

Din sökning på "Johan Bergström" gav 451 sökträffar


Curriculum | Human Factors & System Safety Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally ident

https://www.humanfactors.lth.se/msc-programme/programme-curriculum/ - 2025-01-18

Anna Maria Jönsson

Professor Kontaktinformation E-post: anna_maria [dot] jonsson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 94 10Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Rumsnummer: 458 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsAnna Maria Jönssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Universitetslektor Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Lärare Institutionen för

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/anna-maria-jonsson - 2025-01-19

Master's theses

Master's theses | Solid Mechanics Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally identifiable i

https://www.solid.lth.se/publications/master-theses/ - 2025-01-19

No title

Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, avdelningen för ABM Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Besöksadress  LUX, hus C, Helgonavägen 3, Lund Webbadress www.kultur.lu.se LITTERATURLISTA Sida 1 av 4 2 Sida 4 av 4 Kurslitteratur för ABMM70 Museologi: Museet som institution, funktion och fenomen 7,5 hp HT 2024 Fastställd av institutionsstyrelsen, Reviderad av kursplanegruppen, 2024-06-05 Litteraturen

https://www.kultur.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/ABMM70/20242/ABMM70_Litteraturlista_HT2024.docx - 2025-01-17

Long-term ambient air pollution and coronary atherosclerosis : Results from the Swedish SCAPIS study

Background and aims: Despite firm evidence for an association between long-term ambient air pollution exposure and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, results from epidemiological studies on the association between air pollution exposure and atherosclerosis have not been consistent. We investigated associations between long-term low-level air pollution exposure and coronary atherosclerosis. Me

Body weight at age 20 and in midlife is more important than weight gain for coronary atherosclerosis : results from SCAPIS

Background and aimsElevated body weight in adolescence is associated with early cardiovascular disease, but whether this association is traceable to weight in early adulthood, weight in midlife or to weight gain is not known. The aim of this study is to assess the risk of midlife coronary atherosclerosis being associated with body weight at age 20, body weight in midlife and body weight change.Met

OSA Is Associated With the Human Gut Microbiota Composition and Functional Potential in the Population-Based Swedish CardioPulmonary bioImage Study

Background: OSA is a common sleep-breathing disorder linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Intermittent upper airway obstruction and hypoxia, hallmarks of OSA, have been shown in animal models to induce substantial changes to the gut microbiota composition, and subsequent transplantation of fecal matter to other animals induced changes in BP and glucose metabolism. Research Question:

128074 programa5 webben

lunds universitet 350 år | science week | vetenskapsvecka 6 Mars – 13 Mars 2017 350 år Lunds univers itet | jub iLeuMsPrograM Blir världen bättre? / Is the World Becoming a Better Place? vetenskaPsvecka | 6–12 Mars 2017 | Lunds universitet 350 år vetenskapsvecka | science week | lunds universitet 350 år lunds universitet 350 år | science week | vetenskapsvecka Blir världen bättre? Det verkar nästa

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/128074_programa5_webben.pdf - 2025-01-18

Johanna Alkan Olsson

Universitetslektor Kontaktinformation E-post: johanna [dot] alkan_olsson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 17 93 Mobil: +46 72 741 79 90Organisation Centrum för miljö- och klimatvetenskap (CEC) Besöksadress: Ekologihuset, Sölvegatan 37, Lund Rumsnummer: E237 Hämtställe: 50 WebbplatsJohanna Alkan Olssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Biträdande föreståndare C

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/johanna-alkan-olsson - 2025-01-18


Working and Organizing in the Digital Age Stephan Schaefer, Magnus Andersson, Elizabeth Bjarnason & Kristofer Hansson Edited by PUFENDORF INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDIES W orking and O rganizing in the D igital A ge Stephan Schaefer, M agnus A ndersson, Elizabeth Bjarnason and K ristofer H ansson (eds.) Digital technologies have changed and will continue to change the way we think, live and work. W

https://www.pi.lu.se/en/sites/pi.lu.se.en/files/workingandorganizinginthedgitalage.pdf - 2025-01-18

Strategic Plan 2017–2026

Strategic Plan 2017–2026 Strategic Plan LTH / FACULTY OF ENGINEERING / LUND UNIVERSITY 2017–2026 CONTENT: LTH – home of unique opportunities ............... 5 The tool that guides us forward........................ 7 Objective 2026: .................................................. 9 By 2026, LTH will be: ....................................... 11 Education .......................................

https://www.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/omlth/strategisk_plan/Strategic_plan_17-26.pdf - 2025-01-19

Mikael Calner

Professor I am a geologist (instagram: thatscandinaviangeologist) with great love for Earth surface processes, depositional systems and the sedimentary rock record. I teach in areas ranging from the microscopical world of rocks and fossils to the evolution of entire sedimentary basins. Besides research and teaching I have a great interest in academic leadership and has acted as director of the res

https://www.geology.lu.se/mikael-calner - 2025-01-19


Utländska läkare intensivutbildas Forskning blev seriefigurer Nya tag mot forskningsfusk Satsa på surr! LUNDS UNIVERSITETS MAGASIN | NR 2 | 2018 FORSKARE SKAPAR HÅLLBAR TRÄDGÅRD 2 LUM NR 2 | 2018 LUM NR 2 | 2018 3 För några år sedan vilade riv- ningshotet över Biologiska institutionens växthus vid gamla Geneticum längs Tornavägen. Sedan dess har växthusen rustats upp och bortglömd forskningsut- ru

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/lunds-universitets-magasin-2-2018.pdf - 2025-01-18

Tidigare arbeten

Här kan du se vad tidigare studenter har skrivit om. Education-Talks 2022/2023 Har du gjort gehörsläxan? En kvalitativ studie om ningsmetodik kopplat till ämnet gehör. Erik Meyer, André Lindblad & Andreas Bokros  Från tanke till handling En intervjustudie om mental träning för musiker. Elsa Westberg & Marcus Sjögren  “Varenda ton vi tar är ju personlig” En intervjustudie om personligt uttryck i så

https://www.mhm.lu.se/internt/tidigare-arbeten - 2025-01-17

Association between high versus low cardiovascular risk in individuals with corresponding unexpected absent versus severe subclinical coronary atherosclerosis, a nationwide, multicenter study

BackgroundIt remains unclear as to why some individuals at low risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) develop severe coronary atherosclerosis, while those at high CVD risk may remain free from coronary atherosclerosis.PurposeUsing Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (CCTA), we aimed to identify factors associated with absence and severe coronary atherosclerosis in subjects from the general popu

Long-Term Effects of Oxygen Therapy on Death or Hospitalization for Heart Failure in Patients With Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction

Background: In the DETO2X-AMI trial (Determination of the Role of Oxygen in Suspected Acute Myocardial Infarction), we compared supplemental oxygen with ambient air in normoxemic patients presenting with suspected myocardial infarction and found no significant survival benefit at 1 year. However, important secondary end points were not yet available. We now report the prespecified secondary end po

Accelerometer-based physical activity is associated with the gut microbiota in 8416 individuals in SCAPIS

Background: Previous population-based studies investigating the relationship between physical activity and the gut microbiota have relied on self-reported activity, prone to reporting bias. Here, we investigated the associations of accelerometer-based sedentary (SED), moderate-intensity (MPA), and vigorous-intensity (VPA) physical activity with the gut microbiota using cross-sectional data from th

Forteckning over codices

Förteckning över De la Gardieska arkivet: Paleotyper, Cod. coll. och Cod. Per Stobaeus 2010 UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEKET, LUNDS UNIVERSITET 1 Inledning I De la Gardieska arkivet (även kallat De la Gardieska samlingen) i Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund finns tre serier med bundna volymer. Volymerna har skiftande proveniens men alla har ingått i Jacob De la Gardies (1768–1842) samling på Löberöd innan de

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/forteckning_over_codices.pdf - 2025-01-18

Forteckning over codices 0

Förteckning över De la Gardieska arkivet: Paleotyper, Cod. coll. och Cod. Per Stobaeus 2010 UNIVERSITETSBIBLIOTEKET, LUNDS UNIVERSITET 1 Inledning I De la Gardieska arkivet (även kallat De la Gardieska samlingen) i Universitetsbiblioteket i Lund finns tre serier med bundna volymer med beteckningarna Paleot., Cod. coll. och Cod. Volymerna har skiftande proveniens men alla har ingått i Jacob De la G

https://www.ub.lu.se/en/sites/ub.lu.se.en/files/forteckning_over_codices_0.pdf - 2025-01-18

Kjell Å Modéer

Professor emeritus Contact details Email: kjell_a [dot] modeer [at] jur [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 10 94Organisation Department of Law Room number: 320 Service point: 56 WebpageKjell Å Modéers profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Researcher Legal history Publications Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title. Filter by type AllBookBook chapterConferenc

https://www.law.lu.se/kjell-modeer - 2025-01-19