

Din sökning på "*" gav 534691 sökträffar

Sensitivity enhancement and fringe reduction in tunable diode laser spectroscopy using hemispherical diffusers

The use of diffuse, highly reflective optical components, in particular, a hemispherical BaSO4 diffuser, at the point of light injection into non-transparent or turbid media was evaluated as a means to increase the measurement sensitivity of spectroscopic absorption measurements. By performing the light injection from, e.g., an optical fiber through a component designed to make the light diffuse a

Mechanics of respiratory system in healthy anesthetized humans with emphasis on viscoelastic properties

The classic model of the respiratory system (RS) is comprised of a Newtonian resistor in series with a capacitor and a viscoelastic unit including a resistor and a capacitor. The flow interruption technique has often been used to study the viscoelastic behavior under constant inspiratory flow rate. To study the viscoelastic behavior of the RS during complete respiratory cycles and to quantify visc

An AC Electrokinetic Device for the rapid separation and detection of cancer related DNA nanoparticulate biomarkers

The ability to rapidly detect cell free circulating (cfc) DNA and other nanoparticulate disease biomarkers directly in blood is a major challenge for nanomedicine. We now show that AC Electrokinetic (ACE) microelectrode array devices can be used to rapidly isolate and detect cfc-DNA nanoparticulates directly from whole blood and other high conductance samples (plasma, serum etc.). The device shows

Materialiserad tid : Arkeologins tidsbegrepp

Det arkeologiska perspektivets tidsdjup ger kunskap om förändringar av människans livsval. De arkeologiska föremålen betraktas som ett slags tidsmarkörer som materialiserar en tids idéer om formgivning, tillverkning och konsumtion av produkter och hur dessa kan ingå i en föreställningsvärld om tid. Vår egen tids föreställning om tid påverkar ytligt tolkningen av forntida material.

Comparison of reproductive investment in native and non-native populations of common wall lizards reveals sex differences in adaptive potential

Non-native animals can encounter very different environments than those they are adapted to. Functional changes in morphology, physiology and life-history following introduction show that organisms can adapt both fast and efficiently. It remains unclear, however, if female reproductive characters and male sexually selected behaviour show the same adaptive potential. Furthermore, the invasion succe

Attosecond dynamics of light-induced resonant hole transfer in high-order-harmonic generation

We present a study of high-order-harmonic generation (HHG) assisted by extreme ultraviolet (XUV) attosecond pulses, which can lead to the excitation of inner-shell electrons and the generation of a second HHG plateau. With the treatment of a one-dimensional model of krypton, based on time-dependent configuration interaction singles (TDCIS) of an effective two-electron system, we show that the XUV-

Penetration of aluminium salts through pig skin in vitro

Background: Recently it was suggested to use aluminium chloride hexahydrate in petrolatum at 10% to detect aluminium contact allergy. Patch testing with aluminium chloride hexahydrate at 20% did not demonstrate a higher number of positive test reactions. It was speculated that the constricting effect of aluminium salts might impair skin penetration. Objectives: The purpose of the present study is

Mötesstrider och dokumentkamp i ungdomsvården

Saklighet och neutralitet skall idealtypiskt karakterisera byråkratins ”emotionella regim” eller affektiva ton. Max Weber karakteriserade den idealtypiska byråkratin: sine ira ac studio (utan ilska eller förkärlek). Trots detta var möten och dokument i ett ungdomsvårdsprojekt omgärdade med en intensiv involvering och beskrevs ofta i känslomässiga termer. Känslor som ilska, förbittring, och ibland

Morphometric analysis of thalamic volume in progressive supranuclear palsy : In vivo evidence of regionally specific bilateral thalamic atrophy

We investigated whether differences were detectable in the volume and shape of the dorsal thalamus on magnetic resonance imaging in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP). Manual segmentation of the left and right thalami on magnetic resonance imaging scans occurred in 22 patients with clinically diagnosed PSP and 23 healthy controls; thalamic volumes (left, right, total) were calculat

A potential anti-tumor effect of leukotriene C4 through the induction of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase expression in colon cancer cells

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the leading causes of cancer-related deaths worldwide. Cyclooxygenase-2, which plays a key role in the biosynthesis of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), is often up-regulated in CRC and in other types of cancer. PGE2 induces angiogenesis and tumor cell survival, proliferation and migration. The tumor suppressor 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH) is a key enzym

Fluid evolution in CM carbonaceous chondrites tracked through the oxygen isotopic compositions of carbonates

The oxygen isotopic compositions of calcite grains in four CM carbonaceous chondrites have been determined by NanoSIMS, and results reveal that aqueous solutions evolved in a similar manner between parent body regions with different intensities of aqueous alteration. Two types of calcite were identified in Murchison, Mighei, Cold Bokkeveld and LaPaz Icefield 031166 by differences in their petrogra

Evidence for an impact-induced biosphere from the δ34S signature of sulphides in the Rochechouart impact structure, France

The highly eroded 23 km diameter Rochechouart impact structure, France, has extensive evidence for post-impact hydrothermal alteration and sulphide mineralisation. The sulphides can be divided into four types on the basis of their mineralogy and host rock. They range from pyrites and chalcopyrite in the underlying coherent crystalline basement to pyrites hosted in the impactites. Sulphur isotopic

Old and new human rights in Europe : The scope of EU rights versus that of ECHR rights

What impact will the entry of a legally binding Charter of EU Fundamental Rights have on the scope of protection of the fundamental rights of the EU citizen? How will these ‘new’ rights impact on the ‘old’ human rights in Europe? This chapter address these questions by evaluating the Strasbourg and Luxembourg legal orders. It will do so by first considering the material and personal scope of the C

Work disability in non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis patients before and after start of anti-TNF therapy : A population-based regional cohort study from southern Sweden

Objective. The aim was to assess work-loss days before and after commencement of anti-TNF treatment in patients with non-radiographic axial spondylarthritis (nr-axSpA). Methods. Bionaïve nr-axSpA patients (n = 75), aged 17-62 years, fulfilling the Assessment of SpondyloArthritis international Society criteria for axial spondyloarthritis and starting anti-TNF treatment during 2004-11, were retrieve

Increased nitrous oxide emissions from Arctic peatlands after permafrost thaw

Permafrost in the Arctic is thawing, exposing large carbon and nitrogen stocks for decomposition. Gaseous carbon release from Arctic soils due to permafrost thawing is known to be substantial, but growing evidence suggests that Arctic soils may also be relevant sources of nitrous oxide (N2O). Here we show that N2O emissions from subarctic peatlands increase as the permafrost thaws. In our study, t

Sex chromosome evolution : Historical insights and future perspectives

Many separate-sexed organisms have sex chromosomes controlling sex determination. Sex chromosomes often have reduced recombination, specialized (frequently sex-specific) gene content, dosage compensation and heteromorphic size. Research on sex determination and sex chromosome evolution has increased over the past decade and is today a very active field. However, some areas within the field have no