

Din sökning på "*" gav 532868 sökträffar

"Jag måste möta dem där de är": En kvalitativ intervjustudie om svenska skolkuratorers arbete med unga transpersoner

Abstract Author: Joakim Hammarstrand Title: “I need to meet them where they are” - a qualitative interview study about Swedish school counselors work with young transgender people. Supervisor: Malinda Andersson Assessor: Anders Östnäs The aim of this study was to examine how school counselors in Sweden work with gender variance. The study also aims to examine and understand the school counselor’

Ambulanssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att smärtbehandla barn

Studier visar att när barn upplever akut smärta finns det flera olika faktorer som påverkar om barnet får smärtbehandling. Bristande erfarenhet av smärtbehandling av barn och rädsla att tillfoga onödig smärta är några av orsakerna. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa ambulanssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att smärtbehandla barn. Studien utfördes som en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv an


By answering the questions (1) What are the underlying reasons for choosing to migrate irregularly rather than regularly, and what are the implications of this choice? and (2) How and under what structural conditions are Cambodian migrants and their households using remittances? this study seeks to understand labour migration and development interactions in Cambodia, by examining why migration and

Hard Hats, Soft Protection. Barriers to accessing social protection schemes for Cambodian migrant workers in the Thai construction sector – a constructivist grounded theory approach

Cambodian migrants in the Thai construction sector, work in precarious working environments, with limited safety conditions and low wages. The use of social protection schemes has increased in recent decades, as a method of reducing the vulnerable against poverty and livelihood risks. However, despite the transformative potential of social protection, migrant workers face difficulties in accessing

Störd i lagens namn? - Om hanteringen av psykiskt störda lagöverträdare i svensk rätt

Genom rättens historiska utveckling har åsikterna om hur de psykiskt störda lagöverträdarna ska behandlas gått isär, men särbehandlingstanken har hela tiden funnits med. Utgångspunkten i den svenska rättsordningen är att psykiskt störda lagöverträdare som begår brott ska dömas till ansvar för det. För de som räknas som allvarligt psykiskt störda ges viss särbehandling vid påföljdsvalet. En allvarlThroughout the development of Law, opinions regarding the treatment of mentally disturbed offenders have varied. The idea that they should be treated differently has however always existed. The starting point of the Swedish legal system is that mentally disturbed offenders should be sentenced. Those who are seriously mentally disturbed can however be treated differently in sentencing. A serious me

Klander och nullitet – aktieägares skydd mot felaktiga stämmobeslut

Bolagsstämman är aktiebolagets högsta beslutande organ och det enda forum där aktieägarna kan råda över frågor som rör bolaget. Hur stämman får fatta beslut och vilka beslut stämman får fatta är noga reglerat i syfte att skydda aktieägarminoriteten och bolagets borgenärer. Ett konkurrenskraftigt näringsliv förutsätter dock att bolagen även är effektiva och handlingskraftiga. Det är mål som i vissaThe general meeting is the top decision-making body in a Swedish limited company and the only body where the shareholders have power to influence the acts of the company. The kind of resolutions the general meeting may decide upon and how they shall be decided is regulated in detail, in order to protect interests of the shareholder minority and the creditors. However, a competitive trade and indus

Aspects of Control in Donna Tartt's The Secret History

In literature there is a great variety of detective novels and The Secret History is one that presents the whydunnit-plot pattern, as the murderers are exposed early on. Another extensive part of The Secret History is its connection to Greek tragedies and Dionysian influences. Therefore these are considered and part of the formulation of this paper. I aim to establish ‘control’ as a unifying theme

Expression and purification of Alpha-1-microglobulin-bikunin-precursor in E. coli

Syntes av AMBP i E. coli Vår kropp gör en proteinprodukt som heter Alfa-1-Mikroglobulin-Bikunin-Prekursor (AMBP) som sedan klyvs och blir två aktiva proteiner innan de lämnar cellen. Det ena proteinet kallas Alfa-1-Mikroglobulin (A1M) och det andra kallas bikunin. Dessa två proteiner kan inte syntetiseras separat, utan kommer alltid som ett paket. Dessa två proteiner har heller ingen fysiologisk

The social determinants of Hepatitis C – a case study of the United states

The social determinants of health are important to understand for the development of a world of equal opportunities in regards of life quality and length. This thesis aimed to contribute into such research using quantative methodology on Hepatitis C infection rates. Correlations were found for multiple social factors, but the study was unable to significantly work these results into a regression.

Den spanska anomalin - En kvalitativ fallstudie om avsaknaden av ett högerpopulistiskt parti i Spanien

The debate on populism is and has been a contested phenomenon. Mostly, scholars focus on defining populism and explaining its development during the two past decades. What is still an unexplored area is why populist parties succeed in gaining electoral support in some countries and fail in others. Despite the consequences of the financial crisis of 2008, a right-wing populist party has failed to g

Thermal Modeling and Power Limitation of the ElOnRoad system

Due to high usage of fossil fuels the emissions of greenhouse gases has increased to dangerous levels during the last century. Something is needed to be done soon in order to reduce emissions and stabilize the climate. The transportation sector stands for a large part of these emissions and one way to reduce these could be to instead use electric vehicles. Unfortunately, today batteries limit the

I demokratins namn: En studie om fem olika politiska partiers arbete för att öka valdeltagandet i kommunalvalet i Malmö stad

Denna uppsats handlar om hur de fem representerade politiska partierna - Miljöpartiet, Socialdemokraterna, Sverigedemokraterna, Liberalerna och Moderaterna - i valnämnden i Malmö arbetar för att öka och skapa ett jämlikt valdeltagande i kommunalvalet. I undersökningen presenteras partiernas aktuella metoder och analyseras hur de kan arbeta bättre för att öka valdeltagandet. Studien utgår ifrån fem

Ministers and Female Ministers: Reproduction of Masculinity in Political Leadership - A Case Study of Finland

Globally, approximately nine out of ten political leaders are men, which is a ratio that leaves women as a rare minority. This thesis examines such gender inequality in political leadership. The sphere of politics reproduces masculinity norms, which explain male privilege in political leadership. Simultaneously, these norms disadvantage women in relation to executive offices, as the legitimacy of

Of Carrots and Sticks

Abstract The European Union is unique in the sense that it promotes human rights and labour rights through its trade policies and agreements. The EU is the world’s largest economy and it plays an important role in today’s world trade. Through the inclusion of human rights and labour rights clauses in the EU’s common external trade policy and its Generalised scheme of preferences (GSP), the EU seek

Den sista magin : porträtteringen av kärlek som vetenskap i två svenska tv-produktioners sökande efter den perfekta matchningen

Kärlekskoden och Gift vid första ögonkastet är två samtida tv-produktioner som har gemensamt i att de porträtterar kärlek och relationer i en vetenskaplig kontext. Programmen undersöker möjligheten att matcha ihop par med vetenskapens hjälp. Den här uppsatsen undersöker förhållandet mellan rationalitet och känsla i de två tv-produktionerna. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys studeras hur K

Pojkar - skolans oinbjudna gäster? - Ett genusperspektiv på förutsättningarna pojkar ges av skolans styrdokument att prestera i skolan

For quite some time multiple variables measuring academic performance in Swedish elementary schools have shown that boys’ achievements have dropped in relation to girls’. Most previous scholars who have studied this phenomenon have had an actor-focused approach. Therefore there is a lack of studies that have analysed how and if structures could contribute with explanations as well as understanding

Changing EU role conceptions in the 21st century

The European Union has expanded its foreign policy significantly in recent years. It is now widely accepted as an important, albeit unique, international actor. Given the EU’s growing influence on the global scene, this study aims to describe changes in EU role conceptions between 2003 and 2016. Departing in role theory, the study constructs an analytical framework based on ideal types. Mapping EU

Lundaförslaget, ett bra förslag?

In all the different shapes democracy have presented itself throughout history, the newest must be the one of e-democracy. Like all other forms of democracy, edemocracy is heatedly debated within the field of science. In this thesis, I explored e-democracy embodied as e-petitions. I did so by performing a qualitative case study about Lundaförslaget, the new e-petition system in the town of Lund. I

Socialt ursprung och politiska preferenser - Hur föräldrars klasstillhörighet påverkar barns partisympatier

This thesis examines the effect of social origins (parents’ class) on left-right orientation. By examining the preferences of the socially mobile, the thesis estimates whether their preferences are more similiar to immobile members of the origin class, or to immobile members of the destination class. To estimate this correctly, the thesis utilizes the diagonal reference model developed by Sobel. T

Post-materialism = Pro-environmentalism?

According to Ronald Inglehart, level of individual’s environmental concern is linked with grade of post-materialism resulting from physical and economic security experienced. As post-materialist individuals are considered to prioritize environmental protection over economic benefit, this study raises a question whether this change in values can provide a long-lasting solution for environmental cha