

Din sökning på "*" gav 530573 sökträffar

Swedish labour market and the free movement of labour

Ever since Sweden decided to join the EU in 1995 the debate regarding effects of the free movement of labour has been discussed. This discussion intensified when the union were faced with its largest expansion, to date, in 2004. Not only were ten new countries becoming members, and thus allowed to use the right of free movement of labour, but most of these were geographically close to Sweden and a

Unlocking the full potential of Big Data: A change management approach

Big Data has experienced recent developments in the field of Business Intelligence and has captured the increasing interest of enterprises who are trying to seize its potential. More and more companies, operating in industries ranging from insurance to the entertainment industry, are moving forward with the adoption of Big Data, in an attempt to gain significant benefits, such as customer insight,

Agila mjukvaruprojekts största utmaning

Denna studie fokuserar på agila projektmetoder men utesluter inte traditionella metoder, då de fortfarande används och de kan ställas mot det agila. De tre vanligaste agila metoderna (Scrum, Kanban och XP) samt den mest välkända traditionella metoden (Vattenfallsmetoden) behandlas. De agila metoderna fokuserar på att leverera värde till kunden och ett projekt anses avslutat när användaren är nöjd,

Foreign Currency Derivatives and Their Impact on Firm Value - A study on Swedish Non-Financial Firms

This paper empirically examines the relationship between firm value and the usage of currency derivatives for 85 non-financial Swedish firms listed on Stockholm Stock Exchange. The sample includes firms operating in a wide range of industries and with different sizes. The time period for the data is from 2005 to 2010. There is no proof of an existing relationship between currency derivative usage

Credit Value Adjustment

This thesis is intended to give an overview of credit valuation adjustment (CVA) and adjacent concepts. Two commonly used short-rate models in pricing the CVA are explained in detail and potential challenges with the methods are addressed. The differences between these two models are explained mathematically and analysed. After some conceptual background material, a simple tool for computing CVA f

Does Education Impact Female Employment?

This paper examines the impact of years of schooling on female employment decisions and on the intensity of employment by using the variation across countries and over birth cohorts in compulsory schooling reforms. The sample includes women aged 25 to 64 from five eurozone countries and the data covers the year of 2010. The findings suggest that years of schooling do not have a significant effect

En stigmatiserande och marginaliserande kunskapsproduktion: en diskursanalys om statens kunskapsproduktion om köp och försäljning av sexuella tjänster

In 1999, purchase of sexual services (6 Ch. 11 § The Swedish Penal Code, The Act against the purchase of sexual services) was criminalized in Sweden and the debate about it has been ongoing ever since. Previous research has primarily been attitude studies concerning social norms as well as research criticizing state agencies’ attitude towards people with experience of selling sex. Inspired by thes

En studie om hur familjehemsföräldrar hanterar situationen för de hemmavarande biologiska barnen när ett barn placeras i deras familj

Authors: Johanna Ekelund and Donjeta Breznica Title:Because they are amazing for taking on these kids [translated title] Supervisor: Maria BanguraArvidsson Our study aims to analyze how foster parents manage the reform that takes place for the biological children when a placement of a child occurs. Our focus has been on the biological children living in the same household as the parents. Using

Effects of government-initiated referendums

This thesis asks the question “How do government-initiated local referendums affect citizens’ perceptions of democracy?”. In the theoretical discussion, direct democratic theory is found to be inadequate in studying the effects of government-initiated referendums. Since the referendums are government-initiated, that negates the important aspect of bypassing elites. The referendum democracy concept

The Kimberley Process, a new actor on the conflict resolution scene?

In 2003, the Kimberley Process, a public-private partnership gathering governments, the diamond industry and several civil society organizations, entered into force. This international scheme, aiming at fighting against conflict diamonds, imposed export bans on diamonds from the Marange Fields in the Eastern part of Zimbabwe and from the Central African Republic. Indeed, evidence of violations of

Konstgjorda barn och oäkta föräldrar? Den assisterade befruktningens och surrogatmödraskapets rättsetiska dilemman.

Förevarande uppsats behandlar de argument och ställningstaganden som ligger bakom lagstiftarens beslut beträffande assisterad befruktning i allmänhet, och surrogatmoderskap i synnerhet. Den alternativa familjebildningen och den assisterade befruktningens historia går långt tillbaka i tiden, men började på allvar regleras på 1980-talet, då inseminationsutredningen grundligt utredde frågan. VariatThe thesis at hand deals with the arguments and positions underlying the legislators decisions concerning Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in general, and surrogate motherhood in particular. The history of alternative ways to start a family, and ART goes far back. However, it only really began to be the subject of regulation in the 1980s, when the government issued an investigation, to thoro

Erfarenheter av patientundervisning vid diabetes mellitus typ 2 – ett sjuksköterske- och patientperspektiv

Av världens befolkning är det 347 miljoner människor som har sjukdomen diabetes mellitus, där 90 % representerar diabetes mellitus typ 2. Vården vid diabetes mellitus typ 2 sköts nästan uteslutande av patienten själv, vilket ger patienten en stort egenansvar för sin hälsa. Kunskap är en central del i patientens egenansvar som kan fås genom patientundervisning. Syftet med studien var att beskriva s

CO induced faceting of Rh(553)

We have investigated the CO induced faceting of a Rh(553) surface using Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM), Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES). The sample was exposed to a CO pressure of 1x10^-3 mbar, at different sample temperatures. The experiment was performed in the STM lab at the division of Synchrotron Radiation Research at Lund University. AccordinMy bachelor thesis deals with the change of Rhodium (Rh) stepped surface under pure carbon monoxide exposure, which will help the understanding of it as a catalyst of carbon monoxide oxidation. Catalysts are widely used in different areas and industries as catalysis can help accelerating chemical reactions without itself being consumed. Rh is a metal catalyst used in the oxidation of CO to CO2. T

A Theoretical Investigation of Thermoelectrics in Nanowires Embedded With a Quantum Dot Superlattice

Thermoelectric elements have long been anticipated to challenge conventional solutions for converting heat to electricity. However, the revolution has been stalled due to the inability to reach efficiencies comparable to their conventional counterparts, while retaining a high output power. In this work we will model a thermoelectric element based on nanowires embedded with a quantum dot superlattice

Hur vardagskonsumtionen blev iögonfallande - En studie om premiumisering

Sammanfattning Uppsatsens titel: Hur vardagskonsumtionen blev iögonfallande – en studie om premiumisering Seminariedatum: 2015-05-26 Kurs: FEKN90: Examensarbete på civilekonomprogrammet, 30 högskolepoäng Författare: Oskar Britting och Viktor Hansson Handledare: Annette Cerne Nyckelord: Premium, premiumisering, premiumlivsmedel, konsumentbeteende, personligt varumärke, kommodifiering, iögonfAbstract Title: How the Everyday Consumption Became Conspicuous – a Study About Premiumisation Seminar date: 2015-05-26 Course: FEKN90: Master Thesis in Science and Business Administration, 30 ECTS Authors: Oskar Britting and Viktor Hansson Supervisor: Annette Cerne Key words: Premium, premiumisation, premium foods, consumer behavior, personal branding, commodification, conspicuous consumpti

Principalansvaret och dess gränser ur ett rättsekonomiskt perspektiv

De svenska reglerna om principalansvar trädde i kraft 1972, när en ny skadeståndslag antogs av Riksdagen. Innan denna tidpunkt hade regler om principalansvar utvecklats i rättspraxis, men omfattningen av detta ansvar hade varit väldigt begränsad. I de flesta fall hade en arbetsgivare inte kunnat hållas ansvarig för de skador som hans anställda vållat i tjänsten. När regler om principalansvar intoThe Swedish regulation of vicarious liability entered into force in 1972, when a new Liability for Damages Act was passed by the parliament. Prior to this point in time, a concept of vicarious liability had developed in Swedish case law, but the scope of such liability had been very limited. In most cases, an employer would not have been held responsible for tortious acts caused by his employees i

"Helt plötsligt sitter världen på våra gator och vi kan se hur det ser ut" - En kvalitativ studie av socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet med EU-migranter

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences regarding the work with EU-migrants among social workers in the nonprofit sector, whom comes in contact with the phenomenon. Furthermore, we wanted to highlight the work challenges in relation to EU-migrants, but also in relation to cooperation with other affiliates. In the study we used semi-structured interviews, i.e. a qualitative approach. F

Biblioteken och det demokratiska samhällets utveckling

In 2014 a new library legislation (SFS2013:801) in Sweden replaced the previous from 1997 (SFS1996:1596). The background for an entirely new legislation was due to the fact that society had become much changed since 1997 therefore legislators identified a need for an altogether new legislation. Paragraph 2 § is a so called guiding clause and embodies the view of the library as an important contrib

Näringsidkares ansvar för kvarglömd egendom

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka skadeståndsansvaret för sakskada på lös egendom som glömts kvar eller tappats i en näringsidkares affärslokaler av en person som har eller har haft ett avtal med näringsidkaren för att utnyttja hans tjänster. För att kunna uppfylla det övergripande syftet med uppsatsen utgick jag från följande frågeställningar: - Under vilka förutsättningar kan en näringsidkThe aim of this thesis is to investigate the liability for property damage which has been inflicted on personal property belonging to a private person which is left behind or has gotten lost in premises belonging to a businessman, when the owner has or has had a contract with the businessman concerning his services. In order to meet the overall objective of this paper, I formulated the following q