

Din sökning på "*" gav 531187 sökträffar

Absorption and incorporation into tissue lipids of 3H-arachidonic- and 14C-linoleic acid : effects of ethanol in jejunal tissue cultures and in vivo

The effects of ethanol in the rat on the absorption and incorporation of 3H-arachidonic (20: 4, n-6) and 14C-linoleic acid (18:2, n-6) into tissue lipids was examined in jejunal tissue cultures in vivo. The pattern of incorporation earlier seen in the small intestine in vivo, ie. a preferential incorporation of 3H-20: 4 in comparison to 14C-18: 2 into phospholipids (PL), particularly phosphatidyle

The Impact of Lake Water Quality on the Performance of Mature Artificial Recharge Ponds

Artificial groundwater recharge is commonly used for drinking water supply. The resulting water quality is highly dependent on the raw water quality. In many cases, pre-treatment is required. Pre-treatment improves the drinking water quality, although how and to what extent it affects the subsequent pond water quality and infiltration process, is still unknown. We evaluated two treatment systems b

Ärade Statsminister! Breven till statsministern om den ekonomiska politiken

Här granskas ett stickprov på cirka ett halvt tusen brev skrivna till statsministern under 1992–95 i syfte att kartlägga brevskrivarnas uppfattning om hur svensk ekonomi och ekonomisk politik fungerar. Urvalet omfattar såväl brev adresserade till en borgerlig statsminister, Carl Bildt, som till en socialdemokratisk, Ingvar Carlsson.Av breven framgår att rättvisa och fördelning är långt mer central

Generation of electron high energy beams with a ring-like structure by a dual stage laser wakefield accelerator

The laser wake-field accelerator (LWFA) traditionally produces high brightness, quasi-monoenergetic electron beams with Gaussian-like spatial and angular distributions. In the present work we investigate the generation of ultra-relativistic beams with ring-like structures in the blowout regime of the LWFA using a dual stage accelerator. A density down-ramp triggers injection after the first stage

Memetic Algorithm with Filtering Scheme for the Minimum Weighted Edge Dominating Set Problem

The minimum weighted edge dominating set problem (MWEDS) generalizes both the weighted vertex cover problem and the problem of covering the edges of graph by a minimum cost set of both vertices and edges. In this paper, we propose a meta heuristic approach based on genetic algorithm and local search to solve the MWEDS problem. Therefore, the proposed method is considered as a memetic search algori

Pre-clinical effects of highly potent MEK1/2 inhibitors on rat cerebral vasculature after organ culture and subarachnoid haemorrhage

Background: Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) is a variant of haemorrhagic stroke with a striking 50% mortality rate. In addition to the initial insult, secondary delayed brain injury may occur days after the initial ischemic insult and is associated with vasospasms leading to delayed cerebral ischemia. We have previously shown that the MEK1/2 inhibitor U0126 improves neurological assessme

Var finns den oberoende professorn?

Ett generellt problem för professorn är att finna en lämplig avvägning mellan rollen som oberoende bedömare av samhällsutvecklingen och rollen som expert eller konsult åt externa uppdragsgivare. Detta dilemma diskuteras här med utgångspunkt från den växande kopplingen mellan professorskåren inom nationalekonomi och den offentliga sektorn under de senaste 10–15 åren. Någon enkel lösning på motsättn

Structural basis for the interaction of the chaperone Cbp3 with newly synthesized cytochrome b during mitochondrial respiratory chain assembly

Assembly of the mitochondrial respiratory chain requires the coordinated synthesis of mitochondrial and nuclear encoded subunits, redox co-factor acquisition, and correct joining of the subunits to form functional complexes. The conserved Cbp3-Cbp6 chaperone complex binds newly synthesized cytochrome b and supports the ordered acquisition of the heme co-factors. Moreover, it functions as a transla

Is urban spatial development on the right track? Comparing strategies and trends in the European Union

Urban spatial development is a crucial issue for spatial planning and urban governance, ultimately determining cities’ sustainability. While a set of spatial strategies to address urban development are progressively gaining international consensus, their actual applicability is still contested. An interesting test-bed is represented by the European Union (EU), where common spatial strategies have

A review of approaches and challenges for sustainable planning in urban peripheries

As urban systems continue to grow worldwide, urban peripheries increase in number and typologies, which makes their planning a challenge for sustainable development. The aim of this article is to explore approaches and challenges related to the application of sustainable planning to urban peripheries. We reviewed the content of 102 papers related to sustainable planning in urban peripheries by app

A performance measurement system for change initiatives : An action research study from design to evaluation

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop, implement, test and further enhance a framework for measuring organizational change initiatives. Design/methodology/approach: The conceptual part of the framework is based on the structured analysis of existing literature. The framework was further developed during an action research (AR) study where the authors developed, implemented, evaluated an

Arachidonic acid absorption in human jejunum in organ culture : effects of ethanol

Human jejunal tissue obtained by peroral biopsy was cultured in control medium and in medium containing 100 mmol l-1 ethanol. Subsequently, the incorporation and metabolism of [3H]-arachidonic and [14C]-linoleic acid were evaluated. Of the two fatty acids a significantly higher amount of [3H]-arachidonic acid was incorporated into phospholipids and more [14C]-linoleic acid was incorporated into tr

Sources of Airborne Norovirus in Hospital Outbreaks

BACKGROUND: Noroviruses are the major cause of viral gastroenteritis. Disease transmission is difficult to prevent and outbreaks in healthcare facilities commonly occur. Contact with infected persons and contaminated environments are believed to be the main routes of transmission. However, noroviruses have recently been found in aerosols and airborne transmission has been suggested. The aim of our