

Din sökning på "*" gav 535076 sökträffar

Folding HP Proteins on a Quantum Annealer

Kvantdatorer har fått mycket fokus i media de senaste åren på grund av sin potentiella förmåga att lösa problem som är för tidskrävande för att låta sig lösas på klassiska datorer. Kvantdatorer skiljer sig i grunden från dagens datorer, genom att bygga på gåtfulla kvantmekaniska egenskaper. En sådan är kvantsuperposition, som innebär att en partikel kan vara i flera kvanttillstånd samtidigt. AntagQuantum annealing provides a promising avenue for obtaining good approximate solutions to difficult optimization problems. Protein folding represents one such problem. For testing novel algorithms and technologies, simplified lattice models are well suited, as they represent considerable computational challenges despite their simplicity. One such model is the HP model, where the protein is represe

Endotrakealtub eller supraglottisk luftväg vid hjärtstopp

Bakgrund. Varje år drabbas ca 5900 personer av hjärtstopp i Sverige. Under pågående HLR behöver luftvägen säkras. Valet kan stå mellan endotrakelintubering och suppgraglottisk luftväg. Enligt SSAI är det anestesisjuksköterskan på plats som avgör vilken metod som ska användas. Syfte. Sammanfatta litteratur inom aktuellt forskningsområde angående om supraglottisk luftväg eller endotrakealtub bör an

Rättvist samhälle? - En litteraturöversik med fokus på aktivitetsorättvisa ur ett barnperspektiv

Bakgrund: Barn som växer upp i utsatta område kämpar med socioekonomisk utsatthet, trångboddhet och brist på tillgång av resurser i samhället. Dessa barn utsätts dagligen för olika former av aktivitetsorättvisa som påverkar deras vardag, uppväxt och identitet. De olika dimesionerna av aktivitetorättvisa är: occupational alienation, occupational deprivation, occupational marginalisation, occupation

De (män)skliga rättigheterna

FN:s kommitté för mänskliga rättigheter har som ansvar att granska medlemsländernas efterlevnad av Konventionen om medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter och att lämna allmänna kommentarer om konventionen. I följande uppsats görs en textanalys på en av dessa kommentarer, vilken kommenterar Artikel 7 inom konventionen. Artikel 7 behandlar förbudet mot tortyr och annan grym, omänsklig eller förnedr

Is the Federal Reserve Causing Funds to Underperform? A causal machine learning analysis

Macroeconomic conditions heavily influence financial markets, and the leading corpus of theory in the field lays out some general principles observed by investors and asset managers alike. However, while the theory is sound, it is hard to measure how much effect these conditions have. To better understand this scenario, this study uses a novel technique that combines traditional causal inference w

Att söka i tystnaden : en informationsvetenskaplig studie om universitetsstudenters erhållande av information om hiv

The aim of this study is to discuss the hiv-related information behavior of University students. Since the AIDS epidemic of the 1980's there has been a shift in the general discourse surrounding HIV, where panic has changed to silence. The general public's lack of knowledge and correct and current information on the topic has however remained a problem, and even though the general attitude

Arbetsgivarens arbetsanpassningsansvar inom ramen för rehabilitering

Syfte med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur långt arbetsgivarens ansvar sträcker sig när det kommer till arbetsanpassning inom ramen för rehabilitering. Med andra ord är ändamålet att få en djupare förståelse för vilka skyldigheter gällande rehabilitering arbetsgivaren har avseende arbetsanpassning. Därmed följer även vad som inte går att kräva av en arbetsgivare, inom området för arbetsanpassninThe purpose of this essay is to examine how far the employer’s responsibilities stretch when it comes to work adaptation in terms of rehabilitation. The ambition is, in other words, to obtain a deeper understanding for which responsibilities concerning rehabilitation the employer has regarding work adaptation. This includes researching what can not be required of an employer in the field of work a

Kommuners måluppfyllelse utifrån Agenda 2030 – en statistisk jämförelse av resultat och förutsättningar

In 2015, all nations in the UN accepted the Sustainability Development Goals (SDG). Using indicators presented in the Kolada database, this thesis aims to analyze how the 290 municipalities in Sweden perform on the different goals. What factors affect how well the municipalities reach the goals, and how are the different dimensions of sustainability – social, economic and ecological – interconnect

Ryanair, A Love Hate Affair - Written Case

This paper is a case study about the low-cost carrier brand Ryanair and its reputation throughout the years. The analysis shows the company's background, its current branding strategy and the problem it is facing.

50% off Genuine Leather! Reviving Coach, Inc.'s Reputation

The “Corporate Brand Management and Reputation: Master’s cases” is a case series for applying the case method of teaching and learning in higher education. The cases are relevant to brand strategists in private and public sector organizations, as well as academics and students at universities, business schools, and executive education. This case is written by the respective authors and focuses on

SBM Paper: The House of Gucci in 2022

“You smell that? Smell that. This is legacy.” - Aldo Gucci [Al Pacino, The House of Gucci] Recently, the movie ‘House of Gucci’ was released revolving around the dark twists and turns that the brand Gucci went through internally. Including the rise and fall of the Gucci dynasty, from betrayal to murder. While based on actual events, the movie is heavily dramatized. While it is certainly entertaini

Negativa attityder mot äldre arbetstagare predicerat av personlighet, motivation och makt Negative attitudes towards elderly workers predicted by personality, motivation and power

Syftet med denna explorativa tvärsnittsstudie var att undersöka huruvida ålderism skiljer sig mellan rekryterare och icke-rekryterare samt undersöka om det finns en korrelation mellan olika maktmotiv, personlighetsdrag samt arbetsmotivation och negativa attityder mot äldre. Data insamlades genom en enkät med totalt 123 respondenter av vilka 44 arbetade med rekrytering. Respondenterna rekryterades The purpose of this exploratory cross-sectional study was to examine whether ageism differs between recruiters and non-recruiters and to investigate if there exists a correlation between different power motives, personality traits and workmotivation and negative attitudes towards the elderly. The data was collected through a questionnaire with a total of 123 respondents of which 44 worked with rec

Quantification of motor behaviour in freely moving rodents

Kvantifiering av motoriskt beteende hos råttor i fri rörelse Cirka 10 miljoner människor världen över lever med Parkinsons sjukdom och cirka 40 % av världens befolkning lever med långvarig smärta. Den här avhandlingen handlar om att implementera ett system för att hjälpa till att utvärdera behandlingar för dessa tillstånd, såsom djup hjärnstimulering (DBS). System som används för att förbättra DSystems evaluating potential treatment methods for Parkinson’s disease and chronic pain conditions, using rodent experimental models, are highly needed. Currently used systems are aiming to evaluate these kinds of treatment methods by analyzing the animal’s motor behavior. These systems either generate binary data or multifaceted data for when the rodent is spatially limited or data for when the r

In Search of a Method - How to Prospectively Recognise Drift into Failure

The concept of this research is that by applying the proposed method, the trajectory of drift into failure can be made visible. The method itself consists of two sequential steps. For research purposes a third step is added. The first step is constructing a phased narrative, consisting of all the changes that have taken place within a particular organisational process subject to research. What has

Improvisation, kreativitet och musikaliska gester: En studie av musikelevers improvisatoriska val

Den här studien undersöker en grupp musikelevers improvisatoriska val över dominantackord som leder till tonika i improvisationer över II V I-progressioner i dur. Studiens fokusområde motiveras av den höga andel II V I-progressioner som används som musikaliska byggstenar i genrer där improvisation förekommer i hög grad. Även om det inte ligger inom räckhåll för den här studien att undersöka kausalThis study focuses on a group of music students’ improvisational choices over the Vchord leading to the I-chord when improvising over major II V I chord progressions. The raison d'etre for this study is the high number of II V I-progressions being used as musical building blocks in genres that have improvisation as an integral part. Although it was not within the scope of this study to establi

Information Credibility: How Does Argument Strength Have An Impact

Determining whether the information read online is credible or not has become a crucial part of the process of consuming new information. With technology and the internet becoming all more advanced and developing continuously, the question regarding the influence of an argument’s strength on information credibility arose. The aim of this study was to contribute to the field of strategic communicat

I am a Female Leader - A Critical Reflection on Gender Labelling Women in Leadership

The purpose of this paper is to critically examine how gender labelling leadership as female is perceived by women in leadership positions. We aim to establish a dialogue about this phenomenon in relation to women themselves to demonstrate that women play an integral role in leadership, not only secondarily but primarily - challenging the traditional discourse of leadership.

ESG-betyg och dess poängsättning

The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if reporting on sustainability holds the standard for various frameworks and what factors determine ESG-points. The relationship between companies' total sales and various environmental factors were also investigated in order to understand the driving factors for companies to report on ESG and sustainability. The thesis is limited to nordic countries