

Din sökning på "*" gav 528983 sökträffar

Projektering av VVS-installationer

VVS-installationernas viktigaste uppgift är att skapa ett gott inneklimat i byggnader vilket sker med systemen för värme, ventilation och komfortkyla. För vår bekvämlighet behövs dessutom tapp- och spillvattensystem. Att få alla VVS-system att fungera väl och energieffektivt i samverkan med hus och brukare är en komplex uppgift, som kräver att VVS-projektören har en helhetssyn. Byggprocessen kan d

Change, reorganization and quality of home carefor elderly people in Sweden during the 1990s : paper to 17:e Nordiska konferensen i gerontologi 23-26 maj 2004 i Stockholm

During the 1990s several kinds of reorganization has taken place in public services in Sweden. Reorganizations according to the idea of market economy have been most salient and debated. In many municipalities private companies have started to organize home care service for elderly, financed by tax. Public home care organizations have reorganized the working organization and managing structure, pa

Quality Assurance in Radiotherapy - Development and evaluation of new tools for improved patient safety

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strålbehandling är en av de vanligaste behandlingarna mot cancer. Hälften av alla behandlingar syftar till att bota patienten från sjukdomen, men strålbehandling är även en mycket effektiv behandling för att lindra smärta och andra symptom för patienter med en obotlig cancer. Förberedelse inför strålbehandling är en komplicerad procedur, som innefattar många olika teknPreparation for radiotherapy is a complex procedure that involves many different technologies and groups of professionals. The rapid development and introduction of new technologies throughout the last decade have made it possible to deliver highly conformal, individually-shaped dose distributions with high accuracy. However, there is widespread concern that current quality assurance practices hav

Time and space order effetcs in timed brightness discrimination of paired visual stimuli

Despite the considerable import of both response probability and response time for testing models of choice there is a dearth of chronometric studies of time- and space-order effects in discrimination of paired visual stimuli. In this study, systematic asymmetries in discriminating the brightness of paired visual stimuli are examined by way of binary response probability scaled in terms of log-odd

Molecular dynamics studied by NMR relaxation experiments. Characterization of functional dynamics in the FK506 binding protein FKBP12.

The presented thesis work is concerned with the study of molecular dynamics using liquid nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Spin relaxation dispersion experiments in the rotating frame (R1ρ) are employed to provide a detailed, atomic-resolution view of protein dynamics. Comprehensive investigations of 15N backbone and 13C methyl side-chain conformational exchange in the FK506 binding p