

Din sökning på "*" gav 533064 sökträffar

Selective and simultaneous determination of trace bisphenol A and tebuconazole in vegetable and juice samples by membrane-based molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction and HPLC

Nanofibrous molecularly imprinted membranes (nano-MIMs) with multi-analyte selectivity were prepared by encapsulating two types of molecularly imprinted polymer nanoparticles (MIP-NPs) into electrospun polyvinyl alcohol nanofibers. The obtained nano-MIMs maintained high molecular selectivity offered by each of the MIP-NPs. Nano-MIM embedding BPA-imprinted nanoparticles and TBZ-imprinted nanopartic

Fresh-frozen Plasma as a Source of Exogenous Insulin-like Growth Factor I in the Extremely Preterm Infant.

Context: Preterm birth is followed by a decrease in circulatory levels of IGF-I and IGF binding protein-3 (IGFBP-3), proteins with important neurogenic and angiogenic properties. Objective: To evaluate effects of intravenous administration of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) from adult donors on circulatory levels of IGF-I and IGFBP-3 in extremely preterm infants. Design, setting and patients: A prospect

Techno-economics of carbon preserving butanol production using a combined fermentative and catalytic approach

This paper presents a novel process for n-butanol production which combines a fermentation consuming carbon dioxide (succinic acid fermentation) with subsequent catalytic reduction steps to add hydrogen to form butanol. Process simulations in Aspen Plus have been the basis for the techno-economic analyses performed. The overall economy for the novel process cannot be justified, as production of su

Swedish Lung Cancer Radiation Study Group: Predictive value of age at diagnosis for radiotherapy response in patients with non-small cell lung cancer

Introduction. The aim of the present study was to investigate the impact of age at diagnosis on prognosis in patients treated with curatively intended radiotherapy for NSCLC. Material and methods. This is a joint effort among all the Swedish Oncology Departments that includes all identified patients with a diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer that have been subjected to curatively intended irradia

Online and Offline Continuities, Community and Agency on the Internet

How the Internet spawns community and gets its features into offline life is a recurring problem met in searches for “impacts” of its successive iterations in the Middle East and arises particularly in assessing equivocal findings most recently about social media in the Arab Spring uprisings. But the problem is more methodological than ontological: it lies in viewing the Internet through a media l

Autoimmune diseases and hypersensitivities improve the prognosis in ER-negative breast cancer.

Breast cancer (BC) is one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide. Immunostimulatory treatment has increasingly been used as adjuvant therapy in the last few years, in patients with melanoma and other cancer forms, often with an induction of autoimmunity as a consequence of a successful treatment. We aimed at investigating if coexisting autoimmune diseases (AD) or hypersensitivities (

Care for Sound. Sound Environment, Healing & Health Care

Resarch shows the importance of sound environment in health care for healing processses to be effective. Intensive care environments are often caracterized by heavy work load for staff in combination with underdimensioned localities, personel and economy. Results are stress and tension that also affects the well being and recovery for patients. To find yourself in an intensive care unit has more t

Development of a Vertical Wrap-Gated InAs FET

In this paper, we report on the development of a vertical wrap-gated field-effect transistor based on epitaxially grown InAs nanowires. We discuss some of the important steps involved in the growth and processing, such as nanowire position control in situ doping, high-kappa dielectric deposition, spacer layer formation: and metal wrap-gate fabrication. In particular, we compare a few alternative m

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Popular Abstract in Swedish Ortnamn utgör en särskild del av kulturarvet; under århundraden har de muntligen traderats från generation till generation på den plats där de skapats, där de minner om tidigare händelser, aktiviteter och kunskaper. I synnerhet på de håll skriftlig dokumentation är relativt sentida ger ortnamn en möjlighet att nå insikter om den mer avlägsna historien. Detta gäller särsAs a special part of our cultural heritage, toponyms have been handed down orally from generation to generation for centuries or more at the place where they were coined, recalling events, activities and knowledge. Especially where written documentation is relatively young, place names offer a way to reach further back into the past. This is particularly true of many dialectal cultures, in which o

Structural and mechanical properties of cardiolipin lipid bilayers determined using neutron spin echo, small angle neutron and X-ray scattering, and molecular dynamics simulations

The detailed structural and mechanical properties of a tetraoleoyl cardiolipin (TOCL) bilayer were determined using neutron spin echo (NSE) spectroscopy, small angle neutron and X-ray scattering (SANS and SAXS, respectively), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We used MD simulations to develop a scattering density profile (SDP) model, which was then utilized to jointly refine SANS and SAXS d

Gender differences in perinatal morbidity and long term consequences of preterm birth

Newborn male infants have higher morbidity and mortality than female infants. Male fetal gender is associated with an overall increased risk of preterm birth and complications related to pregnancy are overrepresented in women carrying male fetuses. Several studies have shown that being newborn and of male gender are independent risk factors for adverse outcome. Even though experimental data from n

Upper gastrointestinal dysmotility - from endocrinological pathogenesis to symptoms

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes mellitus är en folksjukdom som blir allt vanligare, sannolikt till stor del på grund av vår moderna livsstil. Individer med diabetes löper större risk att utveckla många olika komplikationer, bland annat i ögonen, njurarna, blodkärlen och magtarmkanalen. Många diabetiker drabbas av förlångsammad tömning av magsäcken, vilket även kallas gastropares. Gastropares Gastrointestinal dysmotility is common, particularly in patients with diabetes mellitus. The aim of this thesis is to explore whether gastrointestinal dysmotility and endocrine secretion are interrelated, and how the symptoms manifest themselves in these patients. Patients with diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal symptoms underwent gastric emptying scintigraphy, esophageal manometry and deep-

Status Homogamy in the Preindustrial Marriage Market: Partner Selection According to Age, Social Origin, and Place of Birth in Nineteenth-century Rural Sweden

This article studies partner selection according to three dimensions: social origin, age, and place of birth. The authors use micro-level data from local population registers in five parishes in southern Sweden from 1815 to 1895.The results confirm that all three aspects were important but that socioeconomic status was the most important characteristic,structuring much of the selection process.The

An underestimated role of precipitation frequency in regulating summer soil moisture

Soil moisture induced droughts are expected to become more frequent under future global climate change. Precipitation has been previously assumed to be mainly responsible for variability in summer soil moisture. However, little is known about the impacts of precipitation frequency on summer soil moisture, either interannually or spatially. To better understand the temporal and spatial drivers of s

Glioma Cell Proliferation Controlled by ERK Activity-Dependent Surface Expression of PDGFRA.

Increased PDGFRA signaling is an essential pathogenic factor in many subtypes of gliomas. In this context the cell surface expression of PDGFRA is an important determinant of ligand sensing in the glioma microenvironment. However, the regulation of spatial distribution of PDGFRA in glioma cells remains poorly characterized. Here, we report that cell surface PDGFRA expression in gliomas is negative

Chemical evolution of fluorine in the bulge High-resolution K-band spectra of giants in three fields

Context. Possible main formation sites of fluorine in the Universe include asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars, the v-process in Type II supernova, and/or Wolf-Rayet stars. The importance of the Wolf-Rayet stars has theoretically been questioned and they are probably not needed in modeling the chemical evolution of fluorine in the solar neighborhood. It has, however, been suggested that Wolf-Rayet

Complement aberrations and autoantibodies to complement proteins in relation to disease mechanisms.

The complement system, a part of the innate immune system with several links to the adaptive immune system, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of many diseases. The purpose of this thesis was to document and clarify some of these mechanisms. The thesis is based on four papers (I-IV). (I and II) Autoantibodies to the C3 cleaving enzyme complex of the alternative pathway, C3 nephritic facto