

Din sökning på "*" gav 535932 sökträffar

Evaluation of the Hoodin-platform for smarter research and insights, focusing on the user experience

Den digitala omställningen har ökat genom åren och har fungerat till en fördel för företag och organisationer generellt. Hastigheten på transformationstillväxten har bibehållits i nutid, vilket har resulterat i att mjukvarusystem utvecklas kontinuerligt. Som en naturlig effekt av detta fenomen, bör aktuella företag alltid ligga i framkant för att förbli konkurrenskraftiga. Studier har visat att pr

CSR-kommunikationens påverkan på varumärkeskapitalet inom modeindustrin - En kvantitativ studie inom slow fashion-segmentet

Examensarbetets titel: CSR-kommunikationens påverkan på varumärkeskapitalet inom modeindustrin - En kvantitativ studie inom slow fashion-segmentet Seminariedatum: 2022-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete i marknadsföring på kandidatnivå Författare: Jacob Ydrauw, Mauritz Malmström och Tim Kämpe Handledare: Annette Cerne Nyckelord: CSR, CSR-kommunikation, Varumärkeskapital, Slow Fashion. STitle: The impact of CSR communication on brand equity in the fashion industry - A quantitative study in the slow fashion segment Seminar date: 2022-06-03 Course: FEKH29, Bachelor’s degree project in Marketing at Undergraduate level Authors: Jacob Ydrauw, Mauritz Malmström and Tim Kämpe Advisor: Annette Cerne Key words: CSR, CSR communication, Brand Equity, Slow Fashion, Purpose: The purpos

Tingsrättens handlingsutrymme: En studie om hur tingsrätten framställer barnets bästa i frågor om vårdnad

The purpose of this study is to research how the principle of the best interest of the child expresses itself in custody disputes. The subject is based on how the principle does not have a clear description in the law. The district court therefore possesses room to interpret what they consider to be the best interest of the child in each individual case. The aim of the study is therefore to, throu

Paradoxen i valet av handelsplats

Syfte: Denna studie ämnar att undersöka vad konsumenter värdesätter vid valet mellan e-handel och fysisk butik. Metod: Studiens metod grundar sig i en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi, där det empiriska materialet består av 15 semistrukturerade intervjuer. Ansatsen är formad utav en kombination av induktion och abduktion. Teoretiska perspektiv: Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av köpprocessen, konsuPurpose: This study aims to examine what consumers value when purchasing online versus in physical stores. Methodology: The study method is based on a qualitative research strategy, where the empirical material consists of 15 semi-structured interviews. The approach is shaped by a combination of induction and abduction. Theoretical Perspective: The theoretical framework consists of the buying de

Integration of Alkaline electrolysers with District Heating Networks in Sweden

Abstract Hydrogen as an alternative energy carrier has been up for discussion over decades. Perhaps this time, however, the political momentum and global technical context could be advantageous enough for the hydrogen economy to finally materialize. Despite investments from the EU commission up to €470 billion in renewable hydrogen, there are economical challenges in the way of decarbonisation of

Environmental Leapfrogging in Kenya: The Role of Human Capital, Wealth and Institutions for the Adoption of Solar Energy

While developing countries are faced with pressing socio-economic challenges, they are also increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of environmental degradation. Starting from this double challenge, current research has been focusing on the synergies between economic development and environmental protection. Within the field, the concept of environmental leapfrogging has emerged, referring to the p

Multidimensional perfectionism and academic burnout in university students: the moderating role of autonomy support

The present study aims to explore the relationship between academic burnout, multidimensional perfectionism, and students’ perceived autonomy support from the teacher/instructor, while accounting for sleep. The final sample contained 147 university students with the mean age of 26 years. Three moderation regressions were carried out in the analysis. The results demonstrated that multidimensional p

The emergence of green hydrogen in Costa Rica A case study examining the impediments and opportunities to decarbonize the energy and transport sector

Tropicalizing a technology entail adapting it to a tropical climate. This paper analyzes how an innovative solution for decarbonization – the green hydrogen - is introduced to Costa Rica. This research examines a niche trying to enter a sector under construction, contributing to the growing literature about this emerging sector. This thesis deeply examines the green hydrogen niche, building an inn

Right fit Database Technology for Discounts

Detta examensarbete har utförts i syfte att jämföra hur fyra olika databashanterare (DBMS) presterar inom ett begränsat antal områden för att därigenom dra slutsatser kring vilken som fungerar bäst för att lagra data om rabatter på IKEA. De databashanterare som testas är MongoDB, MariaDB, Neo4j och PostgreSQL. För att åstadkomma en jämförelse utfördes en form av testning - en benchmark. BenchmarkeThis thesis has been conducted in order to compare how four different database management systems (DBMSs) perform in a limited number of areas, in order to draw conclusions about which one works best for storing discount data at IKEA. The DBMSs being evaluated are MongoDB, MariaDB, Neo4j and PostgreSQL. To enable a comparison, a form of testing was performed - a benchmark. The benchmarking consist

Fluid Surface Velocity Measurement Using Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensor

Contactless fluid surface velocity measurements with radar technology presents novel ways of determining fluid flow. The Acconeer A121 sensor is used, which is a pulsed coherent 60 GHz millimeter-wave radar, with high accuracy and low energy consumption. Fluid flow data is obtained from three different sites; in the Acconeer lab, a lab in the UK, and in three sewage pipes of VA SYD. Initially, dat

Examining the Evolution of Iran's Industrial Development under US-led Sanctions: A post-1979 perspective

The political and socioeconomic consequences of US-led sanctions on Iran have been extensively researched. Despite Iran's importance in natural resources such as oil, research on the domestic economic consequences of sanctions, particularly on Iranian industries, is largely disregarded. When the domestic perspective of the sanctioned country is factored out, socially recurring effects like sel

High-Tech is for Everyone: A Case Study of Commercialization to the Restaurant Industry

Commercialization has been recognized as one of the most difficult phases of the innovation process. Failure rates are high, even for products with the potential to address real needs and deliver real customer value. This master's thesis explores commercialization in an even more challenging business context than the typical case. First, the innovating company is an early startup with limited

Klassificering av kreditkortskunder

Mängden data som genereras av olika aktörer ökar ständig och det brukar sägas att många organisationer är rika på data men samtidigt informationsfattiga. Behovet av varierande analysverktyg för att skapa insikt och beslutsunderlag har aldrig varit större, men för varierande uppgifter och data passar olika metoder mer eller mindre bra. Uppsatsen undersöker, beskriver och förklarar ett perspektiv på

Open Access igår och idag : en rörelse i rörelse

In 2002 the Budapest Open Access Initiative was born, and shortly thereafter in 2003 the Bethesda Statement and the Berlin Declaration followed suit. These three initiatives are frequently viewed as the ground staples of the Open Access movement, and promoted free access to academic journals for everyone with an internet connection. These three initiatives has been studied in this essay, as well a

Grundvattenbildning i Alnarpsströmmen. Numerisk modellering av grundvattenbildning och akvifersförhållanden.

I Sverige är grundvatten är en av de huvudsakliga källorna för dricksvatten. Grundvattenmagasin kommer att påverkas av klimatförändringar genom förändrad effektiv nederbörd och således grundvattenbildning. Dessa vattenresurser ska finnas kvar för framtida generationer och det är därför av vikt att studera dem samt öka förståelsen kring dem. Sveriges miljömål kring grundvatten nämner ett behov av aIn Sweden groundwater is one of the primary sources for drinking water. Groundwater reservoirs will be affected by climate changes with changes in effective precipitation, which means changes in groundwater recharge. It is therefore of value to study and examine these water resources, so that they remain just that for the generations to come. Sweden’s environmental goals regarding groundwater sugg

The more the merrier? An exploratory study on housing satisfaction and perceived mental health in a Swedish student population

Mycket är känt gällande kopplingar mellan boendemiljöer och psykisk hälsa, men hur det ser ut i en svensk kontext är inte lika utforskat. Högskole- och universitetsstudenter har visat sig vara en sårbar grupp gällande psykisk hälsa, och COVID-19 pandemin har ytterligare belyst behovet av att utforska hur det relaterar till boendemiljöer då studenter spenderat mer tid än tidigare i sina hem. SåledeMuch is known regarding the connections between residential environments and mental health, but less so in a Swedish context. Students in higher education have been found to be a vulnerable group in terms of mental health problems, and the COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the need to explore how mental health relates to residential environments, as students have spent more time in their ho

Cost drivers in a warehouse line-haulage operation and how to affect them

In the early 21st century, deflationary trends applied pressure on margins in a range of different industries and subsequently cost reductions were required. Improving efficiency in the supply chain was identified as one of the key sources of potential cost savings. Subsequently, a trend towards slimmer supply chains with less stockkeeping emerged. However, due to the covid-19 pandemic supply chai

En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares reflektioner kring kommunal aktivering

The aim of this study was to investigate how social workers reflect on municipal activation for clients who receive financial assistance, and the boundaries the social workers set in regard to the Swedish Public Employment Service. The aim is also to analyze which activation measures are used in the municipality, why they are used and how the social workers use their discretion in decision-making.

”Allt löser sig inte bara genom ett piller” - Det psykosociala arbetet och perspektivets betydelse inom hälso- och sjukvårdens beroendevård

The aim of this study was to examine the significance of psychosocial work and perspective in addiction care within the Swedish healthcare system and what it is that enables or limits healthcare counselors’ psychosocial work in the medical context. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach using eight semi-structured interviews with healthcare counselors working with addiction care in the