

Din sökning på "*" gav 535475 sökträffar

How do West African immigrants construct their health practices in Cabo Verde? – a qualitative content analysis study

Background: Migrant health remains a rather under researched topic, particularly within the migration from and to countries within West Africa. For Cabo Verde, a ten-island archipelago, approximately 500 kilometers off the coast of Senegal, immigration is a fairly recent phenomenon and has caught the country off guard. The aim of this study was to explore how West African immigrants living in Cabo

Konsten att anpassa sin affärsmodell efter den offentliga sektorn

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur man som leverantör kan agera på en offentlig marknad genom att anpassa sin affärsmodell efter kundens inköpsprocesser. Metod: Genom en kvalitativ studie med inslag av både deduktiv och induktiv karaktär genomfördes semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personer på olika nivåer i inköpsprocessen i den offentliga sektorn. Urvalsramen för studien är vå

Outdoor Air Pollution and Mortality: the Evidence From the Czech Republic

Outdoor air pollution is generally recognized as a serious environmental risk factor of premature mortality. The main aim of this thesis is to examine how changes in fine particulate air pollution (PM 2.5 ) account for changes in selected mortality indicators, using empirical evidence from 45 districts in the Czech Republic. Besides the impact on changes in life expectancy, a special emphasis was

Borta bra, hemma pest: en kvantitativ studie om anmälningsskyldigheten i praktiken

Agencies obligation to report according to the Swedish Social Service Law (2001:453) 14 chapter 1 § is an important obligation to uphold children’s rights. When children are maltreated due to the conditions at home, agencies have a responsibility to help. Constantly we hear from the media about children who live with anomaly. Therefore it is highly current to examine the obligation to report. Chil

The Effect of Globalization on Gender Equality within Welfare and Work Life

The aim of this thesis is to analyze what effect different aspects of globalization have had on gender equality in welfare and work life during the period 1970-2012 using data for up to 171 countries. The KOF index of globalization is used as a proxy to include social, political and economic globalization. Furthermore, gender equality is measured by relative changes in health, education and workfo

Nedskrivning av goodwill enligt IFRS - Svenska börsbolags efterlevnad av upplysningskraven i IAS 36

Uppsatsens tudelade syfte är dels att utreda hur svenska börsbolags efterlevnad av de krav som ställs i IAS 36 avseende nedskrivning av goodwill har förändrats under perioden 2008-2012, dels att förklara varför denna förändring eller brist på förändring har skett. Uppsatsen bygger på ett interpretativistiskt förhållningssätt, eftersom uppsatsen syftar till att försöka beskriva och förklara den soThe thesis has two purposes. The first purpose is to investigate to what extent the companies listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm AB ("Börsen") have observed the rules of IAS 36 regarding impairment testing of goodwill during the time period 2008-2012. The second purpose is to explain the reasons behind the changes, or lack thereof, in the observance of IAS 36. The thesis is built upon an in

An Analysis of the Factors that Influence Human Capital Accumulation in Nicaragua: Evidence from Household Surveys

This paper argues that the process of human capital accumulation in Nicaragua, as measured by school enrollment, is influenced by a combination of supply and demand factors that can be traced to households’ characteristics and the government’s educational agenda. By performing a probit estimation to analyze how the interaction of such factors affects the decision of the household to invest in educ

Säkra konstruktioner och anvisningar för golvbrunnar i träbjälklag

Leakage at the floor drain is the biggest cause of moisture damage in bathrooms today. Wooden joists are the most common type of joist structure in houses and because of wood being a moisture sensitive material, moisture damage at the floor drain can lead to big problems. The purpose of this paper was to find out the most common reasons to why moisture damages occur at floor drains installed in wo

Is the transparency of the Swedish stock market at risk?

This study examines the transparency of the Swedish stock market with regards to the new, eased regulation on quarterly reporting. The study investigates whether insider trading and analysts’ recommendations could be alternative sources of information to quarterly reports. Consistent with prior research, it finds the magnitude of informativeness of insider buys being greater than for insider sells

Revisorns framtid - Ett arbete i förändring

Den rådande forskningen kring IT-utvecklingens påverkan på revisorns arbete i framtiden, pekar på en mängd olika IT-tekniker som kan utveckla dagens IT- verktyg och göra revisorns arbete mer effektivt. Forskningen pekar även på att IT kan utveckla löpande revision till att bli mer effektivt och billigare att implementera. Vilket har stor möjlighet att påverka revisorns arbete i framtiden.

Two techniques for investigation of proteins and short-chain fatty acids of Lactobacillus plantarum in presence of galactooligosaccharides

Popular science summary: This thesis is a starting point of a bigger project, aimed to develop synbiotic food supplements. The role of probiotics and prebiotics in human health is getting increasingly recognised as offering beneficial impact to the host. WHO defines probiotics as “live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host.” Prebiotics ar

Implementering av armlängdsprincipen 2014 - Ett spel för gallerierna?

I och med att globaliseringen ständigt ökar, så ökar även antalet multinationella företag (MNF), som i sin tur ökar antalet gränsöverskridande interna transaktioner. De globala effekterna av manipulerad internprissättning har länge varit ett välkänt fenomen och metoderna för att finna rätt internpris har utvecklats under åren. Den rådande principen för att hantera detta är att transaktionerna skal

Hur ska vi förstå mänskliga rättigheter? : en filosofisk analys av begreppet ur ett moraliskt och politiskt perspektiv

Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att utveckla förståelsen av begreppet mänskliga rättigheter genom två olika perspektiv; ett moraliskt och ett politiskt. Materialet i uppsatsen utgörs av texter skrivna av tre olika filosofer: Martha C. Nussbaum, Charles Beitz och Philip Pettit. De tre erbjuder tre olika teorier för att förstå mänskliga rättigheter. En metod baserad på Quentin Skinners teori för attThe purpose of this essay is to develop the idea of human rights, using a moral and a political perspective. The material consists of texts written by three philosophers: Martha C. Nussbaum, Charles Beitz, and Philip Pettit. Each of them has their own idea of human rights. To fulfill the purpose of the essay a method based on Quentin Skinners theory of analyzing political philosophy is created. Th

Flödesanalys av mottagningsplats

The aim of the study was to examine the organization and capacity of an off-site center located in Varberg, Sweden. The off-site center is a place where evacuees can get help in case of a nuclear accident, and it is a part of the nuclear preparedness in Sweden. The capacity of the off-site centre was estimated using empirical data collection (experiments), hand calculations and computer simulation

Myanmar Peace Support Initiative

The actions of states are governed by norms. These norms regulate what is looked upon as desirable behaviour and what is not. In recent years the norm about women, peace and security has developed and resulted in the UN Security Coun-cil Resolution 1325. The aim of the resolution is to make peace processes more inclusive and take issues related to women into concern. Despite the resolution much is

Mer än böcker : en studie av bokens framställning i fyra litterära magasin

Syftet med uppsatsen är att genom en jämförande kvalitativ undersökning av de fyra litterära magasinen Vi läser, Books & Dreams, Fyrahundrafemtio och LitteraturMagazinet och undersöka hur boken och litteratur förmedlas i dessa litteraturmagasin. För att förstå bakgrunden till hur litteratur förmedlas i magasinen krävs en bredare förståelse för hur litteratur i allmänhet presenteras idag. Därfö

Model-based Design Development and Control of a Wind Resistant Multirotor UAV

Multirotor UAVs have in recent years become a trend among academics, engineers and hobbyists alike due to their mechanical simplicity and availability. Commercial uses range from surveillance to recreational flight with plenty of research being conducted in regards to design and control. With applications towards search and rescue missions in mind, the main objective of this thesis work is the de

Responsibility to Protect - An emerging norm or part of sovereignty?

The main controversy in international law the past decades has been the approach to a non-international conflict exposing civilians to threats of genocide or mass atrocities. One corner stone of international law is the protection of a state and its internal affairs, the principle of non-intervention; another one is the protection of human rights. During the 1990s, the two principles were seen as

The power of memory and the political dialogue in Greece : The rise of radicalism

This study explores the contexts in which the conflict evolved and how history was perceived, narrated and used by institutions, communities and individuals who sought to influence public opinion and policymakers. The theoretical point of departure is the concept of collective memory, defined as the totality of discourses through which a society makes sense of itself, the present and the future th