagship mission, the Mars 2020 mission with its Perseverance rover, landed in Jezero crater in 2021. Perseverance is tasked with investigating the wet history that has partially formed today’s Mars, and more specifically, find specific indicators for potential

Wear resistance investigation of thin film deposition technology

This article focuses on the popular thin-film deposition technique chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and outlines its latest research in improving wear resistance. The article highlights how the wear resistance of thin film coatings can be improved through material selection, process parameter optimization, post-processing techniques and structural design. The combined application of these methods h

Genomförande av BIM inom byggbranschen. Fördelar mot begränsningar i projekteringsskede

Building Information Modeling (BIM) är ett arbetssätt och samlat begrepp som ger möjlighet att visualisera önskad design i verklig storlek och dimensioner (ur olika vinklar och vyer). BIM är en smart teknik och en ny designprocess där all information och konstruktion specifikationer skapas i en digital fil. Så BIM är inte enbart en mjukvara, utan en enorm teknik. För att implementera denna teknik Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a way of working and collective concept that provides the opportunity to visualize the desired design in real size and dimensions (from different angles and views). BIM is a smart technology and a new design process where all information and construction specifications are created in a digital file. So BIM is not just a software, but a huge technology. To imp

Det globala i det lokala: En sociologisk analys av hur ett globalt koncept tillämpas på lokal nivå i Lund

Konceptet om Human Rights Cities (MR-städer) är ett relativt nytt tillägg i ramverket om mänskliga rättigheter och fokuserar på de lokala myndigheternas integrering av mänskliga rättigheter i sin oentliga förvaltning och verksamhetsstyrning. Studien avser därmed att undersöka hur ett globalt koncept tillämpas på lokal nivå i Lund, samt vilka nyckelfaktorer som är centrala i Lunds rättighetsbaserad

Enhancing Active Citizenship for Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities

By the adoption of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities, many countries have committed to providing conditionsfor persons with disabilities to actively participate in the community. Thisarticle explores the meaning of active citizenship for persons withpsychosocial disabilities and focuses in particular on the role of thestate. Illustrated with examples from Swede

At the intersection of economic history and contemporary regional development : insights from a Swedish ‘bruksort’

In this paper, we explore contemporary regional development in a historic industrial region. Specifically, we unpack the influences of industrial history and culture, built up over several centuries, on contemporary regional development dynamics and issues. In doing so, we draw on an evolutionary perspective within economic geography and perspectives from deindustrialization studies to understand

Method development for studying the particle size distribution of high-pressure homogenized oat beverages with retained fiber fraction

In current oat beverage production, insoluble components such as fiber fractions (plant cell structures) are usually decentered from the product, causing many types of loss. Retaining these fractions requires an efficient breakage of them, to avoid sandy mouthfeel in the end-product, which can be achieved for instance by homogenization. To study the homogenization efficiency, the resulted particle

Investigating Y-site compatibility of intravenous drugs using Probe drum as analytical instrument

För tidigt födda och sjuka barn hamnar på neonatal avdelning där de ofta behandlas med kombinationer av flera olika intravenösa läkemedel. Att kombinera intravenösa läkemedel innebär dock en risk för inkompatibilitet i form av fällningar och subvisuella partiklar, vilket kan riskera i livshotande tillstånd så som till exempel funktionssvikt i flera organ samt allvarliga hjärt- och kärlproblem. SoThere is a lack of data concerning compatibility between intravenously administered drugs, especially for doses administered in neonatal care. Co-administrating drugs or other substances used in hospital care, for instance parenteral nutrition that are incompatible with each other can, in worst case scenarios, lead to fatal outcomes. It is not only important to study drug incompatibility at differ

Assessment of Sediment Transportation Along the Southern and Eastern Coast of Scania, Sweden: A Case Study of Storm Babet

The majority of the coastal area of Scania is highly susceptible to sediment transportation. Due to various influences which are both human induced and natural, the morphology of coastal dunes often alters. Therefore, it is important to assess these changes, especially after major cyclonic storms such as the storm Babet in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the aftermath. The purpose of