

Din sökning på "*" gav 538964 sökträffar

The Service Sector in Nigeria: An Escalator for New Economic Growth

The Nigerian economy grew at an average rate of 7% between 20002011. However, recent drop in oil prices has led to calls for economic diversification away from oil. Using the services-led growth theoretical framework, this thesis provides an overview of the Nigerian service-sector. Through an analysis of descriptive statistics, the thesis showed that services have been contributing significantly t

Portfolio construction based on value and momentum: a winning strategy?

This study examines if there are positive effects of constructing portfolios based on value and momentum. Three value portfolios (low, medium, high) and three momentum portfolios are constructed using large cap stocks from the four Nordic Nasdaq OMX exchanges. The portfolios are then re-sorted on an annual basis over the test period 2005-2016. Furthermore, two long-short market neutral portfolios

Hem till dig eller hem till mig? : En kvantitativ studie kring sambandet mellan mående och tillfälliga sexuella relationer bland studenter vid Lunds universitet

Previous studies have proven that stress factors linked to academic achievement is the main cause of stress in the life of a student. However other reports have indicated that other factors concerning casual sexual behaviors and attitudes may have a negative effect on the well-being of students. Questionnaires were handed out to 227 students at Lund University, 83 men and 143 women, to investigate

Fiber-based Stray Light Suppression in Spectrometers

Stray light is known as strong interference in spectroscopic measurements. With the creation of a novel kind of customized fibers, manufactured by the fiber optics group in Jena, Germany, a general experimental solution to this problem is possible. This thesis work is mainly aiming at testing and demonstrating how these fibers work for stray light suppression and their efficiency in measuring diff

Social tillit och korruption i Grekland : en fallstudie om det kollektiva handlandets problem

Greece has a long record of failed attempts to curb corruption. Due to the systemic character of the corrupt practices, namely clientelism, anti-corruption strategies are re-peatedly intervened by particularistic interest groups. On the basis of surveys conducted on social trust and perception of corruption, along with data on socioeconomic inequality and attitudes to civic participation, this cas

The influence of organizational culture on problem creation process: exploring the relationship using CAS perspective

Research question: How does organizational culture, using complex adaptive systems perspective, influence problem creation process in the front end of innovation? Theoretical perspectives: Front end of innovation literature is the core subject of this thesis,focusing on problem creation process. Academic literature on organizational culture and complex adaptive systems is presented to show the re

Uppfyller produkterna i Malmös livsmedelsbutiker lagkraven avseende näringsdeklaration på importerade livsmedel?

Märkning och information som presenteras på färdigförpackade livsmedel regleras via förordning EU: 1169/2011 ”om tillhandahållande av livsmedelsinformation till konsumenterna”. Kraven gentemot en näringsdeklaration på livsmedelsförpackningar trädde i kraft den 13 december 2016, med vissa klargjorda undantag. Livsmedelsenheten inom Malmö miljöförvaltning ser ett behov av ökad kompetens hos livsmede

Träna mer och ät mindre! Ett idiotsäkert sätt att nå idealet.

Authors: Elin Svensson and Pauline Thynell Title: Work out more and eat less! A foolproof way to reach the ideal. Supervisor: David Hoff Assessor: Weddig Runquist The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish newspapers describe working out and weight loss. We have done this study with a gender perspective to be able to analyse how weight loss and working out is described mainly for females. W

Plenty Problems to Solve: Donor Proliferation and Aid Fragmentation in Myanmar

The need for donor coordination has been increasingly established through international development practices and international agreements. Myanmar, as a newly democratizing nation, has a many diversified donors implementing development projects nationally. This study will assess the need for donor coordination in Myanmar by using donor proliferation and aid fragmentation as a proxy for donor coor

Towards a Green Global Golden Age? : ICT enabled cornucopian sustainability and a suggestion for its reform

This conceptual thesis analyses Carlota Pérez vision of a ‘Green Global Golden Age’ that is supposed to reconcile the tension between economic growth and sustainability (Pérez, 2016b). Aiming to address the pressing issue of continued unsustainability, Pérez’ proposed solution is based on the assumption that technological innovation in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Classification of musical genres using hidden Markov models

The music content online is expanding fast, and music streaming services are in need for algorithms that sort new music. Sorting music by their characteristics often comes down to considering the genre of the music. Numerous studies have been made on automatic classification of audio files using spectral analysis and machine learning methods. However, many of the completed studies have been unrealis

Choice between backdoor listing and regular initial public offering in China

The essay examines the factors that affect the private firms’ choice to go public by backdoor listing (BDL) or regular initial public offering (IPO) in China. The relevant ex-ante factors are tested by 104 BDL firms and 449 IPO firms. The results indicate significant regulation impact to the firm’s decision. In the meantime, it is unclear that the review standard of firm’s profit affects the firm’

Om bedömningens upplevda funktion hos elever i kollektiva lärandemiljöer

Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie har varit att genom en komparativ analys av Supplementary instruction (SI) och ämnet Ensemble på gymnasiet, jämföra undervisningskulturernas karaktär samt dess inverkan på elevernas upplevelse av bedömning. Studien har också ämnat identifiera om och i så fall hur eleverna ges utrymme att utveckla icke-kognitiva förmågor inom dessa miljöer. Med en hermeneutisk anThe purpose of this qualitative study has been to investigate the teaching cultures within Supplementary instruction (SI) and the subject Ensemble in upper secondary school. Through a comparative analysis of these learning environments, the aim has been to seek understanding of the pupils’ perception of assessment. The study has also intended to identify if, and in that case show how, the pupils a

Kollektivhusets framväxt i Sverige - en undersökande och utforskande studie

The study investigates the underlying factors and motives that led to the planning of collective housing in Sweden, from the 1930s until today. The brand new collective housing KomBo is used as an example to illuminate the current practice for collective housing planning. Through a critical review of various planning related documents and a total of five interviews, the study conclude the followin

De besynnerliga och besvärliga belastningarna - Belastningars sakrättsliga verkningar ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this essay is to investigate whether contractual rights can be considered as property rights and if so under which circumstances. Furthermore, the purpose is to discuss the legal situation from an Economic Analysis of Law perspective. Civil law and probably property law is characterized by economic arguments, concerning the balance of interest, which is the reason for the chosen per

Power within the exploitation process - A qualitative study of civil servants’ ability to control the development of the built environment in the municipality

Ett flertal aktörer är involverade i processen att planera och bygga nya urbana områden. I Sverige är det kommunalt planmonopol vilket innebär att kommunen ansvarar för planläggning av mark och vatten. Detaljplaneläggningen definierar förutsättningarna för hur ett nytt område kan byggas. Därav har kommunen en betydande maktposition i att kunna kontrollera utvecklingen av den bebyggda miljön. Den hSeveral actors are involved in the process of developing new areas. In Sweden, there is a municipal planning monopoly implying that municipalities are responsible for the planning of land and water. The detailed planning defines the prerequisites for the development of an area. Municipalities thus possess a significant position of power to control the development within municipalities. This resear

Postoperativ smärta med fokus på smärtskattningsguidelines. En systematisk litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Smärta är ett problem för individen som drabbas, men även ur ett samhällsekonomiskt perspektiv. Guidelines finns för att på ett evidensbaserat och säkert sätt utvärdera och behandla postoperativ smärta. Syfte: att sammanställa och granska om införande av guidelines för smärtbehandling påverkar patienters självskattade smärtupplevelse postoperativt. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudi

Addressing intersectionality in the FeesMustFall movement in Cape Town, South Africa

This thesis is a case study of how women's identities are made salient and marginalised in the FeesMustFall (FMF) movement in Cape Town, South Africa, and how this has played into their engagement with the movement. Thus, this study is centred around the perceived tension between essentialising identities and accommodating intersectionality within the FMF movement. An intra-categorical approa

Räntan – a matter of interest

Sedan finanskrisen 2007 har reporäntan nått rekordlåga nivåer, både i Sverige och i omvärlden. Räntan har därefter varit ett fortsatt aktuellt ämne och den reala räntan har varit föremål för flertal empiriska studier. Realräntan har sjunkit kraftigt sedan 1980-tales höga nivåer, vilket innebär att även den neutrala jämviktsräntan har minskat enligt bland annat Konjunkturinstitutet och Sveriges Rik