

Din sökning på "*" gav 529352 sökträffar

Miljösystemanalys av torkat matavfall för biogasproduktion

The food waste created in Swedish commercial kitchens presents a difficult logistical and environmental problem for local governments. Today all the food waste is collected separately and recycled organically to create biogas, an energy-rich fuel that can be used for both industrial and domestic applications. To mitigate the logistical and sanitary issues associated with large amounts of organic w

Diurnal activity patterns in two sabellid fan worm species

Many animals have biological and circadian rhythms with periods of more and less activity. Fan worms (Polychaeta: Sabellidae) possess radiolar crowns used for feeding and respiration. These crowns can be retracted into the tube in which the animal lives, or displayed in the water, indicating inactivity or activity. Here, activity patterns based on crown status were studied in the fan worm species

Soft matter roadmap

Soft materials are usually defined as materials made of mesoscopic entities, often self-organised, sensitive to thermal fluctuations and to weak perturbations. Archetypal examples are colloids, polymers, amphiphiles, liquid crystals, foams. The importance of soft materials in everyday commodity products, as well as in technological applications, is enormous, and controlling or improving their prop

Destination adaptation in the Mont Blanc area: Is the tourism system adapting to climate change?

Mountain areas all around the world are extremely vulnerable to climate change. In Europe, local livelihoods are closely linked to tourism, which will not only be strongly affected by climate change, but will also contribute to these changes. Based on twenty-three interviews, this thesis uses Actor Network Theory to define the tourism system and to analyze destination adaptation in the Mont Blanc

What more to innovate?: A case study of plant-based food start-ups in Sweden for food system transformation

Food systems can negatively impact the environment and human health, posing challenges to global sustainability goals. Employing the Three Spheres of Transformation framework, this thesis examines sustainable entrepreneurs' role in transforming food systems to support plant-based food consumption. Focusing on Swedish plant-based alternative food start-ups, I conducted 11 interviews to explore

Political ecologies of the far right : Fanning the flames

This volume engages with the alarming convergence of far right thinking and the ecological crisis in contemporary society. Growing out of the first international conference on political ecologies of the far right, the volume gathers crucial insights from authorities in the field as well as promising early career researchers. With cases ranging from ethnographical accounts of fossil fuel populist p

Nordic Microclimate Response: A study on microclimate design and its impact on seasonal life in the coastal town of Åkrehamn, Norway

This project explores the way design can adapt existing local areas to be better suited to their changing climates. In doing so it analyzes the current and seasonal climate conditions of Scandinavian towns such as Åkrehamn, Norway. Using available sun, wind, and weather data, the design is evaluated with climate modeling software to help visualize the climate conditions that the thesis aims to wor

Dwell-time station-service analysis using a Rasch analysis technique

In order to ensure punctual and robust service, it is vital to have a good understanding of the current performance of a railway network. Several approaches to doing so exist but lack the ability to compare both service and station performance in a single dimension. The study presented here proposes the use of the Rasch analysis technique within an operational context to compare the relative dwell

Transgenerational effects of maternal infection in great reed warblers (Acrocephalus arundinaceus)

Kronisk malaria i en flyttfågel: Sjuka mammor har favoritungar. Precis som människor kan djur bli sjuka. Dessa sjukdomar spelar en stor roll i ekosystem, bland annat för att de kan ge negativ påverkan på populationsstorlekar via ökad dödlighet och minskad fortplantningsframgång (fitness) bland infekterade individer. En sådan sjukdom är fågelmalaria. Trastsångaren (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) är enLife-history theory predicts that individuals carrying parasite infections should experience a trade-off between allocation of resources towards reproduction versus repression of the infection. However, in the case of chronic avian malaria infections in the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) and other passerines, correlational studies have found little effect on annual survival and fec

Two new genera of Eulophinae (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), including four new species parasitoids on Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera) leaf miners in Costa Rica

Two new genera, Petiolachertus and Macroplectron, each with two new species, P. castor and P. pollux, T. nishidai and T. safron, respectively, are described. Petiolachertus belongs in the tribe Eulophini and Macroplectron in Cirrospilini. Petiolachertus castor, P. pollux and T. nishidai are described from both sexes and have been reared from Gracillariidae leaf miners (unidentified Gracillariidae

Early Blood–Brain Barrier Impairment as a Pathological Hallmark in a Novel Model of Closed-Head Concussive Brain Injury (CBI) in Mice

Concussion, caused by a rotational acceleration/deceleration injury mild enough to avoid structural brain damage, is insufficiently captured in recent preclinical models, hampering the relation of pathophysiological findings on the cellular level to functional and behavioral deficits. We here describe a novel model of unrestrained, single vs. repetitive concussive brain injury (CBI) in male C56Bl/

The import of skin tissue dynamics in tactile sensing

The mammalian skin is a densely innervated soft tissue where neural mechanoreceptors embedded in the skin report to the brain the mechanical events arising at its surface. Up to now, models of the transformations of these events into neural signals relied on quasi-static or viscoelastic mechanical models of the skin tissue. Here we developed a model, which, in addition to elasticity and viscosity,

Dialogue and the “miracle of language” : The early and late Bakhtin

This essay begins with a brief account of the French linguistic structuralism and very briefly some aspects of the post-structuralist critique of it, here represented by Lacan and, Deleuze, and Guattari as a response to it. Against this backdrop, the purpose of the essay is to show a critique of structuralism that came earlier than the post-structuralist one, namely that of the Russian philosopher

A framework to assess the degrowth transformative capacity of niche initiatives

As humanity faces multiple mutually-reinforcing social-ecological crises, rhetoric on transformations abounds. However, transformations are normative, politically-contested processes that risk perpetuating, or even exacerbating, the ecological and socio-economic crises of today. We argue that transformations should seek to enhance human and non-human well-being within the planetary boundaries; a g

Irish GDP Since Independence

This paper constructs annual GDP estimates for Ireland (1924-47) to join the first complete official aggregates. The new series is deployed to revisit Ireland’s economic performance in the post-independence decades. Ireland’s economy grew at 1.5 per cent per annum and average living standards improved by 40 per cent. The bulk of this was due to labour productivity improvements stemming from worker

Effects of temperature on the physiological performance of two non-native C4 species

This experiment studied the performance of two closely related C4 grass species, Eragrostis minor and E. multicaulis. Both species are non-native to Sweden but have colonised the city of Malmö at different times over the last century. Multiple vegetative and reproductive performance traits were compared across four temperature regimes ranging from 19 to 40°C. The two species were found to have sig

Att göra det tillsammans - när det passar

Denna studie utforskar hållbarhetskommunikation inom skidindustrin med särskilt fokus på SkiStars strategiska åtaganden. Genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys undersöker vi tillämpningen av Speech-Act Theory och Stakeholder Theory för att förstå hur SkiStar kommunicerar sina hållbarhetsinsatser. Resultaten visar att hållbarhetskommunikation inte bara speglar företagens ansvar utan också formar intresseThis study explores sustainability communication within the ski industry, with a particular focus on SkiStar's strategic commitments. Through qualitative content analysis, we examine the application of Speech-Act Theory and Stakeholder Theory to understand how SkiStar communicates its sustainability efforts. The results show that sustainability communication not only reflects corporate respons

Artifact Detection Using Correlation Analyses Applied to MEGA-PRESS Data Containing Subject Head Movements

Subject movements and other disturbances might contaminate the Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy data, and these artifacts can be misinterpreted as actual metabolite signals by the quantification program. Thus, an automatic method could be very helpful for finding artifacts and eliminating them. In this work, an approach of using correlation analyses was tested in order to evaluate if motion contami