

Din sökning på "*" gav 526379 sökträffar

Offshoring - Väsentliga faktorer för ett bra samarbete

Genom att lägga ut verksamhet utomlands hoppas företag på att bli mer konkuranskraftiga då detta kan innebära lägre kostnader, expansionsmöjligheter och tillgång till välutbildad och flexibel personal. Detta benämns som offshoring vilket står i centrum i detta arbete. Offshoring av IT verksamhet är ett aktuellt och växande fenomen i dagens globaliserade värld. Som många andra IT projekt så är det

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Through qualitative semi-structured interviews this study deals with some key questions related to the issue of integration based on the experiences of five Southeast Asian women residing in the Faroe Islands. The motivation behind the study is the apparent lack of awareness and interest among indigenous Faroese and politicians concerning immigrants and the almost complete absence of research on t

Regional risk- och krishantering - en studie av samtliga länsstyrelsers risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser

This thesis studies all regional risk- and vulnerability analyses of Swedish county administrative boards from 2006. The method used in this descriptive study is direct content analysis based on theoretical models and relevant research areas. In total, 51 questions for each of the 20 county administrative boards has been answered where some answers have been quantified. The results of the study re

Producing Human Rights Accountability - The Impact of Transnational Advocacy Networks in Uruguay

This papers examines the impact Transnational Advocacy Networks have had on the process for Human Rights Accountability in Uruguay. Uruguay has an amnesty law in place since 1986, but have in spite of this managed to prosecute main figures of the 1973-1985 dictatorship, and the amnesty law is currently seriously challenged. The 'Network thesis', regards these Transnational Advocacy Network

3D-glass keypad for future mobile phones of Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB

Abstract The competition regarding market shares in the mobile handset industry is tough. Today the mobile phone is more and more becoming a personal accessory and trends in shape, color and material are changing rapidly. The keypad is one of a phone’s many components which the end user gets in touch with first. It is used to activate the phone, and it is what the user feels and looks at initially

Implementering, vad är det och varför sker det inte med automatik? Teori och kriterier för hur implementering bör bedrivas.

Abstract This paper is about how to define and improve implementation. It is based on a study of how a Swedish local authority has been working with seven labour-market projects and whether or not it has been successful in implementing the results. The methods we have used are interviews and examined project documents. The applied implementation theory consists of three central concepts; understan

Fish management – establishing fundamental elements for a sustainable fishing industry. A case study of Norwegian fish management

Decreasing fish stocks and other threats to marine environments is nowadays a major concern for fishing industries. The question is what it takes to maintain a sustainable fishery for future generations. The purpose of this case study of Norwegian fish management was to identify and analyze elements that contribute to the management of a sustainable fishing industry. Material for the study was col

Lycklig kärlek eller tvångsgifte? En studie av svensk civil-militär samverkan på central nivå.

Denna uppsats undersöker problematiken kring svensk civil-militär samverkan på central nivå. Fokus ligger på departement och myndigheters interaktion med bäring på insatsen i Afghanistan. Nya typer av krig och konflikter har skapat en miljö i vilken militären har öppnat upp för nya aktörer, däribland civila organisationer. Samverkan mellan dessa aktörer har sina egna förutsättningar och begränsnin

Jaha, ska vi börja räkna repliker nu? : om skådespelerskors lika rätt på den svenska teaterscenen

All people, regardless of gender, are entitled to participate in cultural life. 41% of the permanent actors and actresses at the Royal Dramatic Theater in Stockholm are women. Only 34% of the Malmö Theater roles in 2009 went to actresses. There is a male norm, not only in Swedish society, but also in the Swedish theater. How does this norm look like and what methods are required to change it? Eve

Demokrati och Ekonomi i den globala sfären - En studie av Internationella valutafonden

Globalisation has left, and continues to leave, its mark on the contemporary world. The aspiration of creating a desirable development globally is often lead by global actors such as economic institutions. In working for a sustainable global sphere, it is paramount that the global actors such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) both consist of, and spread democratic as well as economic values

Främlingsfientlighet på schemat? - En normativ analys av Sverigedemokraternas närvaro i skolan

This thesis discusses the question whether it can be justified that the xenophobic party “Sverigedemokraterna” is not allowed admittance to the Swedish schools. Political parties are invited to schools and also ask to be invited to take part in debates or to hand out leaflets, especially before elections. In order to answer that question I present what the curriculum says on civic education and I

Understanding the Identity Shaping Role of Popular Nationalism in China

The purpose of this essay is to give further understanding of the relatively new phenomena Chinese popular nationalism. I will have my benchmark in traditional theory of civic and ethnic nationalism but also in popular nationalism theory and the from-culturalism-to-nationalism thesis. To further understand the identity shaping role of the populist movement in China I will separate it from official

Mellan Folkhemmet och Föregångslandet

The purpose of this study is to give clarity on the use of Swedish identity and the definition of Swedish identity in the Swedish national political debate between 1976 – 2006. The study analyzes the electoral programs of the three biggest political parties of the period, namely Socialdemokraterna (The social democrats), Moderaterna (The conservative party) and Centerpartiet (The centre party). A

Political Values as Essential for Democratic Consolidation: The Democratic Failure of Contemporary Iraq

This thesis proves that the political culture of Iraq has possessed a major obstacle for the country to consolidate the new democratic regime, established after the overthrowing of the authoritarian Baath-regime in 2003. More specifically, it tries the theories of recognized scholar Larry Diamond, strengthening his interpretation that the presence of liberal norms and values among the people is ce

Ett solidariskt EU som lösning på den svenska migrationsbördan

The following essay studies how the migration politic, as a national area of politic, constructs and re-constructs the European and Swedish identity to legitimate the supranational politic within the EU. My study is accomplished through a discourse analysis combined by a social constructivism theory, specialized in identity construction and examines the identity construction in articles written by

Leading actors of the free world

The European Security Strategy (ESS) developed in 2003 and the National Security Strategy of the United States of America (NSS) was issued in 2002. In this thesis these two documents are compared and analyzed with reference to the securitization theory. The comparison focus on identified threats and how they aim to refute them. The choice of documents is partly based on, them being the first secu

Sportevenemangens baksida : FIFA World Cup 2010 i Sydafrika och rätten till bostad

This is an investigation of the FIFA World Cup 2010 and effects on housing rights in Cape Town. South Africa has a harsh history of displacement of people and the government has, because of that, promised that no one will be displaced because of the sport event. The government is also promising a lot of opportunities for the population in the entire Africa. To investigate how mega-events affect ho

Att vinna kärlek genom övertalning: övertalningsstrategi i Ovidius Heroides

I denna uppsats behandlas ett av Ovidius mer förbisedda verk, Epistulae Heroidum, även kallat Heroides. Verket består av tjugoen dikter, formulerade som brev på elegiskt distikon. Det övergripande syftet är att studera brevskrivarnas övertalningsstrategi i tretton av breven. Argumentationen kartläggs och användandet av retorikens tre appellformer undersöks. I studien redogörs för återkommande möns

What’s the matter with the Wood Pellet Markets in Europe?

Abstract Increasing the share of renewable energy for covering our energy demand is central to the energy policy of the European Union. Despite the acknowledged importance, renewable energy has not yet reached the favoured wide-spread utilisation throughout Europe. Wood pellets, cylindrical sticks of 10 to 30 mm length mainly made from wood processing residues, are a renewable, cost-competitive, l