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Ch. 8. Particle Analysis: Particle Size, Particle Shape and Structure and Surface Characterisation.
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Brottsbalken. En kommentra. Del II Brotten mot allmänheten och staten m.m.
Gamla kroppar och nya tekniker, i Åldrandets Betydelser (red Jönsson & Lundin)
Åldrandets betydelser: I det västerländska samhället kämpar vi för långa liv men mot åldrandet. Det är bara en av de motsägelser som ålder och åldrande ger upphov till. I Åldrandets betydelser undersöks olika förhållningssätt till och konsekvenser av åldrande. Boken belyser hur kronologisk ålder inte alltid är densamma som den upplevda och hur samhället möter olika åldrar. Exempel tas från såväl h
Analysis of melanins
Mammalian melanins are of two major types, eumelanins and peheomelanins, which often occur together, then called mixed-type melanins. A method has been developed for analysing the various forms of melanins. Melanin characterisation included their oxidation in permanganate under alkaline conditions, and analysis of the resulting degradation products, pyrrole-2,3,5-tricarboxylic acid (PTCA), pyrrole
Survival in the Welfare Cocoon. The Culture of Civil Defense in Cold War Sweden
Randi Fisher - svensk modernist
Popular Abstract in Swedish Genom att använda Griselda Pollock och Rozsika Parkers metod för feministisk konstforskning, är syftet att (å ena sidan) presentera nya fakta om en tidigare ?okänd? kvinnlig konstnär och hennes konst samt (å andra sidan) att kritiskt diskutera och dekonstruera konsthistorieskrivningen, dess diskurser, kategoriseringsmodeller, värdegrunder, explicita eller implicita ideoThe main subject of this thesis is the art of Swedish artist Randi Fisher (1920-1997). She was educated at Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm and mainly worked as a painter in many techniques. Textile art and public art cought her interest, and, from 1960 and onwards, stained glass painting. Even though the strong focus on one single artist may underline a biographical theme, the aim is to sh
ESS-råd höll möte i Lund
Staple crops and Urban- Periurban Agriculture
Blood rheology alterations in cardiovascular disease
Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodflödet i ett kärl påverkas inte bara av eventuella förträngningar i kärlet utan även av hur visköst, d v s hur trögflytande, blodet är. Ett alldagligt exempel på detta är att det är svårare att klämma sirap, som är en högviskös vätska, ur en flaska än att hälla vatten ur samma flaska. Blodet har dessutom egenskapen att vara skjuvförtunnande (tixotropt), d v s viskosThis thesis deals with the haemorheological aspects of cardiovascular diseases. The resistance of blood to flow is determined by the rheological properties of blood as well as by organic stenoses and regulatory tonus changes in the vessels. Three idiopathic cardiovascular diseases with a reduced ability to increase blood flow in response to demand were studied. Blood rheology was impaired in a wa
Innebär slopade fåmansföretagsregler för fåmansföretag en förbättring av företagsklimatet
Historieförmedlingens villkor. Klas-Göran Karlsson som historiekulturforskare
Detta historiografiska kapitel analyserar några centrala teman i Klas-Göran Karlssons vetenskapliga produktion. Främst diskuteras hans bidrag till begreppsutveckling och -precisering avseende historiemedvetande, historiekultur och historiebruk. Dessutom diskuteras hans insatser vad gäller forskning om folkmord och historieskrivning i Ryssland/Sovjetunionen och övriga Östeuropa.
Characterization of PSA in clinical samples by mass spectrometry
Ordet: Bli skickliga växlare
A popular agraphon circulated among the first generations of Christians which encouraged them to “become expert money changers.” Intended for a wide audience, this introduction to homiletics suggests that the saying today can be understood as an exhortation to convey the biblical message in modern times so that people today understand its value. The book is written not only for those who regularly
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Imagination and Scientific Dilemmas: Exclusion, circularity and infinite regress in "scientific texts"
Building on the results of a mapping project, the paper examines two kinds of knowledge, "expert knowledge" and "scientific knowledge" with regard to "dilemmas of exclusion, circularity and infinite regress" (Paulston, 2000a, p. 9) and the consequences of these dilemmas, when seen with another imagination than that used to construct the knowledge built upon them. The constructive imagination used
Pozzolanic Interaction between Portland Cement and Silica Fume in Concrete.
This article outlines an experimental and numerical study of the long-term interaction between silica fume and Portland cement in concrete subjected to air, water or sealed curing. For this purpose about 2000 kg of eight qualities of concrete were studied at 4 different ages each over a period of 90 months. Half of the concretes contained silica fume. Parallel studies of strength, hydration and in
Time-domain methods for complex media
The objective of this paper is to review the fundamental macroscopic modeling of linear complex materials in a time domain formulation. Based upon a set of basic assumptions, the general form of the constitutive relations for a linear complex media in the time domain is formulated. Furthermore, constraints on the possible form of the susceptibility kernels for a passive medium are presented. For c
Queerfeministisk agenda
This book discusses the concept of a queer feminism, a possible negotiation between queer theory and feminism.
Multipurpose channels in urban flood control - case study - Vientiane, Lao PDR.
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