

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

The Sublime

In our everyday life we live distant from the origin of life itself - nature. Dramatic landscape and fascinating views touch us in a way that few other things manage to do. It is something that make us recognize our powerlessness and the feeling of awe towards the nature. Experiencing striking nature is a way to create a deeper understanding of our own world and at the same time enrich our lives w

Historical Explanations Behind Differences: The Parallel Development of the Committee of the Regions and Regional Offices

This is a comparative case study of the Committee of the Regions and regional offices. It explores using written records whether history can unveil contrasting features between these two systems using historical institutionalism as the guide. First, it examines the beginning of regional engagement in the European Union with the formation of European Regional Development Fund and the Single Europea

"The Kurds used to have no other friends than the mountains. But that is not true anymore."

This paper investigates the recruitment of foreign fighters to the Kurdish armed forces YPG and YPJ, who combat the jihadist Islamic State in Western Kurdistan. The research question addresses the mystery of how people with no ties to the conflict area can be motivated to risk their lives in a distant conflict abroad, when they could just choose not to. David Malet´s theory of the framing of the c

Adapt: A New Resilient Living in a Kampala Post-industrial Area

This thesis focuses on creating a climate adaptive and resilient neighborhood in and area currently serving as an industrial zone. With growing sprawl in Kampala and limited vacant land within the city Limits, the project focuses on developing inefficiently used areas within the city center and developing them into sustainable mixed function urban communities. This provides densification without t

An environmentally friendly company is just like any ordinary company; it thrives for success

Purpose: To explore whether the view on Business Models and Value Creation, can explain the lack of Venture Capital investments in green start-ups, by examining how green start-up Entrepreneurs, and Venture Capitalist investors, view these two factors. Theoretical framework: The aim of this thesis is to address some of the key knowledge gaps in research available today, regarding why there is a l

Kompensationspraxis i den etiopiska exproprieringsprocessen

Utveckling av jordbrukssektorn är en av de viktigaste prioriteringarna för den Etiopiska staten när det kommer till att upprätthålla landets ekonomiska utveckling. Ett sätt att uppnå detta är att satsa på storskaliga utvecklingsprojekt inom jordbruket, till exempel Tana Beles Sugar Development Project som den här uppsatsen kretsar kring. För att kunna anlägga detta har stora landarealer tagits i aDevelopment of the agricultural sector is among the top priorities for the Ethiopian government in order to keep up the economic development in the country. One way of reaching this is to undertake large-scale development projects, such as the Tana Beles Sugar Development Project described in this thesis. For this, large areas of land are required for the plantations. This land is expropriated fro

Industrial energy efficiciency drivers and barriers, and global sustainability: A case study of a polymer compounding company

This master thesis was written in a time when major changes in global sustainability and climate architecture were happening. Aim of this thesis is to look into how a single manufacturing company can, through enhanced energy efficiency, contribute to global sustainability in multiple ways. This study contributes to the existing body of literature in three ways. Firstly, it gives structure literatu

Mechanical properties of chemical modified wood of load-bearing constructions

Det går inte att bortse från den stora efterfråga som idag råder gällande ny utveckling av metoder för att ersätta icke förnybara material (så som stål och betong exempelvis) med förnybara material (såsom trä) i lastbärande konstruktioner. Trä som material har en del nackdelar och det är just dessa man skulle vilja eliminera eller begränsa för att nå fram till ett material med minimal påverkan för

Lifetime prediction of sealing component using machine learning algorithms

Tetra Pak is a world leader in the food packaging industry and has been so for a very long time. In recent years however, they are experiencing increased competition from low-cost suppliers selling their previously patented paper as a commodity. This has forced Tetra Pak to focus more on selling complete systems and services. One such potential service is condition monitoring coupled with predicti

Water and wastewater in Bangladesh, current status and a design of a decentralized solution

Wastewater treatment in developing countries is a major concern and solution has become challenging for various unfavorable conditions. Inadequate education and low economic perspective are causing difficulties in implementing advanced treatment methods. Similar to other developing countries, Bangladesh is also facing several water related problems both in the urban and rural region. Water borne d

Studies of vacuum discharges in the CLIC accelerating structure

The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC), is one of the proposed successors to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at the European Organization for Nuclear Research. (CERN). In CLIC, particles are accelerated by very strong electric fields. Unfortunately, large electric fields may lead to vacuum discharges, which in turn can affect the particle beam by disrupting the flow of energy inside the ac

Recognizing Microscopic Structures: Dense Semantic Segmentation of Multiple Histopathological Classes using Fully Convolutional Neural Networks

In order to alleviate the financial burden on the healthcare sector as well as relax its employees’ workload, there is a need to introduce novel tools that automate some of the tasks that today are performed manually. Especially pathology poses a problem with few pathologists, demanding manual labour and unnecessary work on benign tissue. As a response, the DOGS project aims to develop a tool to a

Implementing Linear Predictive Coding based on a statistical model for LTE fronthaul

This thesis studies the application of Linear Predictive coding (LPC) in the downlink of Long Term Evolution (LTE) fronthaul, which comprises of BBU and RRH. This can act as an additional module in the existing system. Today, the transmission of a single complex sample from the BBU to the RRH consumes 30 bits. The research of the thesis is to analyze the application of linear prediction theory in

Har Corporate Responsibility någon betydelse? En studie om betalningsvilja bland unga och äldre vuxna i Sverige.

Under de senaste åren har uppmärksamheten kring Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) utvecklats (Grankvist, 2009) i enlighet med den ökade köpintentionen för etiska attribut som konsumenter uttrycker (Becker-Olsen et al, 2006; Lee et al, 2010, 2005; Mai, 2014). Forskare har funnit att den höga köpintentionen (avsikten att köpa) för etiska attribut återspeglas inte i det faktiska köpbeteendet (utfCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been gaining more attention in recent years (Grankvist, 2009) as consumers have indicated a strong support intention for ethical attributes (Becker-Olsen et al, 2006; Lee et al, 2010, 2005; Mai, 2014). Researchers have found that this support intention does not imply a strong correlation to purchase behavior (Carrigan and Attalla, 2001). In fact, the purch

Tillsyn av ISO 14001-certifierade verksamheter

ISO 14001 är en internationell miljöcertifiering för företag som vill arbeta mer effektivt med sina miljöpåverkande aspekter. Även om det inte går att fastställa att ISO 14001-certifierade företag faktiskt minskar sin miljöpåverkan, visar tidigare studier att certifierade företag uppfyller miljölagkrav bättre än icke-certifierade företag. Ett av kraven som ställs på företag när de certifieras är aEven though there is little evidence that ISO 14001 certified companies actually reduce their environmental impact, previous studies show that certified companies comply to environmental regulatory demands better than non-certified companies. The purpose of this study is to examine the regulatory compliance of ISO 14001 certified companies in the south of Sweden. The empirical data is based on ins

Sustainable Practices in the Purchase of Services

This study takes an in-depth look at sustainable procurement criteria used in the procurement of indirect services. A gap is identified in the literature analysis in the knowledge of sustainable procurement strategies and practice methods for the purchase of services and indirect spend categories. The author uses a case study method to investigate how sustainable procurement of indirect services i


Dating back to the ancient times, people used simple marks to tell their stories and write their history when languages were not created. As time passes by, there are more and more ways we could choose like writing dairies, taking photos, or using mobile devices to share the stories with friends. We could record almost every second in life easily. On the other hand, we are now facing a huge amount

The International Negotiation Practices of the European External Action Service

Putnam’s seminal work on two-level game theory has been used widely in international negotiation research. The European Union is often argued to be a tough negotiating partner and its complex system of preferences poses a challenge to many of the fundamental assumptions of the two-level game model. The establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS) in 2011 introduced another core sta

Lojalitet och effektivitet - en rättsekonomisk analys av prekontraktuellt ansvar vid avbrutna avtalsförhandlingar

Många avtal, speciellt sådana som rör komplicerade frågor eller stora ekonomiska värden föregås av omfattande förhandlingsmoment. Om förhand-lingarna strandar kan parterna drabbas av förluster – dels i form av utebliven vinst från det tilltänkta avtalet, och dels i form av nedlagda kostnader som inte längre kan komma till nytta. Eftersom denna situation inte omfattas av ett bindande avtal blir deBefore entering into a contract, the parties thereto are often involved in extensive preliminary negotiations, especially if the contract in question concern complicated issues or a large economic value. If the negotiations fail, costs and expenditures incurred during the negotiations are no longer useful, and the parties stand to lose the expected profit of the prospective contract. Since this si