

Din sökning på "*" gav 320853 sökträffar

Insulin resistance and self-rated symptoms of depression in Swedish women with risk factors for diabetes: the Women's Health in the Lund Area study.

Previous studies have suggested that depression increases the risk for diabetes and that this may be mediated through insulin resistance. The study aimed to analyze if self-rated symptoms of depression are related to insulin resistance among middle-aged and older Swedish women with features of the metabolic syndrome and being at risk for type 2 diabetes mellitus. We analyzed data from 1047 Swedish

Serum uric acid in traditional Pacific Islanders and in Swedes.

Background. In some western populations, increased serum uric acid has been positively associated with cardiovascular disease, possibly because hyperuricaemia could be an untoward part of the insulin-resistant metabolic syndrome. However, there is evidence that uric acid is a free radical scavenger capable of inhibiting LDL oxidation. Amongst the traditional horticulturalists of Kitava, Trobriand

Bat flight generates complex aerodynamic tracks

The flapping flight of animals generates an aerodynamic footprint as a time-varying vortex wake in which the rate of momentum change represents the aerodynamic force. We showed that the wakes of a small bat species differ from those of birds in some important respects. In our bats, each wing generated its own vortex loop. Also, at moderate and high flight speeds, the circulation on the outer ( han

Increased incidence of cardiovascular disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: results from a community based study

Objective: To investigate the first-ever incidence of acute myocardial infarction and stroke in a community based RA cohort compared with the general population. Methods: The RA cohort consisted of all patients in a local RA register in Malmo, Sweden (n = 1022). The patients were recruited from private and hospital based rheumatology practices, and made up the absolute majority of patients with RA

Dynamic reasoning to solve complex problems in activated sludge processes: a step further in decision support systems

Decision support systems (DSS) have generated high expectations as a tool to support activated sludge operation because of their ability to represent heuristic reasoning and to handle large amounts of qualitative, uncertain and low-accuracy data. Previous applications have been satisfactory to control simple problems, when static reasoning and literature-based solutions were enough. However to fac

Experimenthus med väggar av träullsblock

Dålig inomhusmiljö är ett problem i dagens bostäder. orsakerna är flera, bl a introducerandet av nya obeprövade material, olämpliga konstruktioner som medför fuktproblem samt dålig luftomsättning kombinerat med hög täthet. I Staffanstorp utanför Lund uppfördes under 1996 ett experimenthus som formgivits av arkitekt Karin Grundström. Målsättningen var att åstadkomma en sund och estetiskt tilltaland

Vaccinia scars associated with improved survival among adults in rural Guinea-Bissau

BACKGROUND: In urban Guinea-Bissau, adults with a vaccinia scar had better survival but also a higher prevalence of HIV-2 infection. We therefore investigated the association between vaccinia scar and survival and HIV infection in a rural area of Guinea-Bissau. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In connection with a study of HIV in rural Guinea-Bissau, we assessed vaccinia and BCG scars in 193 HIV-1

Hällristarnas hem - Gårdsbebyggelse och struktur i Pryssgården under bronsålder

Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med avhandlingen har varit att försöka förstå bronsålderns samhälle och ideologi utifrån bebyggelsens inneboende symbolik, utformning och struktur. I alla samhällen utgör hushållet den minsta sociala enheten. Huset och hushållen utgör centrum för människors liv. Hur människorna har valt att organisera sin tillvaro kan ha skett i en samverkan med den övergripande The purpose of this thesis is an attempt to comprehend the society and the ideology of the Bronze Age from the inherent symbolism, shape and structure of buildings. In every society, the smallest social unit is the household. The house and the household are central in the lives of people. They made their choices to organize their existence in a symbiotic cooperation with the general cosmology and

Amphiphilic polymer gel electrolytes. I. Preparation of gels based on poly(ethylene oxide) graft copolymers containing different ionophobic groups

Amphiphilic graft copolymers were prepared via the radical copolymerization of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) macromonomers with fluorocarbon or hydrocarbon acrylates in toluene with 2,2 ' -azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) as an initiator. H-1 NMR spectroscopy confirmed that the composition of the graft copolymers corresponded well to the monomer feed. For gel electrolytes prepared from the amphiphilic c

Influence of alpha-ketoglutarate on cortical bone density, geometrical properties and mechanical endurance of the humerus in turkeys

The aim of this study was to estimate an influence of alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) on volumetric bone density and geometrical and mechanical properties of the humerus in farm turkeys. All birds were kept under standard rearing conditions with constant access to water and appropriate feed, supplied in accordance with the stage of production cycle. Bone samples were collected 14 weeks after beginning o

Hydrogen depth profiling by p-p scattering in nominally anhydrous minerals

Hydrogen has been shown to occur as a trace element in many nominally anhydrous minerals. The presence of hydrogen in several of the major minerals in the Earth's mantle has received attention, due to the possibility that these phases provide a significant hydrogen reservoir. Recently an experimental and analytical procedure for hydrogen measurements in thin mineral samples by proton-proton scatte

A study of long-term effects on plasmid-containing Escherichia coli in carbon-limited chemostat using 2D-fluorescence spectrofluorimetry

Strain stability of plasmid-containing recombinant organisms is clearly important for industrial applications. Stability is normally assessed by methods such as selective colony forming units or by simply measuring the recombinant product. These methods are typically performed off-line, are time-consuming, and do not give detailed information on the changes in the metabolism. In the current work,

Managerial type as related to percept-genetic signs of anxiety and defense in the Defense Mechanism Technique modified (DMTm)

The study considers relations in a group of 95 managers, 41 women and 54 men, between managerial type and signs of anxiety and defense in the Defense Mechanism Technique modified (DMTm). Eight managerial types were distinguished, based on ratings of the managers by their subordinates in terms of the Ekvall and Arvonen (1991) leadership style dimensions of employee-centeredness, change-centeredness

Craniofacial dysmorphology in Swedish schizophrenia patients

Objective: To perform detailed assessments of craniofacial dysmorphology in individuals with schizophrenia and controls in Sweden, in order to further elucidate the neurodevelopmental origins of schizophrenia. Method: We performed detailed, anthropometric assessments of craniofacial dysmorphology in male patients with schizophrenia (n = 24), healthy controls (n = 16), and patients' siblings with s