

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

Regionala representationers verksamhet

The purpose of this paper is to propose a theoretical framework, by which one could explain the varying nature of Europe’s Regional Representations. This framework is constructed through empirical and theoretical contributions from both the literature of ‘Multi-Level Governance’ and ‘New Institutionalism’. It is argued that institutional conditions at an EU-level creates an environment in which re

Islamiska statens propaganda

Den här uppsatsen ämnar att förstå Islamiska statens propaganda och kommer med deras egna tidskrift som heter Dabiq, utforska innehållen för att förstå syftet med Islamiska statens propaganda. Materialet består av 15 artiklar och kommer med en narrativ metod som består av tre strategiska narrativ, identifiera mönster inom Islamiska statens propaganda. Metoden kompletteras med teori om strategiska

Modeling, Control and Optimal Trajectory Determination for an Autonomous Sailboat

A fleet of autonomous sailboat could change our perception of the planet. An autonomous sailboat could not only conduct environmental research but also perform month long operations through the energy efficient wind propulsion. This thesis is the work behind the development of an autonomous catamaran model sailboat. A new mathematical model is brought forward and implemented for simulations perfo

Att synliggöra lärandet – en studie av självbedömning som metod i instrumentalundervisning

Denna studies syfte var att ta reda på om elever kunde synliggöra sitt lärande genom att använda sig av självbedömning som metod. Studien ville även försöka ta reda på hur motivationen påverkas av det synliggjorda lärandet. Studien genomfördes under 5 veckor. Två elever på trumset vid det estetiska programmet deltog och de undervisades enskilt 40 minuter per vecka. Varje lektion avslutades med ett

Intressenters inflytande på standardsättningsprocessen

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra för vilken möjlighet IASB:s intressenter har att påverka utformandet av en ny redovisningsstandard. Detta kommer att undersökas med framtagandet av IFRS 15 som fallstudie. Uppsatsen syftar vidare till att förklara varför eventuella skillnader mellan hur IASB beaktar olika intressentgruppers åsikter uppstår. Metod: Studien byggde främst på kvalitativPurpose: The purpose with the study was to see what ability different stakeholders have in affecting the standard-setting. The study did also aim to explain why any differences in how the IASB considerate different groups of stakeholders occurred. Methodology: The study was mainly based on qualitative data. The data was primarily Comment Letters sent in by stakeholders. They were analyzed with a

Our land or no land - A qualitative study of power and land disputes between Canada and Indigenous Mohawks

The Mohawks and Indigenous people of Canada have historically suffered substantial land concession against European settlers. As the settlers cemented their power over the territory that is now Canada, the Indigenous groups have been pushed to live upon increasingly less land, forced to concede both their cultures and the territories important to their development as a Native people. This study in

Etablering av 3D-printing i byggbranschen

The purpose with this thesis is to give the reader a holistic view of the 3D-print technology and how it can come to use in the construction industry. The purpose is also to spread knowledge about the technology. During the evaluation of the technology examines four aspects that an innovation needs to establish on the market, the aspects are: geographical resources, economical, law and social impa

Management Control towards Innovation in Chinese Bank Industry

Purpose: With the intention to compare and analyse the differences between how state-owned and private-owned banks deploy MCS to foster their innovation, and why they use MCS in particular manner. Methodology: This master thesis is a multiple case studies which are done through collecting and analyzing archival data and telephone interviews with personnel in four Chinese banks. Empirical foundatio

Californian drought: The processes and factors controlling the 2011-2016 drought and winter precipitation in California

Faktorerna och processerna som styr vinternederbörden i Kalifornien och torkan 2011-2016 har undersökts i en litteraturstudie. Resultaten visar främst att mellanbreddslågtryck i form av cykloner är de system som genererar vinternederbörd i Kalifornien. Hög- och lågtryckens läge i nordöstra Stilla Havet bestämmer jetströmmens gång som transporterar cyklonerna mot öster, in över den Nordamerikanska The factors and processes controlling winter precipitation in California and the 2011-2016 California drought have been examined in a literature study. The study showed that mid-latitude cyclones are the systems that generate winter precipitation in California. The location of high- and low-pressure systems in the northeast Pacific Ocean have a huge impact on the winter precipitation as they large

Välfärd utan krav på motprestationer - basinkomstens historiska rötter i tre idéströmningar

Recent years have witnessed a rapidly escalating interest on the subject basic income. However, most politicians of Sweden show little interest, some even offense, towards an idea suggesting an income connected to citizenship rather than work. This bachelor thesis aims to define the concept of basic income, and examine how the idea of welfare without demand has emerged as an alternative to dominat

Counter-Ideology Populism : The Finns Party’s Counter-Democratic, Counter-Cosmopolitan, Counter-Finlandization Platform, as told by Suomen Uutiset

Nationalist populist movements are on the rise across Europe. In Finland, the Finns Party became the primary oppositional movement against mainstream politics after their birth in 1995. The party political platform has been defined by nationalism, social conservatism, and populism. One of their main communication outlets is their online news website Suomen Uutiset, which publishes ordinary news al

Digitalisering av herrelösa verk - Kommer de ta plats i de digitala biblioteken?

För att kunna bevara och tillgängliggöra det europeiska kulturarvet krävs det att institutioner som är tillgängliga för allmänheten runt om i Europa massdigitaliserar sina samlingar och arkiv. För att kunna underlätta detta antogs Europaparlamentets och rådets direktiv 2012/28/EU av den 25 oktober 2012 om viss tillåten användning av anonyma verk ska underlätta i fråga om tillgängliggörande av herrIn order to preserve and make the European cultural heritage accesable to the public, requires that institutions, that are available to the public in Europé go trough a mass digitize of their collections and archives. In order to facilitate this process the European Parliament and Council Directive 2012/28 / EU of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works where adopted this was sup

The Magic to Change Cinderella´s Glass Slipper - A qualitative Study of breaking the norm preserving gender inequalities in the construction industry

Title: The Magic to Change Cinderella´s Glass Slipper: A qualitative study on breaking the norm preserving gender in the construction industry Authors: Erika Gräns & Wiebke Müller Supervisor: Sverre Spoelstra Submission Date: 20th of May 2016 Keywords: Gender Inequalities, Norm, Horizontal Segregation, Glass Ceiling, Glass Slipper, Ideal Worker, Occupational Identity Purpose: The purpose

Blågröna lösningar - Barriärer och drivkrafter i omställningen mot en holistisk dagvattenhantering

Klimatförändringar kommer att göra det svenska klimatet både varmare och blötare. Det kommer att leda till en ökad nederbörd. Parallellt med klimatförändringar flyttar allt fler människor till städer. Detta sätter stor press på att samhällsutvecklingen tar hänsyn till både klimat och ökad inflyttning för att minska risken och sårbarheten att drabbas av översvämningar. Ett sätt att minska översvämnAmidst the on-going trend of urbanisation, and its notable effect of climate change, there have been calls for a more sustainable management of storm water. As part of this movement, blue-green measures, with their many multifunctional benefits, have been recognised as sustainable solutions. The aim of this study is thus to identify the barriers and drivers in order to facilitate the implementatio

Pre- and post-migration labour market mismatch in Sweden 1970-1990

Labour market outcomes for immigrants in general is a well researched field, but the mechanisms behind labour market mismatches among immigrants post-migration is still in need of empirical research. Using a unique and newly compiled dataset on Swedish immigrants, also containing pre-migration occupational and educational information data, this study aims makes use of maximum likelihood models to

Are Restriction Enzymes Recognition Sites Underrepresented in the Organisms That Host Them?

The restriction modification enzyme system is a vital bacterial defense system against invading phages. Restriction modification system consists of a restriction enzyme and a methyltransferase enzyme that work in a complementary fashion to cut foreign DNA and at the same time methylates and protects host DNA. Recognition site sequence is usually specific for each restriction enzyme. Restriction Re

Att skapa en produkt av vanlig natur. Exempel Örkelljunga

Globalization has led to an increase in competition between places in hopes of attracting mobile capital and investments as well as new inhabitants and tourists. Nature-based tourism has become one of the most steadily growing markets for tourism in Europe. In order for a place to be attractive it has to have a brand that can be constructed depending what sort of resources a place has. A place is

From Necessitous Refugees to Menacing Migrants : The Syrian Refugees and their depiction in the Media from September 2015 to January 2016

This research touches upon the influence of media on both society and politics on the sensitive issue that is the refugee crisis Europe is subject to at the time of writing. By the means of newspaper and alternative media content analysis, the thesis will attempt to create a framework intended to rationalize the development of sentiment towards refugees as well as determine and investigate the int

I välfärdens namn

Pälsdjursuppfödning är en kontroversiell näring som helt eller delvis förbjudits i flera europeiska länder. Finland är en världsledande pälsproducent, men även dess legala status utmanades då medborgarinitiativet Turkistarhaton Suomi (≈ Finland utan pälsfarmer) syftade till att kriminalisera all pälsdjursuppfödning i Finland p.g.a. välfärdsproblem hos involverade pälsdjur. Lagförslaget förkastades