

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar

Reconstruction of past human land use from pollen data and anthropogenic land cover changes

Accurate maps of past land cover and human land use are necessary for studying the impact of anthropogenic land-cover changes, such as deforestation, on the climate. The maps of past land cover should ideally be separated into naturally occurring vegetation and human-induced changes, thereby enabling the quantification of the effect of human land use on the past climate. A Bayesian hierarchical mo

Characterization of Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering in GaN HEMTs Using a Drain Current Injection Technique

Assessing short channel effects (SCEs) is crucial in the high-frequency optimization of downscaled field-effect transistors (FETs) such as GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) is commonly used for quantifying the ability of the gate to modulate the drain–source current at high drain voltages. DIBL is traditionally extracted from the relative shift o

Hur kan bevekelsegrunder bland försvarsmaktsanställda personer som olovligen delar hemliga uppgifter förstås?

This essay examines the motives among personnel employed by the Swedish and American defense sectors who have unlawfully collected and shared classified information. A narrative text analysis is employed, based on constructivist theory. A text-analytical framework was developed to study two Swedish and two American cases to explore how these can be understood. The study reveals commonalities with

På fel sida målsnöret - En fallstudie av fallet Domstolskvinnan

This essay investigates social factors behind why an individual within a security-sensitive organization could become an informant for criminal actors. Based on a pre-investigation report, a case study is conducted on the Swedish case of "Domstolskvinnan" (the Court Woman). The empirical material is analyzed using thematic content analysis and narrative analysis to identify personal and

“Infamy is better than total obscurity” - En studie av incel-rörelsens ideologi och radikaliseringsprocess

Since the mid 2000’s several terror attacks have been committed by men who have identified themselves as incels, which has led authorities to point out misogyny as a motive behind terrorism. Despite this, incels and misogynistic terrorism are severely understudied today, which has created a knowledge gap in the research field. The aim of this research project was to fill said gap by reaching a bet

När investeringar blev säkerhetspolitik: Införandet av Sveriges nya FDI-lag

This essay analyzes the introduction of the new screening system for foreign direct investments (the FDI act1) in Sweden. By using the Multiple Streams Framework, the study examines how problems, policy proposals and political conditions converged to create a policy window that enabled the enactment of the FDI act in 2023. Through the method of process tracing, this essay demonstrates how the Swed

Tillämpas säkerhetsskydd inom hawala?

Hawala-systemet beskrivs som en utmaning att hantera utav myndigheter och forskning. Ena sidan av hawala är ett legitimt och praktiskt sätt för människor att flytta pengar där förutsättningar saknas. Medan den andra är en informell och illegal sida som används till att finansiera brottslighet, terrorism eller pengatvätt. Det är den illegala hawala som utgör ett problem då den är svår att upptäcka

Underrättelsecykeln - En väg framåt

Den här uppsatsen tittar på hur underrättelsecykeln har sett ut sedan 1940-talet och jämför den traditionella synen på konceptet med akademikers, akademiker- praktikers respektive praktikers perspektiv på och omsättning av konceptet i praktiken. Dessa perspektiv utgör dels normativa, dels beskrivande sådana. Jämförelseobjektet och utgångsångspunkten är underrättelsecykeln enligt Kent och Försvarsm

Legitimitet genom narrativ

This thesis examines Russia’s official justifications for its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, focusing on the construction and dissemination of key narratives within its rhetoric. Through a combined narrative and discourse analysis, the study explores how these narratives, centered on security concerns, ideological threats, and humanitarian arguments, serve to legitimize the use of force. Key narr

Principer för påverkan - En jämförande fallstudie av civila informatörer i kriminella miljöer och RASCLS

In the light of the importance of different methods for obtaining intelligence on criminal activity, a need for in-depth knowledge concerning confidential informants emerges. The following essay accordingly explored the relationship between confidential informants and their handlers, through a comparative case study. The field concerning confidential informant research is considered limited, in te

Vad är meningen med enighet, orättvisor och jihad? En narrativanalys av Anwar al-Awlakis meningsskapande i utvalda predikningar.

The study “What is the meaning of unity, injustice and jihad?” examines the meaning-making of the famous preacher and later al-Qaeda member, Anwar al-Awlaki. The study focuses on three central themes: unity, injustice and jihad, and applies thematic narrative analysis with a theory-consuming approach to explore how the themes are constructed and function. The thesis is based on earlier works on na

Jakt på spioner och sabotörer. Ett skånskt perspektiv från andra världskrigets inledning.

The Second World War (WW2) started in September 1939, by Germany invading Poland. Soon after, the Soviet Union attacked Finland, followed by the German invasion of Denmark and Norway in April 1940, thus Sweden found itself surrounded by war. As Sweden held a policy of neutrality during the war, it had to find ways of gathering information to maintain this policy and secure the country from espiona

Säkerhet genom avskräckning: en diskursanalys av Rysslands kärnvapendoktrin 2024

This study examines Russia’s nuclear doctrine 2024 in the context of the evolving security landscape, particularly following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in 2022. By utilizing discourse analysis and the process of securitization on governmental documents and statements, the study aims to answer the research question How can Russia’s nuclear doctrine be understood as an intention to construct

Kvinnorna i gängkriminaliteten

This study explores the involvement of five women in criminal networks, focusing on their pathways to crime, actions and motives. The method of choice was a qualitative content analysis with a comparative case study design. The cases were analysed with a theoretical framework consisting of gender perspectives and criminological theories, alongside a review of prior research and official reports. T

Ryssland hotar med kärnvapen: En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av avskräckning och kärnvapentabu gällande kriget i Ukraina

This essay examines Russia’s nuclear rhetoric in relation to the war in Ukraine, with a focus on the strategic and normative dimensions of deterrence and the nuclear taboo. By using Thomas C. Schelling’s theories of deterrence and signaling and Nina Tannenwald’s theory of the nuclear weapons taboo, the study analyze how Russia’s rhetoric and actions relate to the theories in question. The study us

Autocratic intelligence

This paper tests Joseph Hatfields theory regarding intelligence in autocratic states. Hatfields three points regarding autocratic states intelligence services are operationalized into six analytical questions. These are applied to two cases selected by the most/least likely method. The democratic, least likely, case is the United States by the Church Committee. This includes descriptions of the CI

Underrättelsedimensionen av militärstrategisk kommunikation En beskrivande fallstudie om framing av underrättelsedimensionen som möjlig strategi för militärstrategisk kommunikation

Disclosure of Intelligence information and information regarding Intelligence operations can have both advantages and disadvantages. In a descriptive case study of three military operations against suspected underwater activities, the thesis examines, based on a content analysis, how these operations have been framed based on the concept of the intelligence dimension specifically constructed for t

Afrika under påverkan - En jämförande fallstudie kring Rysslands aktiva åtgärder i Mali och Centralafrikanska republiken.

Africa has often been a neglected continent that is riff with historical tensions. Russia has sought to exploit this by stoking what remains of colonial tensions, portraying themselves as decolonizers, while simultaneously utilizing active measures to achieve goals, political, economical, and militaral. This study aims to conduct a comparative case study, based on Lars Ulfvings definition of the

Möjliggörandet av en hotkonstruktion

This paper examines how the Swedish government speaks about so called “enablers” or “facilitators”, also known as infiltrators for criminal networks in legal structures, and what aspects of the discourse points to a securitization of the issue. In other words, the study aims to examine how the threat is constructed semantically through “speech-act”. Based on the Copenhagen School’s view on securit

På den säkra sidan

This essay aims to examine the function and significance of security protection regulations in Sweden and in the United States, The essay focuses on their historical and security policy contexts. In Sweden the Security Protection Act, säkerhetsskyddslagen, will be analyzed, while its American counterpart under review is The Protection of Classified Information, it is a collection of different secu