

Din sökning på "Johan Bergström" gav 445 sökträffar

Light-absorbing carbon in Europe - measurement and modelling, with a focus on residential wood combustion emissions

The atmospheric concentration of elemental carbon (EC) in Europe during the six-year period 2005-2010 has been simulated with the EMEP MSC-W model. The model bias compared to EC measurements was less than 20% for most of the examined sites. The model results suggest that fossil fuel combustion is the dominant source of EC in most of Europe but that there are important contributions also from resid

Arkivregister allt juni 2015

Register över enskilda arkiv vid Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet Juni 2015 Grått fält = restriktioner för arkivets tillgänglighet Omfattning anges i hyllmeter. Placering anges enligt intern kod. Bokstaven ”E” (i högerspalten) innebär att förteckning över arkivet finns i databasen EDIFFAH. 1 Universitetsbiblioteket, Lunds universitet Handskrifter och specialsamlingar ARKIVREGISTER A Namn

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/arkivregister_allt_juni_2015.pdf - 2025-03-10

Nya satsningar och projekt får strategiska medel

Nya satsningar och projekt får strategiska medel Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Den här webbplatsen använder cookies för att förbättra användarupplevelsen. Genom att fortsätta använda webbplatsen samtycker du till att cookies används enligt vår cookie-policy (på LTH:s webbplats) . Absolut nödvändiga cookies Dessa cookies är nödvändiga för att webbplatsen ska fungera och kan inte stängas av i våra system

https://www.design.lth.se/article/nya-satsningar-och-projekt-faar-strategiska-medel/ - 2025-03-10

Weight gain and blood pressure

OBJECTIVE: Although the causality of the obesity--hypertension association is established, the potential for prevention is not. We hypothesized that weight gain between early adulthood and mid-life is associated with higher mid-life blood pressure.METHODS: We investigated the hypothesis using a large contemporaneous population-based mid-life cohort of men and women aged 50-64 years. Recalled body

Cardiac arrest in COVID-19 : characteristics and outcomes of in- and out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. A report from the Swedish Registry for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

AIM: To study the characteristics and outcome among cardiac arrest cases with COVID-19 and differences between the pre-pandemic and the pandemic period in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) and in-hospital cardiac arrest (IHCA). METHOD AND RESULTS: We included all patients reported to the Swedish Registry for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation from 1 January to 20 July 2020. We defined 16 March 2020

The Irradiated brain microenvironment supports glioma stemness and survival via astrocyte-derived transglutaminase 2

The tumor microenvironment plays an essential role in supporting glioma stemness and radioresistance. Following radiotherapy, recurrent gliomas form in an irradiated microenvironment. Here we report that astrocytes, when pre-irradiated, increase stemness and survival of cocultured glioma cells. Tumor-naïve brains increased reactive astrocytes in response to radiation, and mice subjected to radiati

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions | Human Factors & System Safety Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any

https://www.humanfactors.lth.se/master-program/frequently-asked-questions/ - 2025-03-10

Erik Swietlicki

Professor Contact details Email: erik [dot] swietlicki [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 96 80 Mobile: +46 70 992 45 12Organisation Combustion Physics Service point: 14 WebpageErik Swietlickis profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system Professor Nuclear physics Principal investigator NanoLund: Centre fo

https://www.cec.lu.se/erik-swietlicki - 2025-03-10

Botaniska samlingar

Herbariekod: LD Våra samlingar sträcker sig tillbaka ända till slutet av 1500-talet, men merparten är insamlat de senaste 200 åren. De största samlingarna utgörs av kärlväxter, men omfattande samlingar finns också av alger, lavar, mossor och svampar. Det totala antalet exemplar har beräknats till ca. 2,5 miljoner exemplar. Svampen Hypocreopsis rhododendri. Herbariet rymmer växter från hela världen

https://www.biologi.lu.se/biologiska-museet/botaniska-samlingar - 2025-03-09

Kontaktuppgifter mfs 2014

Kontaktuppgifter MFS-handläggare 2014 Piotr UrbanskiKontaktperson nr 1: 0455-385096 E-post: piotr.urbanski@bth.seTelefonnr: Kontaktperson nr 2: Telefonnr: E-post: Blekinge tekniska högskola Studerandeavd. Förvaltningen Calle EkdahlKontaktperson nr 1: 031-772 25 81 E-post: calle.ekdahl@chalmers.seTelefonnr: Kontaktperson nr 2: Telefonnr: Sverker Alänge 031-772 12 34 E-post: sverker.alange@chalmers.

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/kontaktuppgifter_mfs_2014.pdf - 2025-03-10

High-quality annotations for deep learning enabled plaque analysis in SCAPIS cardiac computed tomography angiography

Background: Plaque analysis with coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) is a promising tool to identify high risk of future coronary events. The analysis process is time-consuming, and requires highly trained readers. Deep learning models have proved to excel at similar tasks, however, training these models requires large sets of expert-annotated training data. The aims of this study were


Curriculum | Human Factors & System Safety Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally ident

https://www.humanfactors.lth.se/msc-programme/programme-curriculum/ - 2025-03-10

Verksamhetsbokslut 2022-final

1QUOUSQUE TANDEM ABUTERE Bokslut Socialhögskolan NYCKELTAL FÖR VERKSAMHETSÅREN 2021–2022 Verksamhetsbokslut, Socialhögskolan NYCKELTAL FÖR VERKSAMHETSÅREN 2021 – 2022 Som komplement till det ekonomiska bokslutet vill vi varje år i februari presentera några nyckeltal som fångar upp olika delar av vår verksamhet. Från och med 2021 kompletterar vi med det nya årets siffror och uppgifter, upp till de

https://www.soch.lu.se/internt/sites/soch.lu.se.internt/files/2023-02/Verksamhetsbokslut%202022-final.pdf - 2025-03-10

Anna Maria Jönsson

Professor Kontaktinformation E-post: anna_maria [dot] jonsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 94 10Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Rumsnummer: 458 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsAnna Maria Jönssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Universitetslektor Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Lärare Institutionen för

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/anna-maria-jonsson - 2025-03-10

Self-Report Tool for Identification of Individuals With Coronary Atherosclerosis : The Swedish CardioPulmonary BioImage Study

BACKGROUND: Coronary atherosclerosis detected by imaging is a marker of elevated cardiovascular risk. However, imaging involves large resources and exposure to radiation. The aim was, therefore, to test whether nonimaging data, specifically data that can be self-reported, could be used to identify individuals with moderate to severe coronary atherosclerosis.METHODS AND RESULTS: We used data from t

Obesity is associated with coronary artery stenosis independently of metabolic risk factors : The population-based SCAPIS study

Background and aims: Previous studies reported divergent results on whether metabolically healthy obesity is associated with increased coronary artery calcium and carotid plaques. We investigated this in a cross-sectional fashion in a large, well-defined, middle-aged population using coronary CT angiography (CCTA) and carotid ultrasound. Methods: In the SCAPIS study (50–65 years, 51% female), CCTA

Kris i naturen – vår existens har blivit sårbar

Fler arter än någonsin i mänsklighetens historia hotas av utrotning och den biologiska mångfalden lokalt har förändrats kraftigt i en stor del av världens ekosystem. Grundläggande förändringar behövs både i samhället och för individer, för att bromsa den negativa trenden, skriver en rad debattörer.

The association of body mass index, weight gain and central obesity with activity-related breathlessness : The Swedish Cardiopulmonary Bioimage Study

Introduction: Breathlessness is common in the population, especially in women and associated with adverse health outcomes. Obesity (body mass index (BMI) >30 kg/m2) is rapidly increasing globally and its impact on breathlessness is unclear. Methods: This population-based study aimed primarily to evaluate the association of current BMI and self-reported change in BMI since age 20 with breathlessnes

Master's theses

Master's theses | Solid Mechanics Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable i

https://www.solid.lth.se/publications/master-theses/ - 2025-03-10

No title

Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för ABM Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress  LUX, hus C, Helgonavägen 3, Lund Webbadress www.kultur.lu.se LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 4 2 Sida 4 av 4 Kurslitteratur för ABMM70 Museologi: Museet som institution, funktion och fenomen 7,5 hp HT 2024 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen, Reviderad av kursplanegruppen, 2024-06-05 Litteraturen

https://www.kultur.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ABMM70/20242/ABMM70_Litteraturlista_HT2024.docx - 2025-03-07