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Your search for "zoom" yielded 3668 hits

Adaptation to climate change - zooming in on rainwater harvesting in the Thar Desert, India

Global warming is one of the major threats to humans and ecosystems, especially in already fragile areas like that of the Thar Desert in Rajasthan, India. People living there depend on rainwater for the every day life. This study aimed at investigating whether the there will be any influence on the existing rainwater harvesting structures in the future due to climate change and examining the adapt

Zooming in on the small: The plasticity of striatal dendritic spines in l-DOPA-Induced dyskinesia.

The spiny dendrites of striatal projection neurons integrate synaptic inputs of different origins to regulate movement. It has long been known that these dendrites lose spines and display atrophic features in Parkinson's disease (PD), but the significance of these morphological changes has remained unknown. Some recent studies reveal a remarkable structural plasticity of striatal spines in parkins