

Din sökning på "Johan Bergström" gav 449 sökträffar

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1 Litteratur och kunskap 2024: DELTAGARE Louise Almqvist, Umeå universitet Matilda Amundsen Bergström, Göteborgs universitet Maja Andreasson, Uppsala universitet Vicky Angelaki, Mittuniversitetet Anna Backman, Göteborgs universitet Christian Benne, Köpenhamns universitet Katarina Bernhardsson, Lunds universitet Anna Biström, Helsingfors universitet Saga Bokne, Karlstads universitet Gustav Borsgård

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/aemnen/sektion2/amneskonferens/Deltagare_-_rev._1_okt.pdf - 2025-01-19

Erik Swietlicki

Professor Contact details Email: erik [dot] swietlicki [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 96 80 Mobile: +46 70 992 45 12Organisation Combustion Physics Service point: 14 WebpageErik Swietlickis profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system Professor Nuclear physics Principal investigator NanoLund: Centre fo

https://www.cec.lu.se/erik-swietlicki - 2025-01-19

High-quality annotations for deep learning enabled plaque analysis in SCAPIS cardiac computed tomography angiography

Background: Plaque analysis with coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) is a promising tool to identify high risk of future coronary events. The analysis process is time-consuming, and requires highly trained readers. Deep learning models have proved to excel at similar tasks, however, training these models requires large sets of expert-annotated training data. The aims of this study were

Kris i naturen – vår existens har blivit sårbar

Fler arter än någonsin i mänsklighetens historia hotas av utrotning och den biologiska mångfalden lokalt har förändrats kraftigt i en stor del av världens ekosystem. Grundläggande förändringar behövs både i samhället och för individer, för att bromsa den negativa trenden, skriver en rad debattörer.

The association of body mass index, weight gain and central obesity with activity-related breathlessness : The Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study

Introduction: Breathlessness is common in the population, especially in women and associated with adverse health outcomes. Obesity (body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2) is rapidly increasing globally and its impact on breathlessness is unclear. Methods: This population-based study aimed primarily to evaluate the association of current BMI and self-reported change in BMI since age 20 with breathlessnes

Obesity is associated with coronary artery stenosis independently of metabolic risk factors : The population-based SCAPIS study

Background and aims: Previous studies reported divergent results on whether metabolically healthy obesity is associated with increased coronary artery calcium and carotid plaques. We investigated this in a cross-sectional fashion in a large, well-defined, middle-aged population using coronary CT angiography (CCTA) and carotid ultrasound. Methods: In the SCAPIS study (50–65 years, 51% female), CCTA

Self-Report Tool for Identification of Individuals With Coronary Atherosclerosis : The Swedish CardioPulmonary BioImage Study

BACKGROUND: Coronary atherosclerosis detected by imaging is a marker of elevated cardiovascular risk. However, imaging involves large resources and exposure to radiation. The aim was, therefore, to test whether nonimaging data, specifically data that can be self-reported, could be used to identify individuals with moderate to severe coronary atherosclerosis.METHODS AND RESULTS: We used data from t

Botaniska samlingar

Herbariekod: LD Våra samlingar sträcker sig tillbaka ända till slutet av 1500-talet, men merparten är insamlat de senaste 200 åren. De största samlingarna utgörs av kärlväxter, men omfattande samlingar finns också av alger, lavar, mossor och svampar. Det totala antalet exemplar har beräknats till ca. 2,5 miljoner exemplar. Svampen Hypocreopsis rhododendri. Herbariet rymmer växter från hela världen

https://www.biologi.lu.se/biologiska-museet/botaniska-samlingar - 2025-01-17

Long-term ambient air pollution and coronary atherosclerosis : Results from the Swedish SCAPIS study

Background and aims: Despite firm evidence for an association between long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, results from epidemiological studies on the association between air pollution exposure and atherosclerosis have not been consistent. We investigated associations between long-term low-level air pollution exposure and coronary atherosclerosis. Me

Body weight at age 20 and in midlife is more important than weight gain for coronary atherosclerosis : results from SCAPIS

Background and aimsElevated body weight in adolescence is associated with early cardiovascular disease, but whether this association is traceable to weight in early adulthood, weight in midlife or to weight gain is not known. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of midlife coronary atherosclerosis being associated with body weight at age 20, body weight in midlife and body weight change.Met

OSA Is Associated With the Human Gut Microbiota Composition and Functional Potential in the Population-Based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study

Background: OSA is a common sleep-breathing disorder linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Intermittent upper airway obstruction and hypoxia, hallmarks of OSA, have been shown in animal models to induce substantial changes to the gut microbiota composition, and subsequent transplantation of fecal matter to other animals induced changes in BP and glucose metabolism. Research Question:

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Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för ABM och Digitala Kulturer Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress  LUX, hus C, Helgonagatan 3, Lund Webbadress www.kultur.lu.se LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 2 2 Sida 3 av 2 Kurslitteratur för (ABMM50) Bibliotek som institution, funktion och fenomen, 7,5 hp, HT 2024 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen eller motsvarande, 2020-06-04. Revider

https://www.kultur.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ABMM50/20242/Litteraturlista_abmm50_ht_24.docx - 2025-01-17

Kontaktuppgifter mfs 2014

Kontaktuppgifter MFS-handläggare 2014 Piotr UrbanskiKontaktperson nr 1: 0455-385096 E-post: piotr.urbanski@bth.seTelefonnr: Kontaktperson nr 2: Telefonnr: E-post: Blekinge tekniska högskola Studerandeavd. Förvaltningen Calle EkdahlKontaktperson nr 1: 031-772 25 81 E-post: calle.ekdahl@chalmers.seTelefonnr: Kontaktperson nr 2: Telefonnr: Sverker Alänge 031-772 12 34 E-post: sverker.alange@chalmers.

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/kontaktuppgifter_mfs_2014.pdf - 2025-01-18

Anna Maria Jönsson

Professor Kontaktinformation E-post: anna_maria [dot] jonsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 94 10Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Rumsnummer: 458 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsAnna Maria Jönssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Universitetslektor Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Lärare Institutionen för

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/anna-maria-jonsson - 2025-01-19

Verksamhetsbokslut 2022-final

1QUOUSQUE TANDEM ABUTERE Bokslut Socialhögskolan NYCKELTAL FÖR VERKSAMHETSÅREN 2021–2022 Verksamhetsbokslut, Socialhögskolan NYCKELTAL FÖR VERKSAMHETSÅREN 2021 – 2022 Som komplement till det ekonomiska bokslutet vill vi varje år i februari presentera några nyckeltal som fångar upp olika delar av vår verksamhet. Från och med 2021 kompletterar vi med det nya årets siffror och uppgifter, upp till de

https://www.soch.lu.se/internt/sites/soch.lu.se.internt/files/2023-02/Verksamhetsbokslut%202022-final.pdf - 2025-01-18

128074 programa5 webben

lunds universitet 350 år | science week | vetenskapsvecka 6 Mars – 13 Mars 2017 350 år Lunds univers itet | jub iLeuMsPrograM Blir världen bättre? / Is the World Becoming a Better Place? vetenskaPsvecka | 6–12 Mars 2017 | Lunds universitet 350 år vetenskapsvecka | science week | lunds universitet 350 år lunds universitet 350 år | science week | vetenskapsvecka Blir världen bättre? Det verkar nästa

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/128074_programa5_webben.pdf - 2025-01-18

Long-Term Effects of Oxygen Therapy on Death or Hospitalization for Heart Failure in Patients With Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction

Background: In the DETO2X-AMI trial (Determination of the Role of Oxygen in Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction), we compared supplemental oxygen with ambient air in normoxemic patients presenting with suspected myocardial infarction and found no significant survival benefit at 1 year. However, important secondary end points were not yet available. We now report the prespecified secondary end po

Association between high versus low cardiovascular risk in individuals with corresponding unexpected absent versus severe subclinical coronary atherosclerosis, a nationwide, multicenter study

BackgroundIt remains unclear as to why some individuals at low risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) develop severe coronary atherosclerosis, while those at high CVD risk may remain free from coronary atherosclerosis.PurposeUsing Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA), we aimed to identify factors associated with absence and severe coronary atherosclerosis in subjects from the general popu


Working and Organizing in the Digital Age Stephan Schaefer, Magnus Andersson, Elizabeth Bjarnason & Kristofer Hansson Edited by PUFENDORF INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES W orking and O rganizing in the D igital A ge Stephan Schaefer, M agnus A ndersson, Elizabeth Bjarnason and K ristofer H ansson (eds.) Digital technologies have changed and will continue to change the way we think, live and work. W

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/workingandorganizinginthedgitalage.pdf - 2025-01-18

Mikael Calner

Professor I am a geologist (instagram: thatscandinaviangeologist) with great love for Earth surface processes, depositional systems and the sedimentary rock record. I teach in areas ranging from the microscopical world of rocks and fossils to the evolution of entire sedimentary basins. Besides research and teaching I have a great interest in academic leadership and has acted as director of the res

https://www.geology.lu.se/mikael-calner - 2025-01-19