

Din sökning på "*" gav 528293 sökträffar

Sprickbildning i puts på isolering

Vid byggnadsmaterial, Lunds tekniska högskola, har problem med sprickbildning i puts på isolering studerats under ett antal år. Projektet startade i större skala 1999 med generella brottmekaniska analyser, laboratoriemätningar av brukets egenskaper och "fullskaleförsök" på provväggar i laboratorium. Resultaten från de första årens studier redovisades översiktligt i Bygg & teknik 8/02. Bland an

Sprickbildning i puts på isolering

Sprickbildning i puts på isolering har inträffat i ökande omfattning på senare tid. 1997 togs problemställningen upp vid Byggnadsmaterial, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Genom brottmekansika beräkningar, renodlade laboratorieförsök samt studier på provväggar och analys av skadefall i praktiken har olika inverkande faktorer klarlagts. I denna artikel sammanfattas hittills framkomna resultat och hypoteser

Membrane Processes for the Production of Bulk Fermentation Products

The ultrafiltration (UF) with diafiltration is the state-of-the-art process in the bulk pharmaceutical industry to separate solutions containing high and low molecular weight solutes. By applying UF with diafiltration, a feed stream can be separated into a concentrate with a high concentration of high molecular weight solutes and a permeate, which is nearly 100% free of high molecular weight solut

Concepts of industrial-scale diafiltration systems

The use of diafiltration is now the state-of-the-art in the food and beverage, biotech and pharmaceutical industry. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the most common process modes of diafiltration, batch and continuous, are discussed. Further, the new concept of counter-current diafiltration, which leads to a significant reduction of diafiltration liquid consumption, is introduced

Snus use and risk of schizophrenia and non-affective psychosis

Background: Recent studies suggest a possible causal role for smoking in schizophrenia and psychosis. Most studies have focused on cigarette smoking, the most common form of tobacco use, but other forms of tobacco exist, including smokeless products such as Swedish snuff (or "snus"). Methods: We explored whether snus use is associated with schizophrenia and non-affective psychotic illness in a lar

A Nordic multicenter survey of long-term bowel function after transanal endorectal pull-through in 200 patients with rectosigmoid Hirschsprung disease

OBJECTIVE: Transanal endorectal pull-through (ERPT) is the most popular technique to treat Hirschsprung disease (HD). Still, there is limited knowledge on long-term bowel function. This cross-sectional, multicenter study assessed long-term bowel function in a large HD population and examined predictors of poor outcome.METHODS: Patients older than four years or their parents filled out a validated

Evidencing the waste effect of Product-Service Systems (PSSs)

This paper adopts a waste-centric analysis of Product-Service Systems (PSSs) to demonstrate that they do not automatically contribute to a dematerialization of the economy, a decoupling of production from material and energy consumption, and thus a transition toward sustainability. A qualitative analysis of various Nordic fashion PSSs that uses a combination of Tukker’s (2004) classification of PS

Molecular characterisation of three avian haemoproteids (Haemosporida, Haemoproteidae), with the description of Haemoproteus (Parahaemoproteus) palloris n. sp.

DNA barcoding (molecular characterisation) is a useful tool for describing the taxonomy and systematics of organisms. Over 250 species of avian haemosporidian parasites have been described using morphological characters, yet molecular techniques based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) suggest this diversity is underestimated. Moreover, molecular techniques are particularly useful for the detectio

Paleolimnological records of regime shifts in lakes in response to climate change and anthropogenic activities

Regime shifts in lake ecosystems can occur in response to both abrupt and continuous climate change, and the imprints they leave in paleolimnological records allow us to investigate and better understand patterns and processes governing ecological changes on geological time scales. This synthesis investigates paleolimnological records that display apparent regime shifts and characterizes the shift

Relatedness and diversification in the European Union (EU-27) and European Neighbourhood Policy countries

This paper analyzes the process of industrial diversification in the countries that were part of the European Union (EU-27) and those that were the target of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in the period 1995–2010 by means of world trade data derived from the BACI database (elaborated UN Comtrade data). Our results show that in both the EU-27 and the ENP countries, the evolution of the pro

Vem tycker om hen?

Swedish is the first language that has a gender-neutral third-person singular pronoun, hen, that has spread from transgender and queer communities to the broader society and now exists in parallel with the two traditional gendered pronouns representing ‘she’ and ‘he’. Many strong emotions have arisen during this process, both for and against hen. This study aims at analyzing what background factor