

Din sökning på "*" gav 528139 sökträffar

Diverting ostomy prior to neoadjuvant treatment in rectal cancer should be used selectively : A retrospective single-center cohort study

Background:Rectal cancer patients commonly benefit from neoadjuvant therapy before resection surgery. For these patients, an elective ostomy diversion is frequently considered, despite the absence of conclusive evidence when a diversion is advantageous. This is a retrospective observational single-center study on a 4-year consecutive rectal cancer cohort undergoing neoadjuvant therapy, aiming at i

The influence of actors on the content and execution of a bereavement programme: a Bourdieu-inspired ethnographical field study in Sweden

Introduction: The death of a parent can have profound negative impacts on children, and a lack of adequate support can exacerbate negative life experiences.Aim: To explore the influences of various actors on the content and execution of a bereavement programme within a Swedish context, considering relational and contextual perspectives.Methods: An ethnographic field study involving six children, t

Vaginalundersökningar under förlossning - Barnmorskors attityder och erfarenheter

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Ett övergripande mål inom förlossningsvården är att mor och barn ska må bra och att kvinnan ska få en positiv förlossningsupplevelse och en förlossning med så få interventioner som möjligt. Enligt kompetensbeskrivning för legitimerad barnmorska ska barnmorskan ha kompetens att bedöma förlossningens progress och identifiera avvikelser samt bedöma behov av vårdåtgärder. Det vanli

Kvinnors intresse av planerad hemfödsel i Sverige En kvantitativ enkätstudie

Abstrakt Bakgrund Forskning från olika delar av världen visar att kvinnors val av födelseplats påverkas av en mängd faktorer, inklusive sociodemografiska faktorer, kulturella preferenser och tillgänglighet till vårdresurser. World Health Organization betonar kvinnors rätt till stöd, säker förlossning och möjligheten att välja födelseplats. Idag finns inte den möjligheten för alla svenska kvinno

Constructing sustainable halal tourism composite performance index for the global halal tourism industry

This study constructs a Sustainable Halal Tourism Composite Performance Index (SHTCPI) to evaluate the progress of the global halal tourism industry from a sustainable tourism perspective. To create the SHTCPI, this study uses four dimensions (environment, social, economic, and halal tourism) and 24 indicators covering the 2010 to 2020 period and 116 countries. The findings suggest that halal tour

Winning the in-store battle : Shopper marketing cases from the shop floor

For FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) the store is an excellent and effective place not only to sell products but also to expose shoppers to a brand. This is a key part of the retail marketing strategy known as shopper marketing. Shopper marketing is not only a way for suppliers to attract customers to their brands but also a source of revenue for retailers, who can sell prime advertising real est

In depth analysis of the passive film on martensitic tool alloy : Effect of tempering temperature

Effect of tempering temperature on the composition of the passive film of a martensitic tool alloy was studied by synchrotron-based hard/soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and electrochemical analyses. The contents of Cr and Mo in the passive film are affected by precipitation of tempering carbides. Increase of tempering temperature from 200 to 525°C leads to enhanced formation of Cr/Mo-rich te

Relational work in an alternative food network : The fundamental role of shared meaning for organising markets differently

This article studies the role of shared meaning for organising Alternative Food Networks (AFNs). Extant research shows that organisational elements, such as rules, and hybridisation of conventional and alternative modes of food provisioning are important for AFN organisation. Yet, they might both enable and hinder the aims of AFNs. Complementing this body of research, the article investigates how

Evaluation of closed-loop combustion phase optimization for varying fuel compensation and cylinder balancing in a HD SI-ICE

Alternative fuels, such as natural and bio-gas, are attractive options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from combustion engines. However, the naturally occurring variation in gas composition poses a challenge and may significantly impact engine performance. The gas composition affects fundamental fuel properties such as flame propagation speed and heat release rate. Deviations from the gas co

Health-related quality of life in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis–a Swedish register study

Background: Real-world data on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) are scarce and studies have been restricted in terms of instruments used for assessments. Objective: To assess generic and dermatology-specific HRQoL of patients with GPP compared with patients with plaque psoriasis using real-world data from the Swedish National Register for Systemic Trea

Regional skillnad i incidensen av skador efter ledprotesoperation

Hip and knee arthroplasties are mostly successful procedures; however, patient injuries may occur and should be reported to Löf, the Swedish patient insurance. This study investigated the incidence of patient injuries after primary total hip and knee arthroplasty in the Swedish regions, differences in incidence depending on annual surgical volume, and types of approved injuries. Approved patient i

Melioramentum - Katarismens teologiska syn på och rituella konstruktion av hierarkier

This thesis aims to shed light upon the cathar church and its expression of power and hierarchy in their rituals, such as the consolamentum, in conjunction with their theological view of said power and hierarchy. With a hermeneutic theory and a text analysis I read and aim to examine the cathars' own texts in its own context. Through my reading of their theological and ritual texts. I make the

Structural Geological Model of the Kaunisvaara Mining District, Norrbotten, Sweden

The Kaunisvaara mining district, located in Norrbotten in northern Sweden, hosts several iron ore deposits, of which Tapuli and Sahavaara are the most economically important. The bedrock in the region has been subjected to several major deformation phases, which has created a complex structural pattern on a regional and local scale. Previous structural geological studies of the Tapuli deposit have

Performance of 4Kscore as a Reflex Test to Prostate-specific Antigen in the GÖTEBORG-2 Prostate Cancer Screening Trial

Background and objective: We investigated whether adding 4Kscore as a reflex test to prostate-specific antigen (PSA) could improve the screening algorithm for prostate cancer (PC). Methods: In the GÖTEBORG-2 PC screening trial, 38 000men (50–60 yr) were invited to PSA testing and, if elevated, followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). For 571 men with PSA ≥3.0 ng/ml and evaluable outcomes, 4Ks

Navigating an emerging innovation ecosystem : a case study of fuel cell innovation in Taiwan

The Taiwanese government has actively promoted and established policies for developing fuel cell research and industrial activities since the early 2000s. The activities, including those of Taiwanese policy actors, private firms, and research institutions, are part of a fuel cell innovation ecosystem. Through an embedded case study, this paper examines past national policies, sectoral-level develo

Antisvart rasism och diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden : Skillnader mellan afrosvenskar och den övriga befolkningen i bruttolön, disponibel inkomst och möjlighet att göra karriär på den svenska arbetsmarknaden.

Afrosvenskar är överrepresenterade i lågstatusyrken samtidigt som gruppen är underrepresenterad i arbeten med högre status. Det är också vanligare med arbetslöshet i den här gruppen om man jämför med övriga svenskar.Störst löneskillnader mellan afrosvenskar och övriga befolkningen syns i Stockholmsregionen.Förutom att afrosvenskar har lägre lön jämfört med övriga befolkningen med samma utbildning