Din sökning på "*" gav 528089 sökträffar
Den endimensionella politiken? en kvantitativ undersökning av Agenda 21 i Sveriges kommuner
Säkerhetspolitiska förhandlingar i Europa : neorealism eller neoliberalism
Estland med sikte på en sikte på en ny regional identitet
Democratisation, Corruption and Economic Development : the Case of Thailand
Cultural Identity as a Process : an analysis of intranational identity construction with reference to the case of Biafra 1967-1970
Samarbete mot internationell terrorism
Gränsöverskridande identitetsskapande i Öresundsregionen och Barentsregionen
Svaga staters inflytande och säkerhet i det nya internationella systemet
Individen som utrikespolitisk aktör
Slutenheter i det öppna samhället : en idéanalys om Promise Keepers latenta politiska budskap
En studie av Japans utrikespolitik efter andra världskriget: diskussion utifrån Yoshidadoktrinen och nationella karaktärsdrag
Kontaktledningsstolpen ur ett beständighetsperspektiv : en analys över äldre kontaktledningsstolpars vara eller icke vara
Det id(EU)logiska samtalet En skiljelinje och två av dess ideologiska dimensioner observerade hos svenska partier i samband med folkomröstningen om EMU
This study examines an ideological content related to Swedish political parties in regards to EMU. In order to do so theoretical starting points has been used, originating from the concepts of cleavages and dimensions. More specifically, the relevant cleavage in this study is the one called: nationalism-supranationalism, and the study also includes two of its dimensions concerning different social
Varierar samtalsbeteende med partipolitisk tillhörighet? En jämförande studie av Demokraters och Republikaners samtalsbeteende i kongressen.
The empirical study in this thesis is applying the method Dicourse Quality Index as presented in the research project published in the book Deliberative Politics in Action: Analysing Parliamentary Discourse by Steiner et Al, 2004. This method is meant to be measuring "discourse quality" as per some highlighted Habermasian definitions of deliberation through his theoretical work on "
Nationell politik med globala målsättningar
Denna uppsats för en diskussion om politiken för global utveckling genom att analysera bakomliggande idéer och antaganden om utveckling och fattigdomsbekämpning. Fokus för studien är Sveriges politik för global utveckling, mer specifikt regeringens skrivelse ”Globala utmaningar – vårt ansvar” (Skrivelse 2007/08:89). Som analysverktyg väljs tre dimensioner (begrepp): ansvar, rättigheter och rättviThis essay aims to discuss the politic on global development by analyzing underlying ideas and assumptions about development and poverty reduction. The focus in this study is the Swedish politic on global development, and more specific the document written by the Swedish government on this politic (”Globala utmaningar – vårt ansvar. Skrivelse 2007/08:89). The main tool for the analysis are the thr
Riskanalys av Stora Gruvöns pappers- och massabruk
By using qualitative risk analysis in order to identify large accidents a probabilistic quantitative risk analysis regarding the handling of sulphur dioxide and chlorodioxide have been carried out at Stora Gruvön pulp and paper plant, Grums. The results, individual risk and societal risk, have been compared to risk criterias.
Utvärdering av riskverktyget Brandskyddsvärdering av vårdavdelningar - jämförelse med händelseträdsanalys
Analyses with Point Scheme Risk Analysis method for hospital wards and event tree analysis at several ward at homes for the aged in order to evaluate the agreement between the two methods.
Kommunalt säkerhetsarbete – en modell för 4Yes kommunerna
The municipalities 4Yes have to present an action programme for the public sector and for the rescue service. As a base for their action programme the municipality needs a model. In the model there are two groups which have to cooperate with each other. A safety group and the public administrations and those who have an establishment that is described in the law “protection against accidents” chap
Vägbeläggningens inverkan på brandeffekten vid tunnelbränder
The objective of this work was to examine the impact on evacuation conditions of the road surface material in tunnel fires. The road materials were tested in a conecalorimeter and the results were then used in CFD-simulations. The simulated truck fires in the tunnel were chosen in accordance with E. Paté-Cornell’s Quasi Worst Case. The final result was that the road surface had no impact on the ev