

Din sökning på "*" gav 533679 sökträffar

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This thesis is a compilation of the academic reception to La Disparition of Georges Perec, a lipogram. By analysing a width of academic articles concerning La Disparition throughout fields and eras the aim is to describe tendencies in the analytical reception, in the linguistic as well as the literary field. The articles treat many themes, amongst some are the symbolisation of the missing letter E

Inte bara en droppe i havet? En tematisk analys av svenska och danska psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta inom missbruksvården

Denna kvalitativa studie syftade till att undersöka psykologers erfarenheter av att arbeta inom missbruksvården i Sverige och Danmark. Sex semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes med tre svenska och tre danska psykologer, och materialet från dessa intervjuer analyserades via en reflexiv tematisk analys. Tre huvudteman identifierades; Patienten, psykologen och samhället, vilket handlar om organisatioThe aim of this qualitative study was to investigate psychologists' experiences of working in addiction care in Sweden and Denmark. Six semi structured interviews were conducted with three Swedish and three Danish psychologists, and the material was analysed using a reflective thematic analysis. Three main themes were identified; “The patient, the psychologist and society” which describes how

Article 20 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights – A Weapon against EU Secondary Law Tax Legislation? – An Assessment in Light of the ECOFIN Pillar 2 Directive Proposal

This thesis investigates general equality concerns regarding the current ECOFIN Pillar 2 Directive proposal from 12th of March 2022. More precisely, the author will analysis, if the Directive proposal infringes Article 20 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights through (1) directly connecting a EUR 750 threshold to its scope of application and (2) excluding specific types of entities from its scope o

Värde, effektivitet och strategi - Hur kan en digital tvilling bidra till fastighetsföretagande?

Digitalisering är något som genomsyrar hela dagens samhälle. Fastighetsbranschen är trögrörlig när det kommer till digitalisering och investering i teknik. Bolag som AirBnB och WeWork har tagit sig in på olika fastighetsmarknader och skapat affärsmodeller som konkurrerar på kontors- och hotellmarknaden. Även om bolag i fastighetsbranschen uppfattar detta är det fortfarande en sektor med traditioneWords such as digitalization and PropTech are appearing in research and impacting organizations within the real estate industry and though out society. The real estate sector is known to be slow on investing and implementing technology. The Swedish real estate company Akademiska Hus AB that owns and operates, mainly campus related facilities, have started a project on creating digital twins of par

Användningen av rekommendationssystem (RS) vid produktrekommendationer: en kvalitativ studie om hur företag arbetar med algoritmer inom RS och deras kännedom kring den utmaning som diversity issue medför

I takt med att den globala e-handeln växer blir mängden produkter och information användaren kan ta del av online allt större och större. Därmed ökar behovet hos företag att kanalisera den information som e-handelshemsidor tillhandahåller. Rekommendationssystem (RS) är ett verktyg som kan användas för att bearbeta information och utforma produktrekommendationer baserat på användarens preferenser.

See one, do one, teach one: Learning within the Community of Internal Medicine Residents

Our work aims to gain a deeper understanding of how internal medicine residents learn in order to become competent specialists. This research comprises a qualitative case study and follows an abductive research approach. In addition, the study emanates from the interpretative tradition. Our empirical data were generated through 12 semi-structured interviews conducted with internal medicine residen

The Social Construction of Vulnerable Areas in Sweden: the institutional mechanisms that produce, reproduce and transform urban marginalization

The term “utsatta områden”, understood as socially vulnerable areas, is highly relevant within the Swedish criminal policy discourse where the Swedish Police Authority’s definition of vulnerable areas function as both foundation and support for a variety of political strategies concerning social interventions as well as penal policies. However, the criteria of vulnerable areas have come to be link

Den röda tråden - En studie av textbindningen i andraspråkselevers texter

Den här uppsatsen undersöker och problematiserar textbindningen hos andraspråkselevers texter på gymnasiet för att se vilken typ av textbindning som kan vara extra svår för dem att producera, samt extra viktig att undervisa om. Det görs mot bakgrund av Rydling och Svenssons (2004) undersökning som visar på andraspråkstalares generellt lägre skriftliga nivå. Analysmodellen som används bygger på ettThis paper investigates and problematizes the cohesion of second language students' texts in secondary school to see what kind of cohesion may be particularly difficult for them to produce, as well as particularly important to teach. The investigation is carried out in the light of Rydling and Svensson's (2004) study showing a generally lower level of writing by second language speakers in

Återkommunalisering - En motreaktion mot New Public Management?

This paper examines the remunicipalisation of elderly care in Lomma kommun in the context of previous remunicipalisation theory and with the background of New Public Management. In 2020 the municipality of Lomma kommun decided not to extend any contracts with external providers of elderly care, thus taking back all service in the hands of the municipality after the initial privatization in 2005. A

Farm T(hr)o(ugh) School - The Role of place-based education in Short Food Supply Chains

Present master thesis investigates the role of 4 chosen place-based educational initiatives in Austria which are actively engaged in local short food supply chains (SFSCs). Those supply chains are defined by close geographical and social relations between supply chain actors and a limited number of intermediaries. It aims to scrutinize to what extend such initiatives (can) foster consumer-producer

Coworking - konkurrent eller komplement

Under de senaste decennierna har samhället genomgått en snabb teknologisk utveckling som resulterat i nya arbetssätt. Det är nu lättare än någonsin att arbeta var, när och hur man vill. Att världen drabbades av en pandemi under inledningen av 2020 accelererade den teknologiska utvecklingen. Digitala arbetssätt blev därmed vardag för majoriteten av den kontorsarbetande befolkningen. När det bevisliIn recent decades, society has undergone rapid technological development, resulting in new ways of working. It is now easier than ever to work where, when and how you want. A global pandemic at the start of 2020 accelerated technological progress. Digital ways of working thus became commonplace for the majority of the office-working population. With the evidence that remote working is productive,

Perceived Sustainability of Startups: The Role of Relationship Equity and Chief Sustainability Officer

Strategic decisions on how a company should invest resources is naturally a crucial decision, but for startups this decision is even more important as each small decision will have major repercussions on the longevity of a startup. This study seeks to deepen the understanding of the perceived sustainability of a startup by a customer - since this is a growing customer decision criteria - and h

Falling between the chairs or too many chairs to fall on? A narrative policy analysis of outdoor recreation in Swedish policymaking

Friluftsliv, Swedish for outdoor recreation, is a relevant concept for sustainable development, yet as a political objective, friluftsliv is struggling to gain a foothold in Swedish public policymaking. To generate knowledge of how friluftsliv is used in policymaking, and to address the growing demand for friluftsliv by the public, I explore visions of friluftsliv as articulated in the Swedish Par

Corporate Tax Abuse on the Business and Human Rights Agenda

Skatteflykt, skatteundandragande och aggressiv skatteplanering av företag underminerar staters förmåga att respektera, skydda och uppfylla mänskliga rättigheter eftersom stater berövas nödvändiga resurser för att förverkliga ekonomiska, sociala och kulturella såväl som medborgerliga och politiska rättigheter. Företags skattebeteenden har tidigare betraktats som en elefant i rummet inom Förenta natCorporate tax evasion, tax avoidance, and aggressive tax planning undermine states’ ability to protect, respect and fulfill human rights since states are deprived of necessary resources to realize economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights. Corporate tax has previously been called the elephant in the room within the United Nations’ (‘UN’) framework of Business and H

The DAC and primary law: effectiveness of taxpayer’s rights to privacy and personal data protection

In a time where it is believed that the administrative cooperation between the Members States, in the form of exchange of information and, in particular, thought the mandatory automatic exchange of information without preconditions, is the most effective means of enhancing the correct assessment of taxes in cross-border situations, the bulk of information exchanged increased enormously. As the Eur

Do CSR pillars have an effect on credit risk? An empirical comparison between Canadian and Mexican firms

This paper aims to empirically examine the effect, if any, of each Corporate Social Responsibility dimension (i.e., Environmental, Social, and Governance activities) on firms’ credit risk for two countries with a different CSR culture, Canada and Mexico. We used Probability of Default and Credit Default Swaps spread, with 1-year and 5-years maturities, as credit risk proxies for a sample of 287 fi

The Determinants of CDS Spreads During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This paper investigates the determinants of CDS spreads in the US, following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. The pandemic led to an increased volatility and credit risk, as supply and demand suffered. By introducing measures related to COVID-19 we try to explain changes in CDS spreads in the US during the pandemic. The results show that the magnitude of the pandemic, measured by