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Leaching of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using a Column Method
Popular Abstract in Swedish Polycykliska aromatiska kolväten (PAH) är en grupp organiska ämnen som kan vara giftiga men även starkt cancerframkallande. De bildas vid förbränning av organiskt material vid låg syretillförsel och återfinns i olika produkter som tjära och fossila bränslen. De källor som tillför störst mängd till miljön idag är bostadsuppvärmning med ved, kol och olja (i Sverige ca 2/3Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of organic pollutants of great environmental concern, due to their toxicity, carcinogenicity and long persistence in the environment. To determine the potential risk associated with PAHs released from contaminated soil or waste materials, knowledge is required on the leachable concentrations of PAHs and the amounts available for release. The obj
Cooperation during morning care between nurses and severely demented institutionalized patients.
Nurse-patient cooperation during morning care in two wards for the care of severely demented patients (107 observations) were analyzed by using a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach. Nurse-patient cooperation was found to be characterized by their acting in mutuality or unilaterality and in or out of pace with each other. When acting in pace and mutuality, the nurse and patient turned to each ot
Evidence for superdeformation in Dy-149,Dy-150: Onset of the collapse of the Z=66 deformed shell closure?
An experiment has been performed to search for superdeformed (SD) states in Dy-149,Dy-150. While no evidence for discrete superdeformed states has been observed, a superdeformed ridge with a separation of Delta E-gamma=52 keV with a total intensity of 1.8+/-0.5% that of Dy-150 has been observed. An upper limit of 0.8% (0.9%), of the intensity of Dy-150 (Dy-149), is placed for observation of the mo
Infekterad nekrotiserande pankreatit kräver optimalt dränage
Subjective recording of fetal movements. I. Limits and acceptability in normal pregnancies
Maternal counting of fetal movements is increasingly used as a clinical method for assessment of fetal health. The present study established normal limits for two methods of subjective fetal movement recording. Four hundred-and-seventeen randomly selected women with low-risk pregnancies recorded the time necessary for 10 fetal movements every morning and also the number of fetal movements during 1
Parameter estimation of beta distribution for unit hydrograph derivation
Traditionally used methods for developing a synthetic unit hydrograph (SUH) are well known for their limitations. In last few decades, use of probability distribution functions in developing SUHs has received much attention. In this study, the potentials of a three-parameter beta distribution are explored. Using a analogy between the three-parameter beta-distribution shape and the SUH shape, appro
Endemism Predicts Intrinsic Vulnerability to Nonindigenous Species on Islands.
Abstract: While numerous efforts have been made to identify and quantify factors controlling invasibility of biological communities, less attention has been given to analyzing the expressions of vulnerability to nonindigenous species (NIS). Using the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Red List database for birds, mammals, and amphibians and the Invasive Specie
Obituary Gustaf Rudebeck (1913–2005)
Leaf Area Index of Scandinavian Forests Methods Using in situ and Remotely Sensed Data
Popular Abstract in Swedish Skogen utgör en viktig del av kolbalansen mellan mark och luft och har en potential att reducera koncentrationen av koldioxid i atmosfären. Mängden bladyta i en skog ger en indikation på skogens förmåga att binda koldioxid till marken. Den här avhandlingen utforskar möjligheterna att erhålla information om skogars mängd av bladyta med hjälp av den information som registThis thesis deals with methods of obtaining the leaf area index (LAI) from remotely sensed satellite data. Initially, in situ estimation methods were investigated, since the accuracy of the remotely sensed estimates is dependent on the quality of these estimates. The results of the present studies indicate that some methods commonly used as a reference for more complicated methods could result in
The influence of permeant properties on the sorption step in hydrophobic pervaporation.
Liquid solubility measurements were performed by immersion of poly(octyl)methylsiloxane (POMS) in dilute aqueous solutions of homologous series of aliphatic esters and alcohols with compound specific concentrations of 20, 40, 80 and 120 ppm. Measurements were performed at 20 °C with both single- and multi-compound mixtures and linear sorption isotherms were obtained. By fitting experimentally dete
PACS for radiology conferences--improvement of application software
The introduction of PACS in a radiology department means that most functions that are available in the film-based system must be included. One important function is the radiology conference. The handling and application programs of digital workstations are normally not developed for demonstrations of many images in a limited time. This paper describes a workstation with specially designed software
Surface core level shift observed on NiAl(110)
Using high resolution core level spectroscopy, a surface core level shift towards lower binding energy of -0.13 eV is determined for the 2p level of the outwardly relaxed Al surface atoms on NiAl(110). Density functional theory based calculations with inclusion of final state effects yield a value of -0.14 eV for this shift in excellent agreement with experiment. We show that the initial state app
Characterization of Chemical Exchange Using Residual Dipolar Coupling
Abstract in Undetermined NMR line shape analysis and relaxation dispersion measurements for N,N-dimethyltrichloroacetamide (DMTCA) weakly aligned using poly-γ-benzyl-l-glutamate, which forms a lyotropic nematic phase when dissolved in chloroform, were used to characterize chemical exchange kinetics for the rotation around the C−N amide bond. At low temperatures (312 K), a single population-average
Role and mechanisms of secondary mitochondrial failure
Ischemia is accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction, as assessed by measurements of mitochondrial respiratory activities in vitro. Following brief periods of ischemia, mitochondrial function is usually normalized during reperfusion. However, particularly after ischemia of longer duration, reperfusion may be accompanied by secondary mitochondrial failure. After short periods of ischemia this is ob
The GDP-GTP exchange factor collybistin: An essential determinant of neuronal gephyrin clustering
Glycine receptors (GlyRs) and specific subtypes of GABA(A) receptors are clustered at synapses by the multidomain protein gephyrin, which in turn is translocated to the cell membrane by the GDP-GTP exchange factor collybistin. We report the characterization of several new variants of collybistin, which are created by alternative splicing of exons encoding an N-terminal src homology 3 (SH3) domain
Tänkande bakom val och användning av livsmedel : Faktorer som medverkar till eller utgör hinder för förändring av matvanor i hälsofrämjande riktning
Popular AbstractAvhandlingsarbetet fokuserar tänkande och handlande i förhållande till livsmedel som pedagogiska förutsättningar för förståelse av kostbudskap och näringsrekommendationer.Studiens syfte var att undersöka och beskriva hur tidigare erfarenheter framträder i människors tänkande och handlande i förhållande till deras val och användning av fettrika resp. kostfiberrika livsmedel för att For educational purposes, research has been proposed on the circumstances and facts which govern eating habits and the intake of nutrients. By focusing on the perspective of the individual, this study explores and describes how previous experiences influence people's thinking and acting in relation to their present eating habits to elucidate factors that contribute to, or hinder, changes for the p
The morphogenesis of intention and structural stability of motifs.
This article is based on the Agent-action-Objective (AaO) axiom and assumes that intention can be discovered and made evident. But this requirement can be satisfied only under the condition that a particular individual can be identified with his style of writing. This implies that the nature of writing becomes approachable. Getting a style under control presupposes the A-component, which is discus
Preparation of YBa2Cu3O6 + x by a Formic Acid Method
Synthesis of YBa2Cu3O6+x from formic acid solutions of stoichiometric amounts of the initial materials has been investigated in the temperature range 750–950°C. The reaction is strongly influenced by the concentration of formic acid. Dilute solutions favor synthesis of purer samples under moderate conditions of temperature and sintering time. At lower temperature the same effect can be achieved if
Tillhör Ryssland Östersjöområdet?
The article aims at answering the question of the title by applying a genealogical perspective.