

Din sökning på "*" gav 534125 sökträffar

Environmental atmosphere of outdoor residential areas in southern Sweden: A comparison of experts and residents

The purpose of this project was to help bridge the gap between developers and residents by creating a design criteria checklist for outdoor residential areas and to validate the checklist by means of a post-occupancy evaluation (POE) carried out by the residents in six housing areas. Items addressed in the checklist covered general layout, complexity and coherence, identity and affection, construc

Morning warming-up exercise-effects on musculoskeletal fitness in construction workers.

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects on muscle stretchability, joint flexibility, muscle strength and endurance in construction workers of a 3-month period of a 10-min morning warming-up exercise (MWU), performed at the building site every working day. Thirty construction workers participated in the program. Seventeen construction workers at other building sites served as contr

Approaches and Methods in Urban Ecology

In this article, different approaches to the field of urban ecology are distinguished. The focus lies on the approach characterized by looking at the city as an ecological system, since this view has given rise to the most fruitful discussion from a social geographical perspective. Further, references are made to four studies of applied urban ecology with short summaries of the most important conc

Biosynthesis of the blood-group-B-specific trisaccharide in a rhesus monkey

A Rhesus monkey, serologically grouped as B, has been shown to excrete low-molecular-weight carbohydrate material in urine closely related to that found in human urine. Galactose feeding resulted in the excretion of a trisaccharide which was shown to be identical to the trisaccharide isolated from the urine of group B humans under the same conditions. Experiments in which [14C]galactose was admini

Brain plasticity and stroke rehabilitation. The Willis lecture

Neuronal connections and cortical maps are continuously remodeled by our experience. Knowledge of the potential capabilityof the brain to compensate for lesions is a prerequisite for optimal stroke rehabilitation strategies. Experimental focal cortical lesions induce changes in adjacent cortex and in the contralateral hemisphere. Neuroimaging studies in stroke patients indicate altered poststroke

Structure of wobbling excitations in Lu-163

Using a many-particles plus rotor model, wobbling excitations built on top of a triaxial superdeformed band in Lu-163 are investigated. By extracting all parameters for the rotor from a mean field calculation a good correspondence with calculations based on the random-phase approximation is achieved.

Host matrix dependent fluorescence intensity modulation by an electric field in single conjugated polymer chains

An electric field oscillating at a frequency similar to 1 Hz is found to induce strong modulation of the fluorescence intensity of single poly[2-methoxy,5-(2'-ethyl-hexyloxy)-p-phenylene vinylene] (MEH-PPV) molecules (M-W similar to 10(6)) embedded in a poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) matrix. The MEH-PPV polymer chains are carefully isolated from the electrodes to avoid effects of injection. In a

In vivo absorbed dose measurements in mammography using a new real-time luminescence technique

A dosimetry system based on radioluminescence (RL) and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from carbon doped aluminium oxide (Al2O3:C) crystals was developed for in vivo absorbed dose measurements in mammography. A small cylindrical crystal of Al2O3:C (diameter 0.48 mm and length 2 mm) was coupled to the end of a 1 mm diameter optical fibre cable. Owing to their small size and characteristic s

Byggteknikhistoria - några iakttagelser

Genom ett antal artskilda exempel - valda fran det byggnadstekniska området i vid mening - har vi nu försökt belysa några karakteristiska fenomen inom teknikhistorien. Från den inledande beskrivningen av geodesins utveckling har vi kunnat observera den växling, som skett historiskt av denna vetenskaps referensram. I den tidiga historien gav därvid studier av fenomen på jorden underlaget för uppfat

On the solvation of ions in small water droplets

The solvations of positively and negatively charged model ions in water droplets have been studied using Monte Carlo simulations performed with a polarizable intermolecular potential function model. Special focus has been placed on the position of the ion in the water droplet. It was found that the sign of the ionic charge is of minor importance but an increased ionic charge localizes the ion to t

Cerebral lesions on magnetic resonance imaging, heart disease, and vascular risk factors in subjects without stroke. A population-based study

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To assess the prevalence of asymptomatic abnormalities on magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and their possible relation to hypertension, heart disease, and carotid artery disease, we studied 77 randomly selected subjects (mean age, 65.1 years; range, 36 to 95 years) with no history of focal brain lesions. METHODS: The study protocol included magnetic resonance imaging

Mechanisms of below-ground carbon cycling in subarctic ecosystems

Popular Abstract in Swedish Medeltemperatur på jorden har stigit med ca 0.6 ºC sedan 1900-talets början. Denna ökning beror mycket sannolikt på människans utsläpp av växthusgaser så som t.ex. koldioxid. Under det kommande århundradet räknar man med att jordens medeltemperatur kommer att stiga ytterligare 1.4-5.8 ºC. Både temperaturhöjningen och koldioxidhaltens ökning i atmosfären kan påverka vegeSome components of the below-ground carbon (C) cycle in terrestrial ecosystems are still poorly understood. A better understanding will be necessary to predict adequately the impacts of global change factors on C cycling and storage, especially in high-latitude ecosystems, where much of the C is stored below-ground. In this work some of the mechanisms of the below-ground C cycle in subarctic ecosy

Reflective thinking in mathematics. About students' constructions of fractions

This thesis deals with students' constructions of mathematical knowledge in the case of fractions from a radical constructivist perspective. Fractions are the first more abstracted mathematics met by students. Even if they have a rich experience of sharing and partitioning things in their everyday life dealing with fractions often give rise to difficulties in school. The thesis consists of two p

A longitudinal cohort study on the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori antibodies in Swedish children and adolescents.

The aim of this study was to monitor the Helicobacter pylori antibody seroprevalence of an asymptomatic cohort between the ages of 4 and 18 y. The H. pylori antibody titres in a longitudinally followed cohort of 168 native Swedish children (born between 1972 and 1974) were established at 4, 8, 12, 16, and 18 y of age. Seventeen children (10.1%) were found positive on at least one occasion when a p

The Escherichia coli ftsK1 mutation attenuates the induction of sigma(s)-dependent genes upon transition to stationary phase

A mutation in the cell division gene ftsK causes super-induction of sigma(70)-dependent stress defense genes, such as uspA, during entry of cells into stationary phase. In contrast, we report here that stationary phase induction of sigma(S)-dependent genes, uspB and cfa, is attenuated and that sigma(S) accumulates at a lower rate in ftsK1 cells. Ectopic overexpression of rpoS restored induction of

Emotion and Learning - A Computational Model of the Amygdala

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen handlar om ett område i hjärnan som kallas amygdala. Detta området är ansvarigt för att lära sig vad man bör tycka om och vad man skall vara rädd för. I avhandlingen diskuteras hur det här området verkar fungera, och hur det arbetar tillsammans med andra områden för att göra sitt jobb. Dessa reaktioner är primitiva känslor; rädsla, lycka och så vidare. AvhaThe amygdala is a small subcortical structure that has long been implicated in the conditioning of fear and other emotions. It is heavily interconnected to a number of both cortical and subcortical structures and is thus well placed to integrate sensory inputs from multiple areas to produce emotional reactions directly as well as influence learning and attention systems. Data suggests that the amy

Properties of random graphs with hidden color

We investigate in some detail a recently suggested general class of ensembles of sparse undirected random graphs based on a hidden stub coloring, with or without the restriction to nondegenerate graphs. The calculability of local and global structural properties of graphs from the resulting ensembles is demonstrated. Cluster size statistics are derived with generating function techniques, yielding

The ability of abaxial and adaxial epidermis of sun and shade leaves to attenuate UV-A and UV-B radiation in relation to the UV absorbing capacity of the whole leaf methanolic extracts

The UV-absorbing capacity (measured as A(310) cm(-2) and A(365) cm(-2) or AUVR cm(-2)) of the shade leaves of four representative evergreen sclerophylls of the Mediterranean region (Quercus coccifera, Q. ilex, Arbutus andrachne and A. unedo) was considerably lower than the corresponding one of sun leaves of the same species. However, fibre optic microprobe measurements showed that adaxial as well