

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

Divergence in coding sequence of different functional categories of immune genes between species of the order Rodentia

How mice avoid diseases, a measure of divergence The response we have to diseases vary from person to person. In much the same way diseases affect and are battled in many different ways depending on the species. This happens due to differences in their immune system. So, what causes these differences? Well, they are mostly caused by differences in the DNA, the molecule which has the code for ever

The living in a place for the dead - an exploration of place as assemblage

This thesis investigates how place can be understood through assemblage theory and what that implies for the understanding of human relation to place. The framework has been widely used outside and within human geography, at a few instances related to place. Exploring place as assemblage is done through a case study of S:t Pauli cemeteries in Malmö. Main methods are walk along interviews and obser

The Ups and Downs of SPACs - An analysis of abnormal returns for recent SPACs during its different stages

As Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) are becoming the increasingly popular method of taking a company public, the lack of research on abnormal returns for this asset class since its introduction to the major exchanges validates a reason to expand the investigation. This thesis examines the potential abnormal returns found in different stages of recent SPACs lifecycle, dividing the SPAC

Opera by the sea - a thesis on the democratization of theatre architecture

By studying the process behind two examples of Swedish theatre architecture - Malmö City Theater and the Gothenburg Opera, the defining cultural and political developments of the 20th century can be explored. In the wake of the first world war, processes of democratization and totalitarianism spread throughout Europe. The volksbühne (people’s theater) would quickly find its home in Sweden, manifes

Från oskyldighetspresumtionen till bortom rimligt tvivel - Ett straffrättsfilosofiskt perspektiv

Det är en obehaglig realitet att i Sverige döms oskyldiga personer för brott de inte har begått. Statistiskt sett händer det sannolikt mycket sällan men över en tillräcklig lång tidsrymd är det oundvikligt. Detta trots den lagstadgade oskyldighetspresumtionen som ger den som är misstänkt för ett brott rättigheten att betraktas som oskyldig till dess att motsatsen har bevisats. Högsta domstolen hIt is an uncomfortable reality that in Sweden innocent individuals are sentenced for crimes they have not committed. Statistically, it happens most likely very seldom but, given a sufficient length of time, it is unavoidable. The Swedish Supreme Court has in NJA 1980 p. 725 expressed the evidentiary requirements for convictions in criminal cases. The guilt of the accused must be beyond reasonable

What is the problem of school segregation represented to be? The power in the freedom of choice, information and "engaged" guardians

The school segregation has been growing in the Swedish schooling system in the recent years, where pupils with different backgrounds to a lower extent meet each other in the schooling system. At the same time the differences in results between schools, and the relationship between family background and pupils’ school results is increasing. This has spurred a political will to act on the growing sc

The Clash of Justice: A Study of Frictions and Global Mechanisms in the Transitional Justice Process of Kenya

Transitional justice is an essential part in any peacebuilding project. This study will aim to examine the relationship of the global and local spectrum in a transitional justice process and try to understand how the western adversarial systems erode and repress the local justice systems. The thesis will seek to study the empirical illustrations in a case study of the transitional justice process

Snösätra in change - A design proposal for when an industrial graffiti landscape encounters a nature reserve

In the mid 2010s, a group of graffiti artist asked for permission to paint the walls of an old industrial area outside of the suburb Rågsved in Stockholm. Between two huge rocks, near an overgrown lake, under a powerline in a lush nature area a non profit, public, free and informal art gallery established. Through a citizen initiative and engaged people, this 3-hectare land called Snösätra industr

Uppföljning av röstfunktion hos barn med tidigt konstaterad unilateral recurrenspares: En pilotstudie

Syfte: Syftet med vår studie var att kvalitetssäkra omhändertagandet av barn med tidigt konstaterad unilateral recurrenspares. Vi ville undersöka deras röstfunktion vid uppföljning 5-10 år efter konstaterad diagnos, för att på så vis avgöra om uppföljningen borde se annorlunda ut. Vi vill bidra till information till vårdnadshavare vars barn drabbas av recurrenspares. Metod: I studien ingick tolv dPurpose: The aim of our study was to ensure the quality of care for children with early-diagnosed unilateral vocal cord paralysis. We wanted to examine vocal function at follow-up 5-10 years after a diagnosis had been made, in order to determine whether the follow-up should be implemented differently. We want to contribute to information for parents whose children suffer from vocal cord paralysis.

Jokkmokk: The Arctic future - Climate transitions and Urban design Challenges in Winter Cities

Polar nights, extreme cold, and snow are part of the identity of Arctic cities; these elements together set a particular demand for urban designers to find solutions to make the city more livable and attractive during the long dark days in the winter and still thrive on being enjoyable during the long bright days in the short summers. However, Arctic cities are threatened continuously by shrinking

Transactions between branch and head office and the right to deduct input VAT in cross-border scenarios

Financial institutions and VAT are often like oil and water. If a financial institution is considering centralizing an activity in a certain jurisdiction, non-recoverable VAT could pose a serious problem. In addition to that, ambiguous judgments of the European Court of Justice have contributed to this issue. As of now, even services carried out within the same legal entity may trigger non-recov

Kvinnors otrygghet

Syftet med studien är att få förståelse för den upplevda känslan av otrygghet bland kvinnor som rör sig i det offentliga rummet och i det egna bostadsområdet. Fokuset har legat på att undersöka de faktorer som har påverkan på otrygghetskänslan samt hur kvinnorna hanterar sin otrygghet. Våra frågeställningar var: 1. I vilka situationer upplever kvinnor otrygghet? 2. Vilka är de bidragande faktore

Development of a controller to switch between relative and absolute path for target vehicles in simulation scenarios

Simulating vehicle scenarios for autonomous cars saves both time and money compared to physical testing. For this to work efficiently a sophisticated simulation software is often needed. Esmini is an open-source, lightweight vehicle simulator that can handle advanced traffic scenarios. When designing scenarios to be used for testing autonomous vehicles, it is often beneficial to set up relative ve

Artister utan publik : en kvalitativ studie om två artisters övergång till digitala arbetssätt under coronapandemin 2020-2021

The purpose of this study has been to examine in which ways musical artists and entertainers have been working with digital media and intermedial relations during the corona pandemic in the years 2020-2021. Using qualitative methods, this paper aims to create a deeper understanding of digital working strategies and the benefits that can be found with these in comparison with more traditional non-d

Energy-efficient HVAC solution-sets for low-energy apartment buildings in Nordic climates - An analysis of an affordable housing project

To meet the aims of the Paris climate agreement, it is necessary to reduce energy use in buildings. Efficient HVAC systems are a critical part in achieving a low delivered energy use. However, there is a lack of comparative information of the best HVAC systems for apartment buildings, which represent an increasing share of newly built floor area in the Nordic countries. Elements of HVAC systems we

Quantum ring with tangential dipoles

This Bachelor thesis studies the formation of quantum droplets in a dilute dipolar Bose Einstein Condensate with the initial shape of a torus. The main question to address is how this formation occurs as the magnetic dipole moment of the particles changes orientation with respect to the xy plane. The (mostly) attractive dipolar, and the repulsive contact and Lee-Huang-Yang interactions of the ga

The Disappearing Package

As online shopping increases every year, so does the package material that takes from natural resources and ends up as garbage. To be able to save our planet we have to switch to a circular economy, where waste and pollution is designed away. The sector of clothing, shoes and accessories is the most bought online within the EU. These packages are commonly made of soft plastic or biodegradabl

Trygga - eller Tryggare - Rum? En kvalitativ Studie om Trygga Rum för HBTQ+ Personer

The purpose of this study was to explore the social concept of Safe Spaces from the point of view of LGBTQ+ peoples’ own opinions, critique and experiences. The method used was qualitative text analysis on 23 debate articles selected from Swedish media. These were analysed by way of applying Queer Theory, drawing mainly on Judith Butler, and the Theory of Freedom of Speech, drawing mainly on John

Calling for Health Reform: A Critical Discourse Analysis of President Klaus Iohannis’ First Official Responses to Two Deadly Hospital Fires in Romania

The Romanian healthcare system faces various structural issues such as corruption, underfunding, and lack of modernization. As hospitals make every effort to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic around the country, there have been two deadly hospital fires. This study strives to reconstruct and evaluate Romanian President Klaus Iohannis’ arguments given in favor of health reform in response to the two